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  临近长假,今年国庆长假将实行高速公路对小型车辆免费放行措施,届时上海高速公路可能出现私家车流量猛增,为此,根据公安部统一部署,上海警方于节前开展高速公路交通秩序集中整治行动。昨天上午,记者跟随交警的巡逻车在G2京沪高速上海段巡查,发现在非紧急情况下占用应急车道、随意变换车道,以及长途客车高速公路上客的违法现象时有发生。 Near long vacation,National Day long vacation this year will be a freeway on small vehicles free release measures,The Shanghai expressway possible surge flow private cars,therefore,According to the ministry of public security unified deployment,Shanghai police in preganglionic carry out highway traffic order concentration improvement action.Yesterday morning,Reporters followed the police patrol car in G2 jinghu high speed Shanghai section patrols,Found in the emergency take emergency lane/Optional change lanes,And long distance bus highway passenger illegal phenomenon occurs frequently.


 高速公路竟成“候车站点” Highway unexpectedly into"Waiting site"


10 o 'clock in the morning,Reporter in jiading high speed the police patrol car,Congjiang bridge on toll station,G2 along the beijing-shanghai high-speed patrol.Just a toll station,He saw a few pedestrians are expressway emergency lay by side waiting for a bus.A waiting person told reporters,In order to save time,They and long-distance bus driver agreed on the highway side waiting for a bus,To long-distance passenger depot for them is not convenient.In the traffic police persuasion,The approximate left the highway,But reporter noticed,Behind them isolation barbed wire has been cut out a gap,Traffic police told reporters,Highways department often for these gap for repair,But every few days new gap appeared again,"Wild station"Common phenomenon on the highway.


In addition to the pedestrian highway passenger,Vehicles in non-emergency cases take emergency parking canal situation also is found.Police told reporters,In the flat peak, the illegal act is less,But in road traffic rush hour,Emergency parking area will be a lot of driver's eye detours,If the accident ahead,Rescue vehicles will not be through this article"Life channel"Fast arrived at the scene.

  长途车几乎无人系安全带 Coach almost no one to wear a seat belt


In the river's bridge Toll Gate crossing,The traffic police to the traffic on the check,The existing illegal behavior of the vehicle shall be punished.But in the law enforcement,The traffic police found some vehicle obvious safety hidden trouble,But these behavior because do not belong to violating traffic regulations but in violation of the provisions of the industry,The traffic police to the driver only for education,Urge its correct.30 points at 10 a.m.,One long distance bus was stopped,The traffic police through the road single found,The car the driving distance of more than 2000 kilometers long,And the car only two drivers,According to the scheduled arrival time,The driver only fatigue driving can be completed.The driver told reporters,Industry has a regulation travel 600 km should equipped with two drivers,2000 miles (kilometers) according to regulations should be equipped with 3 to 4 driver,But because shorthanded they also can only start,As far as possible all the rest assure safety.Due to the lack of driver violations of industry rules but do not belong to illegal,The traffic police for the car can only release,But will take this monitors vehicle unit,Ask its rectification.


35 points at 10 a.m.,Another coach bus was stopped,Police found the car passengers without fasten your seat belt.According to the provisions of the department of passenger transport,Bus start the front passenger must also fasten your seat belt,But almost all the passengers will start after unfasten your seat belt,Due to traffic regulations is not specified in the rear passengers must wear seat belts,So the traffic police also can't to the passengers not to wear your seat belt for punishment,Only asked the driver to persuade passengers fasten your seat belt.

  29日高速将进入出行高峰 29 high speed will enter the travel peak

  嘉定交警高速大队大队长章子瞻告诉记者,节前防范十分必要,交警部门将对高速公路上的各类违法行为进行集中整治。 “不按规定车道行驶,应急车道上违法乱停,包括在高速公路边等人,拦车上客,很容易引发交通事故。 ”

High-speed traffic police brigade jiading district chief ZhangZiZhan told reporters,It is necessary to prevent the Passover,The traffic police departments will highway of the various types of illegal conduct centralized regulation. "Does not press formulary lane road,Emergency driveway illegal disorderly stop,Included in the highway side, etc,Thumb a ride on the guest,Very easy to cause traffic accidents. "

  据预计,京沪高速“十一”的出行高峰将出现在29日中午后、30日上下午以及1日上午,返程高峰会出现在10月6日到7日。交警部门建议市民合理选择出行时间避开高峰。“要注意错时出行,可以选择地面的道路绕行,去江苏方向的车辆可以选择31国道、曹安公路,还可以选择北青公路上S26高速,往浙江方向可以走沪松公路,避开高速公路拥堵的节点。 ”章子瞻告诉记者,今年长假的天数比较多,跟往年相比流量还会有所增加。

It is expected,Jinghu high speed"eleven"Travel peak will appear in 29 japan-china afternoon/30 day afternoon and 1 morning,Return summit appeared in October 6 to 7.The traffic police department suggests the citizen is reasonable choice travel time to avoid the rush."Attention should be paid to a mistake travel,Can choose the way of ground round,Go to jiangsu direction of the vehicle can choose and national highway/Along highway,Still can choose north tsing highway S26 high speed,Zhejiang direction can go to Shanghai pine highway,Avoid highway jams node. "ZhangZiZhan told reporters,The number of days holiday this year more,Compared with previous years flow will also increase.


It is reported,"SanChao a fatigue"/Illegal parking/Does not press formulary lane road/Passenger vehicle illegal parking fluctuation guest/drink(drunk)Wine driving/Wade brand in card and other transportation illegal behavior will become the traffic police department preganglionic highway law enforcement key,The police will take"Cross patrol"/"Stack patrol"/Fixed point and patrol combination, etc,To further increase the pavement patrol strength.Will jointly with the traffic administrative/Safety supervision/Tourism, and other law enforcement agencies,In the implementation of crossing the public security checkpoints 24 hours service system at the same time,In highway toll station set up temporary checkpoint,For long-distance bus/Sleeper passenger car/School bus/Travel expenses/Dangerous chemicals transporter vehicles, such as conduct joint inspection.
