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旅游法草案首次审议 旅游市场五大难有望改善--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  近年来,我国旅游业发展突飞猛进,然而,零负团费、强迫购物、景区门票乱涨价等问题层出不穷,莫名其妙被拼团、游玩到某个景点就被告知要多收费、景区消费高得离谱……相信不少人都曾遭遇过这样的旅游陷阱。今年3月15日,人民网旅游3·15投诉平台公布十大旅游“潜规则”引发网友关注,“国内旅游乱象,对国内旅游没信心”、“以上现象特别多待规范”等诸如此类的网友留言比比皆是,公众、媒体一而再再而三的提及,却依然无法避免这些问题的发生,因此,网友强烈呼吁“请《旅游法》尽快诞生!” In recent years,China's tourism development by leaps and bounds,however,Zero negative membership fee、Forced shopping、The ticket price about problems emerge in endlessly,Without rhyme or reason be spell group、Play to a scenic spot was told to charge more、Scenic spot consumption impossibly high……I believe that many people are encountered such a tourist trap。March 15,,We travel 3 · 15 complaints platform released ten tourism“Latent rules”Cause net friend attention,“Domestic tourism the mess,On domestic tourism have no confidence”、“Above phenomenon much more special to specification”Such as the net friend message can be found everywhere,public、The media again again 3 mention,But will not be able to avoid the occurrence of these problems,therefore,Net friend urged“please《supply》Birth as soon as possible!”


China draft supply on August 27, submit for review by the standing committee of the National People's Congress for the first time, lead the society to pay more attention to。This means that,The future of China's tourist market order rectification is expected to work,The tourist market is expected to improve mess。

  旅游业乱象一:旅行社违约 Tourism as a mess:Travel agency breach of contract

  【相关案例】四川九寨、黄龙母女亲历惊吓之旅 酒店卫生间镜碎有血迹“十佳导游”擅增购物点 九寨沟、黄龙纯玩团成购物团【旅游法草案】草案规定,无正当理由拒绝履行合同,应当赔偿旅游者的损失,造成旅游者人身伤害、滞留目的地等严重后果的,还要支付旅游费用一倍以上、三部以内的惩罚性赔偿金。对于拒绝履行合同的旅行社或导游,草案规定,由旅游行政主管部门责令改正,对旅行社处5万元以上20万元以下罚款、停业整顿,对导游人员处1万元以上5万元以下罚款、暂扣导游证1个月至3个月;造成旅游者滞留目的地的,吊销旅行社业务经营许可证和导游证。

【Related cases】Sichuan jiuzhai、Huanglong experience and frighten tour hotel bathroom mirror broken have blood“Top ten tourist guide”Good at increasing 购物点 jiuzhaigou、HuangLongChun play group into shopping group【Draft supply】Draft regulation,Without good reason to refuse the performance of the contract,Shall compensate for the loss of the tourists,Personal injury caused by tourists、Detention destination and the consequences are serious,Also pay more than twice the tour cost、Three department within the punitive damages。To refuse to perform a contract or travel guide,Draft regulation,The tourism administrative departments shall be ordered to make corrections,To travel from 50000 yuan to 200000 yuan、To suspend business,To tour guide from 10000 yuan to 50000 yuan、Short duration buckles tourist certificate 1 months to 3 months;Cause tourists stranded destination,Travel agency shall revoke the business license and tourist certificate。

  旅游业乱象二:强迫购物 Tourism disorderly like two:Forced shopping

  【相关案例】游客曝云南游不购物被报复 不停车致女游客大巴失禁云南游13天购物20次 游客戏称购物成云南省旅游策略

【Related cases】Tourists exposure yunnan travel shopping is not revenge don't stop to female tourist bus incontinence yunnan travel 13 days shopping 20 times visitors calls shopping into yunnan tourism strategy


【Draft supply】Tourists travel agency arranged in a designated place shopping、Compel or in a disguised manner compel shopping、Arrange further pay tourism project,The tourism administrative departments shall be ordered to make corrections,Confiscated of the illegal income,From 50000 yuan to 200000 yuan;Young impose order to close business for internal rectification;Recidivism of travel agency shall revoke the business license and the relevant personnel of tourist certificate、leader。[detailed] tourism three mess:Scenic spot ticket prices in recent years,Scenic spot ticket prices become social concern hot topic。Public found,Every year on the tourist season,Some scenic area especially famous scenic spot will brew rise in price,Frequently hundreds of yuan even hundreds of yuan ticket price,Have been let ordinary tourism consumers feel be unable to stand。

  【相关报道】盘点2011年度全国门票涨价景区 最高涨6倍(图)景区门票“高”不可攀 六问如何根治景区门票涨价

【Related reports】Count 2011 annual national ticket prices scenic area is the most high 6 times(diagram)Scenic spot ticket“high”Do not climb six ask how to effect a radical cure scenic spot ticket price


【Draft supply】The ticket price change should be announced 6 months。Is pointed out that the draft,After the approval by the competent department of charge and then for tickets。Use of public resources open scenic spot ticket a government pricing or guided by the government。Other scenic spot tickets shall be subject to market pricing,Its price shall be submitted to the competent pricing departments for the record。

  旅游业乱象三:欺客宰客维权难 Tourism three mess:QiKe rip off rights difficult

  【相关案例】三亚挨宰事件“步步惊心” 多旅游城市现身“宰客榜”

【Related cases】Sanya AiZai events“Inhumanity hurts at every step” Many tourist cities appeared“Rip off the list”


【Draft supply】According to tourists rights difficult,Provisions of the people's government at or above the county level shall designate or set up a unified tourism complaints an accepting institution,An accepting institution for timely processing or handed over to relevant departments processing,And inform the area of the;According to the tourism disputes more tourists to the characteristics of different action,Set up special regional jurisdiction system。

  旅游业乱象四:“零负团费” Tourism four mess:“Zero negative membership fee”


【Draft supply】According to“Zero negative membership fee”,The draft stipulates travel agency may attract the price lower than the cost、organization、Receive tourists。According to forced shopping and pay separately,The draft stipulates travel service organization、Reception team tourism shall not designate any shopping place,May not compel or in a disguised manner compel shopping,Must not arrange any form of further pay tourism projects,Tour guide service fee should be in tour package express agreement;At the same time clear package tour contract content must include travel arrangements、Sightseeing entertainment project of the specific content and time、Free time arrangement、Travel expenses and pay, etc,Travel agency may not be in the package tour contract arrangements outside charging projects or collect fees shall be separately。


【Other draft supply】: the supply of tourism safety made a series of related regulations,Points out that the people's government at or above the county level responsible for the unified tourism safety work,The scenic area tourist flow control system。According to the tourism product and the service quality is not high,The draft stipulates travel agency organization of tourist activities shall be submitted to the qualified supplier to order products and services,Package tour contract content should be clear traffic、accommodation、Catering tourism service arrangement and standard。
