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西安26人三亚旅游食物中毒 游客上吐下泻瘦10斤--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  到三亚看海是7岁的西安男孩悦悦这个暑期最大的期望,但让他没想到的是吃了酒店的蛋炒饭后,不仅海没看成,还因为拉肚子住进医院,而西安组团同行的十多个家庭中26人都因食物中毒而进了医院To sanya, the sea is 7 years old boy xian yue yue this summer's largest expectations,But let he didn't expect is to eat the eggs Fried after dinner,Not only the sea not as,But also because have loose bowels in the hospitals,And xian group colleague's more than ten families 26 people because of food poisoning and into the hospital。


早餐惹祸 Breakfast to


一小会儿已呕吐20次 拉了10多次 A short time already vomiting 20 times pulled 10 times


“The child was not fat,This have loose bowels thin into the skin and bones。”At 6 PM yesterday,See from xian to sanya reporter,Just from sanya 425 hospital after a little xian liu citizens,Looking at a face gaunt husband and listless son very love dearly。


Liu said,On August 11, afternoon,In class's and grade's son more than ten families 26 people,Through the sanya a travel agency xian customer relations unit group to sanya tourism。On August 12, morning in Howard Johnson resort sanya bay after breakfast,The first scenic spot is sanya jeju,Unexpectedly in the noon,A tourist group vomiting、Diarrhea symptoms,At that time everyone thought it was a heatstroke。Not long after,Her husband also began fever vomiting,Just a little while,Already vomiting 20 times,Pulled 10 times,People have collapse,Be hurry to a nearby hospital,There is a car because of people waiting to go back to the hotel,The doctor will drop to hang in the car to return to the hotel,That day night,Husband haven't good agile,Only seven years old half son jinfenshijia will also begin to have a fever、vomiting、Have loose bowels finally asphyxia,Children were taken to nearby emergency of the Chinese people's liberation army 425 hospital,She found the hotel's many passengers in the hospital。


Liu said,Crowded hospital,She held bottles stood in the aisle to give children a drop。In the morning on August 13,,Team 26 passengers all symptoms,Have to coming to the hospital for treatment。“According to the arrangement of the original travel agency,Yesterday should be on the plane returning to xi 'an,But now not only didn't as the sea,Family is still in hospital。”The same group of xian tourists fung said,A few days their lost more than 10 jins。


地接导游 Guide to meet


西安共有26人入住涉事酒店 Xian, there are 26 people in things in the hotel


Last night at about 7,425 hospital a doctor is introduced,The night,In the hospital were more than a stomach upset,Appears fever、Abdominal pain、Vomiting symptoms of the patients,From Howard Johnson resort sanya bay brought。


At 8:30 last night,,The xian group to sanya trip DeJieShe sanya folk travel agency co., LTD., a tour guide said,He led the team from xian,Adult 18、Eight children,That night in Howard Johnson resort sanya bay。A tour guide said,The second day of the guest check in,Began vomiting、Abdominal pain、diarrhea。At present,Travel and hotel is consultation、Handle relevant matters properly。


酒店回应 Hotel response


积极配合治疗 将向客人赔偿 Actively cooperate with treatment to the guest will compensate


“As sanya a few five-star hotel,The problems we are in active treatment。”Yesterday afternoon at 6:30,Howard Johnson resort sanya bay market media manager wang li explained。


Wang li said,The hotel on August 12, 9 told this information,Hotel food safety emergency team to arrange the employee will appear not guest to nearby 425 hospitals and people's hospital treatment。The morning breakfast more than 900 guests,Finally the symptoms of 141 people。


Wang li introduced,By 5 yesterday afternoon,Statistics have 28 people for symptoms mild,That day after treatment leave the hospital。Other hospitalisation affecting 88 people of the hospital,At present in the hospital and 25 people。The hotel will according to the results of the survey to the guests of the onset of symptoms for compensation。


Wang li said,Sanya health department of the hotel happen fever、Diarrhea patients to carry out epidemiological survey、Sampling and laboratory test,And the hotel food processing process of hygiene investigation、Sampling and laboratory test,At present department of health survey report issued by a judge,This is the food poisoning caused by salmonella Dublin bacterial food poisoning。According to patients with August 12 breakfast common edible food inference,Suspicious food for eggs Fried rice。


最新动态 The latest dynamic


酒店涉事餐厅已停止营业 Hotel restaurant in things has stopped business


Reporters learned that last night,Department of health to wade things hotel field sampling and testing work has been launched。At present,Wade things Howard Johnson resort sanya bay the four seasons restaurant has stopped business,Under investigation。


Howard Johnson resort sanya bay related researchers say,Poisoning guest produced by the medical expenses and accommodation for all by the hotel。At the same time,On August 12, the day has left the hotel guests,If there is a toxic reaction,Hotel will actively contact compensation。

  本报特派海南三亚记者 陈思存

Our special hainan sanya reporter Chen save


相关数据 Related data


共有141人出现呕吐、腹泻症状 A total of 141 people vomiting、Diarrhea symptoms


It is understood,On August 12, 7 to 10,Howard Johnson hotel sanya bay hotel guests dining in the western restaurant,Eating food for the hotel to provide the buffet breakfast,The egg Fried rice、bread、snacks、Cold dish、Hot food、fruit、Beverages nearly 200 kinds of food。


The earliest first-episode patients incidence of time is 12 12 20 points,Then appear in succession fever、vomiting、Abdominal pain、Diarrhea patients。Most of the time in 12 patients with 21 PM,Accumulated treated the patient 141 people,The hospital patients 131 people。


The treatment,By the end of August 15, at 6 PM,More than 61 people well enough to come home from hospital,The rest of the patients have no obvious abdominal pain、Diarrhea gastrointestinal symptoms,Condition improved obviously。
