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中国游客租哈雷摩托游美国 驾车失控丧命--亲稳网络舆情监测室


According to the American《qiaobao》21 days to report,A 42-year-old Chinese tourists in Utah in the United States because of driving Harley motorcycle died out of control。

  报道称,美国犹他州高速公路巡警(Utah Highway Patrol)官员称,事发时间是当地时间19日午后,当时这位名为顾斌(Bin Gu,音译)的中国游客与其他三名驾车者一起,在洲际公路上驾驶哈雷摩托车,随后撞上公路隔离带。当摩托车撞上电缆栅栏后,顾斌被抛出摩托车,随后被送往医院接受治疗,尽管事发时顾斌戴有头盔,但其面部和头部仍受到重创,4小时后经抢救无效死亡。

Reports say,Utah highway patrol(Utah Highway Patrol)Officials say,The time is the local time 19 afternoon,At that time the GuBin called(Bin Gu,transliteration)Chinese tourists and three other drivers together,In the intercontinental highway driving Harley motorcycle,Then hit highway isolation belt。When the motorcycle crashed into the fence cable,GuBin was thrown motorcycle,Then were taken to a hospital for treatment,Although the GuBin wear a helmet,But the face and head still seriously injured,After four hours after the rescue invalid death。

  报道指出,顾斌是跟随一个中国旅游团来美国旅游的。该旅行团在美国怀俄明州租下哈雷摩托车,下一站将前往盐湖城(Salt Lake City)观光旅游。这起交通事故仍在调查之中,不过美国犹他州高速公路巡警称,车速似乎并非这起事故的致命原因。

Reports say,GuBin is followed by a Chinese tour group of travel to the United States。The tour in Wyoming rented Harley motorcycle,The next station will travel to Salt Lake City(Salt Lake City)tourism。The traffic accident is still under investigation,But Utah highway patrol said,Speed does not seem to the accident cause fatal。

  据悉,长久以来,哈雷摩托一直是美国文化和精神的象征之一。其自由、激情、狂热的特点,更成为爱好个性人士的代名词。【记者 张晓芳】

It is reported,For a long time,Harley-davidson motorcycle has been the symbol of American culture and spirit one。The free、passion、Fanatical characteristics,More people become the pronoun of hobby personality。【Reporter ZhangXiaoFang】
