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天安门广场东西侧路限行8天 故宫不限流--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  昨日,天坛公园内新启用的6台智能服务终端。游客可以通过该终端查询信息、投诉等。新京报记者 薛珺 摄 yesterday,The temple of heaven park opened new six new intelligent service terminal.Visitors can through the terminal information/complaint.The Beijing news reporter XueJun perturbation


Traffic department reported yesterday,Tiananmen square east side road/Square west road,From September 30 up to October 7,,Every day when between 6 and a ban on vehicle traffic.On October 1, tiananmen square held activities,In addition to the above section of the ban,The great hall of the people in the south of motor vehicle traffic road also banned.


yesterday,Issued by the Beijing participated"eleven"The part of the road during temporary traffic control measures,Including around tiananmen square/Jingshan surrounding/The Olympic center surrounding, and other areas,Temporary traffic control measures will be taken.


Traffic department said,Take traffic management measures of area and road,The traffic administrative department of the public security organ according to the actual situation of road traffic,Timely adjust specific management measures or take shunt measures.


黄金周期间部分交通管理措施 During the golden week of traffic management measures


天安门广场地区 Tiananmen square area


Time: October 1 zero hour to square to hoist a flag and the monument to the people's heroes laid flower basket ceremony ended


Management measures: square east side road/Square west road/The great hall of the people in the south of a ban on vehicle traffic road(The special activity passes except motor vehicles).

  时间:10月1日活动结束至23 时

Time: October 1 activities between the end of the 23


Management measures: square east/A ban on vehicle traffic road west side(The special activity passes except motor vehicles).Passing vehicles(Including bus)The great hall of the people and the ZhengYiLu west road.

  时间:9月30日、10月2日至7日每天6 时至23 时

Time: on September 30,/October 2 to 7 days to six every morning when 23


Management measures: square east/A ban on vehicle traffic road west side,Passing vehicles(Including bus)The great hall of the people and the ZhengYiLu west road.


景山地区 Jingshan area

  时间:9月30日至10月7日每天7 时至17 时

Time: on September 30, to October 7, 7 to 17 every day when


Management measures the following road take traffic management measures(Public electric/Except car): 1. Jingshan tung street banned motor vehicle driving from north to south,2. Jingshan were banned from west to east motor vehicle driving;3. Jingshan west street motor vehicle driving ban from the south to the north;4. To Ann gate street nankou banned from north to east motor vehicle turning;5. Jingshan west street nankou banned motor vehicle from west to north turn.


颐和园、香山地区 The Summer Palace/The fragrant hills area

  时间:9月30日至10月7日每天8 时至17 时

Time: on September 30, to October 7, 8 to 17 when every day


The following road motor vehicle driving a one-way: 1. Jie wangfu routing business street east bus station mouth to mouth east backstreet motor vehicle driving ban from the south to the north(Except carryall);2. Jie wangfu routing bus station east backstreet mouth to xiang shan south road motor vehicles prohibited from east to west road.


京藏高速公路及周边道路 Beijing Tibetan highway and the surrounding roads

  9月30日至10月7日每天3 时至15 时

September 30, to October 7, to every 3 when 15

  京藏高速公路百葛桥六环路出口至营城子收费站出京方向,禁止4 吨(不含)以上载货汽车通行。机动车可绕行六环路、京新高速公路、110 国道。

Beijing Tibetan highway the GeQiao six loop exports to camp city son toll station out the direction,Ban four tons(Does not contain)Above truck passage.Motor vehicle can circumvent six loop/The new highway/110 national highway.


景点 attractions


【故宫】假期前五天提前开馆 [The imperial palace]Holiday five days before opening in advance


7:30 began to welcome;Meridian gate open an appointment channel,Online booking tickets through can be priority

  新京报讯 昨天,故宫博物院公布2012年国庆长假的接待方案:国庆期间,故宫不实行游客限流措施。在9月30日至10月4日客流最为密集的时间段,故宫将开放全部30个售票窗口售票,并于7∶30开馆,比平时提前一个小时。

The Beijing news - yesterday,The national Palace Museum in 2012 National Day long vacation announced the reception plan: National Day period,The imperial palace nonperformance tourists current limiting measures.On September 30, to October 4, the most intensive period of passenger flow,The palace will open all 30 ticket window ticket,And in 7:30 opening,An hour early than usual.


旅游团等待区移至端门西侧 Tour waiting area to move west end door


National Day period,Visit the imperial palace of tourists, most of for tour.In order to reduce traffic congestion in the meridian gate square tour of the situation,The palace will group ticket selling unified adjust to end door area.


Party will be in the west end door square south passenger ticket,Tourist guide when negotiating formalities,To take visitors to the meridian gate square ticket,To reduce the meridian gate outside the square inside the passenger volume.


At the same time, in order to increase the meridian gate square discharge,The imperial palace in the meridian gate is along the east entrance/West to the pull down three fence.In addition,Meridian gate left yi door nankou will become security channel,Ease security pressure;Meridian gate right yi door as standby channel,Can apparent people open at any time,Increase traffic speed;In the meridian gate it as a temporary emergency channel.In case when large passenger flow,Will also open gate xihua as the emergency channel.Meridian gate at the same time, increased appointment channel,Online booking tickets by tourists"Entrance ticket booking"Priority release.


太和殿国庆期间依旧关闭 Taihe palace National Day period is still closed


National Day period,The palace will open view and door/LongFu door/Emperor extremely door west QiangMen/In the west QiangMen first door/Setting cheung door/Grey shock door,Open the arrow pavilion to DongHuaMen channel,Shunt audience.When necessary, the door play beginning/Base turn door evacuation audience.


