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随着中国经济的稳健增长,以及中国和欧洲之间商旅往来的日益密切,中国国民赴丹麦旅游人数日趋增长。今年6月,胡锦涛主席于中丹建交62年来,作为中国国家主席首次对丹麦进行了国事访问。值此之际,丹麦商务发展部部长Ole Sohn 先生于2012年8月27日率团访华,有十余家丹麦旅游供应商随行,其中不乏第一次来华的代表。他们包括丹麦旅游局、哥本哈根旅游局、丹麦北欧飞扬旅游有限公司、岩森之旅、丹麦旅行社协会、丹麦酒店餐饮协会、北欧航空、欧洲铁路、丹麦特色酒店联盟、哥本哈根皇冠假日酒店、Bella Sky 酒店和Albatros旅行社。
Along with China's economic stable growth,And the business relations between China and Europe is increasingly close,China's national to the Danish tourist number increase gradually。In June this year,President hu jintao YuZhongDan establishment of diplomatic relations for 62 years,As China's President for the first time, the Danish for a state visit。On the occasion of,Denmark business development minister Ole Sohn sir on August 27, 2012 rate group's visit,Have more than ten tourism suppliers with Denmark,There is no lack of among them to China for the first time the representative。They include the Danish tourism administration、Copenhagen tourism administration、Denmark Nordic feiyang tourism co., LTD、YanSen trip、The Danish association of travel service、Denmark hotel catering association、sas、European railway、Denmark characteristic hotel alliance、Copenhagen crowne plaza hotel、Bella Sky hotel and Albatros travel agency。
Denmark tourism administration on August 27, 2012 in the Danish embassy held the Denmark international conference on tourism and a series of related activities。
China and Denmark the friendship between the two countries beginning to 1950 years,Has a long history。Denmark is also take the lead in maintaining diplomatic relations with China one of the western countries;The two countries have more than 60 years of good cooperation relations,In the tourism、Economic and trade、Culture and other areas of current have got great achievements。Denmark tourism administration in the Chinese market in recent years to promote the tourism,For Chinese tourists recommended several special tourism route,Be Chinese tourists understand and went to the bridge of Denmark。
In 2011,,Visit Denmark's Chinese tourists and business people new high number。According to official statistics:In 2011, the Chinese citizens in Denmark for more than 83,000 a night room。Compared to the same period last year growth of 18%。Famous writer of fairy tales, Andersen as the symbol of Denmark,Not only attracted a large number of Chinese tourists,In China it is seen as a Danish culture a monument。
According to industry estimates from 2012 to 2020,This number will be an annual average of 10-15% of the amplitude growth。
As the capital of Denmark Copenhagen attracts many Chinese tourists,Also become the capital of the Nordic countries in Chinese tourists to stay the longest of the city。Here not only has history,culture,Also full of fairy tales,Dynamic and innovation。Ornament in all corners of the city of the ancient castle,The museum of offers visitors the possible,Interest in v paradise is one of Europe's most long playground,Are family Shared family life is the ideal place。Copenhagen still shopping of all,The famous shopping street in the TuoLuo, and is the world's longest pedestrian street,Whether to buy world-class international brand,Or Denmark's local characteristic brand,All can obtain different ratio of tax refund。
Visitors can experience the green environmental protection to swim、Virgin culture to swim、Fashion design to swim and swim parent-child family content such as rich products,Experience the charm of Denmark。
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