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  今年中秋节,全国小型车辆将迎来首个高速公路节假日免费通行日。据媒体近日报道,截至目前,仅有少数几个省份出台了相关细节措施。此外,部分路桥公司对高速路节日免费抵触情绪依旧。 This year the festival,The small car will have first highway toll free day holiday.According to media reported recently,So far,Only a few province issued a details measures.In addition,Part of the road and bridge company for expressway festival free outlaw motion still.


There is no doubt that,"Mini-bus in four national legal holiday toll free all toll highway"scheme,Is an important policy we,The move to the panic person/Travel tourists is no less than in the Gospel.but,The starting point for"Benefit to the people"policy,But it has met with some resistance luqiao company,Behind the root is just because of this policy in the details of the technology and parts and the place worthy of consideration.


Originally charge of highways in the holidays free,Bear the brunt of price,Traffic is a big promotion,Make highway may no longer high speed,Even congestion.Such as guangzhou traffic department is expected,National Day this year than ever before the holiday traffic rose thirty percent.


In addition,To completely state-owned highway,Through the administrative power will no doubt it is free and righteousness.But for private capital operation of highway,Strong implementation is not appropriate,No matter how policy starting point is full of kindness,This ultimately have"Rob Peter to pay Paul"Suspected of.Private road &bridge company pay business,But its earnings at will be reduced,Even for free policy brings large pay traffic road maintenance costs.


even,There are a lot of public opinion in this paper"Luqiao profits,It doesn't matter even if free".This typically reflects our social common"ChiDaHu"mentality,Any one who support this view,In fact should seriously listen to complaints luqiao company"From this policy in the drafting to suddenly released,To decided to free,No one asked our opinions……The government if you want to have a free policy,Should first right back".Even if luqiao company again"Original sin",Enterprise normal operation of any interference,The market economic system is a fable.


Highway holiday though we free of policy,Apparently also faces many complicated situation,It also needs to make the detailed rules for the implementation of all the time,To respond to,Avoid a few groups of legal interests are friendly fire.