The gate of/Taihe palace/Taihe palace east/West QiangMen/Kun ning GongDong hallway will be closed.Palace of earthly tranquility west hallway/Kun ning door as emergency channel,When necessary, open the evacuation audience.


West Wu/Day door on both sides of the rooms,When necessary, the viewer into control.Visual flow situation,Individual rooms also will be temporarily closed,From duty personnel increased to an important position strengthen patrols counseling.In the vulnerable to the audience the position and crossing traffic congestion,Will increase signpost.


National Day period,The imperial palace also add several machines temporary toilet,40 a toilet a.The end door area add 20 temporary toilet position,Meridian gate in the west square add 10 temporary toilet position,Outside the west square scientists add 10 temporary toilet position.


【天坛】游客量达9万只出不进 [The temple of heaven]90000 visits only out not to advance


圜丘增加两个出口;回音壁游客达到767人将封闭入口 HuanQiu adding two export;Echo wall 767 tourists who will be closed entrance

  新京报讯 今年中秋、国庆两节形成超长假期,天坛公园表示,当园内游客达到8万人时将减缓售票速度,达到9万人时暂时停止售票,通道只出不进,门区工作人员打开临时出口疏导游客。

The Beijing news - this year Mid-Autumn festival/National Day long vacation two formation,The temple of heaven park said,When park visitors to 80000 person will slow ticket speed,Up to 90000 person temporarily stop the ticket,Channel only out not to advance,Mun staff open temporary export dredge tourists.


天坛内景点各设限流措施 The temple of heaven in the scenic spot on flow measures


The temple of heaven park existing area of 2.102 million square meters,Instantaneous optimal capacity for 21000 people(100 square meters/person);Day best capacity for 60000 people or so,Day maximum capacity for 100000 people.During the festival,The temple of heaven park will through the gates electronic counting system,Into the garden to visitors flow real-time statistics,When tourists reaches a certain amount,Will take current limiting measures.


At the same time,The temple of heaven park of many famous scenic spots each set up a current limiting measures.When QiNianDian passenger volume close to 6700 person,QiNianDian each ticket office stop ticket,Staff will all entrance closed or into export.


Echo wall capacity is only 767 people,When the passenger volume reach or exceed capacity will seal entrance,The four personnel arm in arm stopped at the entrance to the southern tip,Export and scenic spots of the work personnel will ease to the tourists.


HuanQiu is echo wall of the adjacent attractions,When a large number of tourists from HuanQiu to echo wall gather,Staff will be closed on the north HuanQiu export,Open HuanQiu east as export,Dredge visitors from HuanQiu east place round to echo wall,Increase evacuation length.


According to introducing,HuanQiu now open south/North two door access,During the National Day adding two export.


6台智能服务终端上岗 Six new intelligent service terminal mount guard


A large number of tourists coming,For information work to increase the difficulty.therefore,The temple of heaven park opened yesterday six new intelligent service terminal,Background staff can not only solve attractions information/Traffic routes, etc,Visitors can also accept complaints,Park can be the first time start complaint acceptance and disposal procedure.


Intelligent service terminal also records of the temple of heaven is a great historical event precious photos/Video material,And can use 3 d form demystify the temple of heaven QiNianDian unique architectural construction.


Six new intelligent service terminal distribution in the temple of heaven park road axis of the main attractions,Every day the time of open to visitors from morning 8 PM to 4 PM 30 points,Trial after period of time,Will depend on the pathway to master.


国庆期间部分活动 During the National Day of activities


Activity:"White quiet Palace Museum fixed kiln porcelain exhibition"


Location: the national Palace Museum delay jubilee west peidian peidian palace

  介绍:展览精选127 件唐、五代、北宋、金、元时期的定窑瓷器,其中故宫博物院藏品75 件。展览的一大亮点是将清宫档案中有关定窑瓷器的记载与清宫旧藏定窑瓷器进行对比展示。

Introduction: exhibition selected 127 pieces of tang/Five dynasties/Northern song dynasty/gold/Yuan period of fixed kiln porcelain,The Palace Museum collection 75 pieces.The exhibition a major bright spot is the qing dynasty palace archives in the fixed kiln porcelain records and the qing dynasty palace old Tibetan fixed kiln porcelain comparison show.


Activity: the haidian district leisure culture tourism festival


Location: phoenix valley scenic area/Sue home tuo, etc


Introduction: activities to"Close to west hill · comfortable I swim"As the theme,Can be divided into four festivals plate,Covers the ChiZhuHang swim purchase entertainment six factors,Visitors can enjoy the landscape between Chinese traditional regimen,Taste the rice meal, etc.

  活动:第五届“ 红叶·古长城”生态文化节

Activity: the fifth" Red · the ancient Great Wall"Ecological culture festival


Location: badaling national forest park

  介绍:因独特的地理位置和气候条件,公园红叶岭景区成为首都最早观赏红叶的秋游去处。红叶节期间公园将推出几项活动,包括提供古长城旁的100 株红叶树进行爱心认养;开展首都林业及林业碳汇风采展览,促进低碳旅游等。

Introduction: due to the unique geographical location and climatic conditions,Park red hill scenic spots become the capital of the earliest ornamental red autumn place.Red during the festival park will launch several activities,Including provision of the ancient Great Wall 100 strains by red tree for adoption of love,In the capital forestry and forestry carbon elegant demeanour exhibition,Promote the low carbon tourism, etc.
