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  2012年9月19日,澳大利亚维多利亚旅游局发布了一系列围绕其新品牌主题——“心随境开•墨尔本(Open up to More • Melbourne)”的广告宣传和主题中文网站,并推出了一系列介绍维州的360度全景互动体验视频。这一品牌主题的定位旨在展现汇聚了文化、美食、佳酿、节日、时尚、自然等多元特色的维多利亚州和墨尔本,因不同深度的旅行探索经历而呈现出不一样的精彩体验。澳大利亚维多利亚州州长百鲁先生(Ted Baillieu)、旅游与大型活动部部长露易丝•阿谢尔女士(Louise Asher)、维多利亚州旅游局局长雷?哈里先生(Leigh Harry)协同30位维州各大知名旅游景点的首席执行官出席了新品牌发布会。上海市旅委领导也亲临现场与来自全国各地的旅游业界人士以及媒体共同见证了此次品牌发布盛宴。

On September 19th, 2012,Victoria state of Australia tourism bureau issued a series of new brand around the theme --"With heart open its•Melbourne(Open up to More • Melbourne)"Advertising and theme Chinese website,And launched a series of Victoria introduced the 360 degree panoramic interactive video.This one brand is the theme of the positioning aims to show the culture together/food/Vintage wine/festival/fashion/Many natural characteristic of Victoria and Melbourne,Because of the different depth explore travel experience and present a different exciting experience.The governor of Victoria state of Australia the Mr. Brooke(Ted Baillieu)/Tourism and large activities department minister Louise•Cher, ms(Louise Asher)/Victoria tourism bureau ray?Mr. Harry(Leigh Harry)Collaborative 30 a Virginia each big famous tourist attractions chief executive attended the new brand conference.The Shanghai travel committee leadership also came to the spot to and from all parts of the country tourism practitioners and media common witness the brand release feast.

  在品牌发布会上,维多利亚州旅游局展示了其令人耳目一新而别具风格的新品牌主题广告,讲述了一扇扇未知的大门引领着好奇的主人公,瞬间通向了一个个维多利亚州特色景点而展开的一段新颖丰富的维州之旅。 从充满艺术气息的丽晶剧院到菲利普岛的企鹅天堂;从美酒与美景交织的亚拉河谷到焰火中光芒璀璨的皇冠逍遥之都;从设计奇巧的联邦广场到鬼斧神工的十二门徒岩,每扇门后都蕴藏着无穷的惊喜。“门”这一概念是藉由维多利亚州旅游局的官方标示衍生而来, 也配合“心随境开•墨尔本”这一主题,将维州旅游资源“一步一景,移步换景”的特点淋漓尽致地表达出来,让人无处不心动。

In the brand conference,Victoria tourism administration shows its refreshing and don't style new brand advertising theme,YiShanShan tells the story of the unknown led the curious hero,One moment to the Victoria feature attractions to launch a new rich Virginia trip. Full of artistic breath from the regent theaters to FeiLiPuDao penguins paradise;From the wine and beauty interlaced ara valley to the fireworks in the bright light of the crown of free and unfettered;From the design of a designer federation square to the uncanny workmanship of the twelve rock,Every door that contain infinite surprise."door"This concept is by Victoria tourism administration official mark derived, Also cooperate with"With heart open its•Melbourne"This one theme,Victoria will tourism resources"Step one scene,Walk change scene"The characteristics of expressed incisively and vividly,Let a person nowhere not move.


In addition,In the activity outside another within the exhibition hall,From the aspects of sound and light image even smell three-dimensional show the Virginia natural scenery/sports/Fashion culture and festival features of charm.The central region exhibition hall will of Victoria street and cafe culture graphically copy to the scene,More AD hoc field adjustable bars,For guests modulation don't have characteristic of Victoria's a cocktail.In addition,In the exhibition hall more design the Virginia 360 degree panoramic view of creating interactive experience area,Comprehensive and realistically shows its most famous landmark attractions Finn hydrophobic mountains and the crown of the free and unfettered,Gently turn the mouse,Experience person can have be personally on the scene of the visual impact,Click the interesting part,Also can understand more detailed information of the scenic spot.In addition FeiLiPuDao including/Ocean road and the twelve rock/The lyndon peninsula/Melbourne city BiaoZhiXing attractions such as the 360 - degree panorama interactive video will be in one recently uploaded to Virginia tourism administration official Chinese website for experience.


Victoria tourism administration to cope with new brand publicity launch of the latest theme Chinese website,Its content designed to fit Chinese consumer's reading habits and customize,Believe such close consideration will for tourists and potential customers to provide more convenient.At the same time,Victoria tourism administration will also through its official micro bo/Office LCD screen/And network TV platform for propaganda.


China is the first big Victoria psychology,The first big holiday tour psychology,Chinese tourists in Virginia consumption is also topped the first,Along with the Chinese market increasing importance,Victoria's new brand strategy to use in more new media channels of marketing and brand communication.In the Chinese market the launch of the new brand is by far Virginia in emerging market one of the biggest investment scale,And it is hoped that in this deepen and China local industry cooperation,Will Victoria charming special tourism products for consumers,Broaden the channels of multimedia,Let the consumer can more convenient access to related tourism route and product information.


