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40岁男子爬山被虫咬 双手肿得像赤豆棒冰--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  夏秋交替,天气逐渐转凉,正是郊游、爬山的好时节,杭州市中医院皮肤科罗维丹主任医师提醒,现在正是丘疹性荨麻疹“猖獗”的季节,占了这几天皮肤科门诊量的三分之一。上周末,更是占了一半以上。很多人都是在爬完山、逛完公园后发病的。 Alternation in summer and autumn,The weather has turned cold,It is for an outing/A good time to climb mountains,Hangzhou hospital dermatological department LuoWeiDan chief physician remind,Now is the papular urticaria"rampant"season,These days MenZhenLiang accounted for a third of dermatology.Last weekend,But also accounted for more than half.A lot of people are in after climbing mountains/Around the park after the disease.


爬完山,喝了会儿小酒 After climbing mountain,Drink a little wine


双手肿得像赤豆棒冰 Hands swollen like red bean Popsicle


patients,40 years old,Last weekend and several LvYou to linan mountain climbing to paint.After came down from the mountain,He found the arm appeared sporadic several small red dot,Itch a bit,Guess the insect bite the,Don't care about.After came down from the mountain,And a few LvYou sought a house hotel drinking eat seafood.


Returned home after,Little red point more and more,Thickly dotted is full of the whole arm,JiYang very,Also appeared chest distress/Blue in symptoms,Hurried to the hospital cast.Through inspection,Got a papular urticaria.ROM. The doctor said that,To hospital,Patients all exposed parts are covered with small red dot,From his hands to the neck,Each red bean size,Red point top still long out of the small blisters,The most serious is both hands,Looks like red bean Popsicle as.Until hung up the hormone,To alleviate symptoms.


去公园、爬山前喷点驱蚊防虫水 Go to the park/Before climbing fantasy drive midge insect-resistant water


ROM. The doctor said that,Papular urticaria etiology is not clear,Most because mosquitoes/bug/fleas/lice/mite/Punkie, etc. Various kinds of insect bites cause allergic reaction,Good hair in infants and children,Adult also more see,Old people relatively less,Especially loves those allergic constitution,Than the average urticaria itch to much,The evening will be particularly itch.


Summer day heat,Mosquito relatively less,A fall into the,Mosquito began to wreak havoc,People often say that autumn the most poisonous mosquito.


There is a lot of children in clinic,Is after playing in the garden,Appear papular urticaria,Many children eye is swollen with steamed bread the same,There are only a seam the.


ROM. Doctors recommend that,This period of time to go to the park/tourism/When climbing mountains,Must remember must first spray a little drive midge water,Especially allergic constitution are more careful prevention.Once found the worm bite,Appear red dot,Don't drink,Cocktail party the dilation of blood vessels,Excitation or aggravate urticaria outbreak.
