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  随着 “金九银十”楼市传统旺季到来,世茂、万达等房企麾下的超级旅游地产项目纷纷亮相,引发不少业内人士对旅游地产投资过热的担忧。旅游地产商业模式是否成熟? “泡沫说”能否成立?日前,业内人士针对这一热门话题展开讨论。 with "Gold nine silver ten"The property market traditional peak season coming,shimao/Wanda, etc to room of the army of the super tourism real estate projects appear in succession,Caused a lot of the personage inside course of study of tourism real estate investment overheating concerns.Tourism real estate business model is mature or not? "Foam said"Can be established?a,The personage inside course of study in this hot topic discussions.


“泡沫之争”由来已久 "Foam for"has

  自2009年以来,国务院 《关于推进海南国际旅游岛发展的若干意见》公布,旅游文化产业被确立为国家战略性新兴支柱产业,旅游地产在全国范围内高歌猛进,引起社会舆论普遍关注。 2011年社科院 《旅游绿皮书》警示: “国际旅游岛的核心在于旅游,而非地产泡沫。”由此引发旅游地产泡沫之争。有人认为, 2012年7月国家旅游局公布了 《关于鼓励和引导民间资本投资旅游业的实施意见》,鼓励各种所有制企业依法投资旅游产业。国内房企大举开发旅游地产,泡沫正在被吹大。

Since 2009,The state council [On promoting the international tourism in hainan island development certain opinions]announced,Tourism culture industry being established as the national strategic emerging pillar industry,Tourism real estate in the national scope rapid development,Cause social public opinion universal attention. 2011 academy [Tourism green paper]warning: "International tourism island is the core of tourism,Rather than real estate foam."Caused by tourism real estate foam rivalry.Some people think that, In July 2012, published by the national tourism administration [About encouraging and guiding the folk tourism investment of the implementation opinions],Encourage enterprises with various forms of ownership to invest in accordance with the tourism industry.Domestic room to massive development tourism real estate,Foam is being blown up.


 “泡沫”原来是 “假旅游地产” "foam"It is "False tourism real estate"

  业内专家表示,旅游地产开发初期, “炒概念”的假旅游地产的确存在。某些专家讲的 “泡沫”也许就指那些 “概念性旅游地产”。

The expert inside course of study says,Tourism real estate development initial, "Fried concept"The false tourism real estate really do exist.Some experts said "foam"May those "Conceptual tourism real estate".


"Tourism real estate is not a foam,But less high-quality goods."Shaanxi dragon turn east strategy consulting co., LTD., general manager WangJianGong said.


"Tourism real estate investment boom is behind the developers mature tourism real estate overall operation capability test,Is also the whole industry chain integration ability test."Weihai radiance group LiXiaoPeng pointed out.

  旅游财富网CEO曾晓成认为: “旅游地产才开始,不存在"泡沫"一说。目前已经有越来越多的已开发的旅游地产项目,试图摆脱传统住宅开发模式,正在完善旅游设施配套,引入旅居交换、分时度假、专业酒店运营管理,完善其商业运营模式,借旅游地产化解住宅地产泡沫。”

Tourism wealth network CEO CengXiaoCheng think: "Tourism real estate began,Does not exist"foam"said.At present there are more and more developed tourism real estate projects,Try to get rid of the traditional housing development mode,Perfecting tourism facilities,Introducing sojourn exchange/Timeshare vacation/Professional hotel operation management,Perfect its commercial operation mode,Borrow tourism real estate dissolve residential real estate foam."

  “蝙蝠侠”还是 “妖魔” "batman"or "demons"

  目前旅游地产正处于 “去伪存真”的阶段。旅游地产正逐渐由“以传统住宅为核心”转向 “以地产为载体,旅游为核心功能”的第二阶段开发模式上来。在转型过程中, “标准化、专业化、创新思维”是关键。目前,国际旅游地产专家评审委员会正在全球范围内甄选优质旅游地产项目,吸引有创新商业模式和正面社会效益的旅游地产项目参与。 “该活动旨在提升大众对旅游地产的认知度,吸引全产业链资深人士参与,促进旅游地产可持续发展。”曾晓成介绍说。

At present tourism real estate is in "Eliminating the"stage.Tourism real estate is gradually by"With the traditional housing as the core"steering "With the real estate as the carrier,Tourism is the core function"The second stage of the development mode up.In the transformation process, "standardization/professional/Innovative thinking"Is the key.At present,International tourism real estate expert review committee is the global scope selection quality tourism real estate projects,Attract creative business model and positive social benefits of tourism real estate project participants. "The campaign aims to raise public awareness of tourism real estate,Attract the whole industry chain in senior personage,To promote the sustainable development of tourism real estate."CengXiaoCheng said.

  据2010年人口普查数据显示,中国共有家庭户数4亿多户,据旅游财富网预测,到2020年将至少有20%的中产家庭 (8030万户)购置地处旅游商业经营和度假类不动产物业,按每户50万元 (考虑到10年后的增值)资产计算,规模将达到40万亿元。有理由相信,旅游地产将是房地产界的 “蝙蝠侠”。

According to the 2010 census data show,China with family number more than 400 million households,According to the tourism wealth network prediction,By 2020 will at least 20% of middle-class family (80.3 million households)Acquisition is located in the travel business and holiday kind of real estate property,According to every 500000 yuan (Consider to 10 years later added value)Asset calculation,Scale will reach 40 trillion yuan.There is reason to believe that,Tourism real estate will be the real estate industry "batman".