This year in Australia at the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations between,The Victoria tourism administration in the Chinese market brand investment plan also indicates the two countries have more closely in tourism of investment cooperation."We are full of confidence to the Chinese market,"Virginia governor the Mr. Brooke in brand conference said."Virginia government has invested $8 million in China's tourism marketing activities,In the future and will invest more resources to support in the development of China's market."

  在今年上半年,维州政府也刚刚宣布了新的“中国旅游十年计划”(10 Year China Tourism Plan),期望每年实现中国旅游市场在维州的增长率由7%提高至逾11%的目标。维州政府在这一“中国旅游十年计划”中也明确了五大“优先”策略,其中特别强调了优化中国游客入境维州的流程、提升游客体验的质量,以及拓展与中国游客相关的的旅游业投资。让中国消费者能够享受到更为优质的旅游服务和景点体验。

In the first half of this year,Virginia government also has just announced the new"China's tourism 10 year plan"(10 Year China Tourism Plan),Expect to realize every year China's tourism market in the growth rate of Victoria has increased from 7% to more than 11% of the target.Virginia government in this"China's tourism 10 year plan"Also has been clear about the five"priority"strategy,With particular emphasis on the optimization of Chinese tourists enter the flow of Victoria/Improve the quality of tourist experience,And expand and Chinese tourists related tourism investment.Let China consumer can enjoy more the high quality tourism services and tourist experience.


Victoria is located in the Chinese mainland Australia,1901 commonwealth of Australia founded Melbourne is the capital of at that time,So far still for Australian culture and art center.Be praise"Garden state"The Victoria have 32 seat has distinguishing feature each national park and extremely rich mountain/coast/desert/Yulin landscape landform.


Has always been known as global livable city of Melbourne, capital of Victoria since 2011 has been dubbed"One of the world's most appropriate residence city"After the proud title,In this year once again topped the crown of the comparison.As a livable city,Melbourne in six large selection rules are performed extremely well:Sustained economic prosperity,Social harmony and stability,Rich culture thick,Life comfortable and convenient,Landscape beautiful pleasant,With public safety.Today's Melbourne,Early to go beyond a tourist city,But also with its rich social activities,Culture include,Pleasant and comfortable living environment touched every came here passenger heart.

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About Victoria tourism administration


Victoria is tourism Victoria state of Australia government,Responsible for the development and develop the domestic and foreign tourist market,Dedicated to promoting Virginia become Australia domestic and international visitors eyes the yearning and esteem the tourist destination.

  维州集文化艺术、体育赛事、节庆活动、美食美酒、自然风光和时尚都市风貌于一身,拥有丰富的旅游资源。作为市场营销的主导者, 维多利亚州旅游局借助创新和行之有效的经营策略以及各种推广活动, 成功地提高了维州作为澳大利亚主要旅游目的地的知名度,并每年吸引十几万中国游客到维州旅游。维多利亚州旅游局将继续不懈努力与中国旅游业界伙伴开展合作,丰富旅游产品内容,提升服务质量,让中国旅客享受高品质的旅游体验。

Virginia set culture and art/Sports events/Festival activities/Foods and wines/Natural scenery and fashionable city style at a suit,It has abundant tourism resources.As a marketing leader, Victoria tourism administration by means of innovation and effective business strategy and various promotional activities, Successfully improve the Victoria of Australia as a major tourist destination visibility,And every year attracts thousands of Chinese tourists to travel Victoria.Victoria tourism administration will continue to make unremitting efforts with China's tourism industry cooperation partners,Rich tourism product content,Enhance service quality,Let China passenger enjoy high quality tourism experience.


Victoria tourism bureau will work to achieve the following four goals:

  ? 凸显维州的独特魅力,加强品牌管理,使之成为澳大利亚的必游之地;

? Victoria to highlight the unique charm,Strengthen the brand management,Make it become Australia will swim land;

  ? 奠定维多利亚州旅游局在旅游行业的主导地位,鼓励专业、高效和多赢的合作,确保资源被有效利用和实现利益最大化;

? Lay the Victoria tourism bureau of tourism industry in the leading position,Encourage professional/Efficient and win-win cooperation,Ensure that resources are effective utilization and realize the benefit maximization;

  ? 与各大航空公司、旅行社和战略合作伙伴组成联盟,进一步挖掘市场潜力、强化推广力度;

? With major airlines/Travel agencies and strategic partners form a coalition,Further mining market potential/Reinforcement to popularize strength;

  ? 灵活运用新兴媒体和推介渠道,以创新和有效的方法进行宣传和开展推广活动,从而扩大覆盖地区和目标人群

? Flexible use of emerging media and promotion channels,Innovation and effective method to carry out publicity and promotion activities,In order to expand coverage area and target population
