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“景点都是浮云” 福州版赴台个人游凸显多样性--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  福州居民赴台个人启动当天,福州市公安局出入境服务大厅一早就挤满了前来办理签证的市民。本报记者 王毅 摄。图片来源:福建日报 Fuzhou residents to table personal swim start the day,Fuzhou city public security bureau early entry and exit service hall filled with to the citizens of visa。Our reporter wang perturbation。Picture source:Fujian daily


8 is fuzhou citizen to apply for to table personal travel documents the first day。At about 9 a.m.,Fuzhou of exit and entry administration rush hall is bustling crowd。The reporter learns,On the day when the 17,Fuzhou city public security bureau of exit and entry administration in Taiwan were accepted personal travel apply for 226 people,Fuzhou city of 201 people,Local 25 people,Start the first citizens at a pre-determined rate。


“Get on sleep,Off pee,Take a picture to the scenic spot。”Previous group cruise often scratch dense stroke,Once let many longing treasure island scenery mainland tourists indecisiveness。Personal swim broke through some fixed to the table to swim the traditional line,Fuzhou to individual visit Taiwan started,The RongCheng backpackers to deduce what other personal swim stroke?


Reporter yesterday interview an application or related to the personal swim fuzhou citizen,Find RongCheng edition to individual visit Taiwan with individuation、Wind the earth taste、Strong affection and slow swim Taiwan, and other characteristics。

  “那些景点都是浮云,台湾最吸引人的是当地的风土人情。”80后“驴友”蔡家育对宝岛向往已久,虽然早就可以跟团赴台游,但他坦言更喜欢个人游的旅行方式,希望借此能与台湾各地独特的风土民俗进行一次亲密接触。蔡家育还表示, 9月18日他就能拿到《大陆居民往来台湾通行证》,打算随后就和骑友们一起用自行车骑行的方式完成环岛旅行,他对自己相当环保、健康和个性化的赴台游之旅充满期待。

“Those attractions are floating clouds,Taiwan's most attractive is the local customs。”After 80“LvYou”CAI yu home to treasure island have long sought,Although early with group can swim to the table,But he said more like personal travel way to travel,Hoping to Taiwan with unique local folk a time intimate contact。Tsai family education also said, On September 18, he can get《Mainland residents current Taiwan pass》,Going to then and ride bike riding friends with the way around the complete travel,He is quite environmental protection、Health and personalized to table swim journey full of expectation。


More than 80 years old fuzhou citizen LiJianQing couples to hear for personal swim open news,Joy from ear to ear。“My nephew in Taiwan,Often that we go to Taiwan to play。”LiJianQing old man says,The old couple age,Before there is no way to follow the team to swim“flounder”。Personal swim after open,Can go anytime swim treasure island,To relatives coming,“Catch reunion,Still can get around,Slow swim Taiwan,Beautiful thing”。


Citizens ChenRongYu 28 early in the morning to fuzhou May 1 square to start ceremony。“Have a personal travel material?”Ceremony just end,ChenRongYu came to his have to table idle fund qualitative travel agency consulting related matters。


Daughter married to Taiwan more than 10 years,ChenRongYu old man in fuzhou children for my daughter。Every holiday,Grandson have cried out for grandmother brought him back to the station to see my mother。“Xiamen open last year to individual visit Taiwan,We're a family all envy,Thinking of fuzhou when also can open,Didn't expect so quickly launched。”ChenRongYu said,The Spring Festival is all previous years daughter son-in-law to fuzhou New Year's day,Hope while personal swim open opportunity,The Spring Festival next year to Taiwan family reunion New Year's day,“Then come go round Taipei、Geohiong (kaohsiung) scenic spots and famous city”。
