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长假第二天:交通运行平稳 假日旅游开始升温--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  10月1日国庆节,杭城西湖迎来大批游客。图为人山人海的西湖景区。中新社发 李晨韵摄 National Day on October 1,,The west lake in hangzhou city in a large number of tourists.The graph is a sea of people of the west lake scenic area.SheFa Miocene LiChenYun perturbation
  10月1日电 综合报道,10月1日是2012年中秋、国庆长假的第二天,也是新中国成立63周年纪念日。当日,全国铁路客流继续高位运行,全国各地高速公路和国、省干 线以及旅游景区道路交通正常,未发生长时间、长距离交通拥堵。此外,各地旅游活动陆续登场,假日旅游市场开始升温。 On October 1, Comprehensive report,October 1st is 2012 Mid-Autumn festival/National Day the long vacation the next day,Is the 63th anniversary of the founding of the.On that day,The national railway passenger flow continue to run high,All parts of the country highway and countries/Province dry line and scenic road traffic normal,For a long time has not occurred/Long distance traffic jams.In addition,Most travel activities on in succession,Holiday tourism market starts to heat up.


交通:道路未现严重拥堵 铁路客流高位运行 traffic:The road is not serious congestion railway passenger flow high operation


According to coming from the ministry of public security information participated,1 all over the country highway and countries/Provincial trunk and scenic road traffic normal,For a long time has not occurred/Long distance traffic jams.All parts of the country, especially traffic flow of expressway traffic flow is apparent on September 30th,But still higher than the same period last year.

  1日0时至16时,京港澳高速公路京冀交界出京方向流量环比下降31%,同比上升60%。上海高速公路出沪方向流量环比下降37.9%,同比上 升26.8%。其中,京沪高速公路沪苏交界出沪方向流量环比下降50%,同比上升17.8%;沪昆高速公路沪浙交界出沪方向流量环比下降56.7%,同比 上升30.1%。

1 0 up to 16,The Hong Kong and Macao highway Beijing ji border out Beijing direction flow chain fell by 31%,Up 60%.Shanghai highway out of Shanghai direction flow chain fell by 37.9%,The year-on-year rise up to 26.8%.the,The beijing-shanghai expressway Shanghai Sue border out Shanghai direction flow chain fell by 50%,Up 17.8%;Shanghai-kunming high-speed road Shanghai zhejiang border out Shanghai direction flow chain fell by 56.7%,Up 30.1%.


According to September 30 part area highway congestion,Jim hall, a relevant person in charge, the paper points out that the ministry of public security,On the one hand because of toll free policy stimulus could drive people,Travel time relative concentration,Traffic flow appear blowout type growth,Far above the corresponding highway design capacity.


On the other hand,Jams node lies mainly in the Toll Gate into the mouth.Some highway toll station entrance and exit design and flow surge traffic demand does not adapt,Especially for toll free vehicle still practice"A car one card"The hairpin release system,Cause traffic toll station"bottleneck"Effect further revealed,And part of the expressway traffic accident make congestion degree further intensifies.


On September 30th,The national railway passenger volume reached 9.14 million,Hitting record highs.High iron concentration of Shanghai railway administration to send 1.717 million passengers,Set a new record, freight.October 1 national railway continue to run high,Beijing railway administration increased the beijing-tianjin/The direction of beijing-shanghai high iron capacity.


On October 1,,Civil aviation accumulated send about 996000 passengers,By 18 when,Executed 7145 vehicles,The national civil aviation 客座率 reached 89.2%.


Traffic department is expected to,On October 2,,The passenger travel will begin to fall.


旅游:各地旅游活动登场 假日旅游市场开始升温 tourism:Most travel activities on holiday tourism market starts to heat up


1 issued 2012 no. 2 the Mid-Autumn festival/National Day holiday travelling information display,1,All parts of the country ready to folk/leisure/Holiday tourism activities come on stage in succession,Nearly outing/Short term tour starts to heat up,Each scenic spot(point)The previous visits a day compared with increased obviously.

  数据显示,截至17时,全国纳入监测的119个直报景区共接待游客426.52万人次,同比增长23.72 %;门票收入21505.61万元,同比增长13.77%。

Data display,As the 17,The national into monitoring 119 straight to scenic spots received a total 4.2652 million tourists,Year-on-year growth of 23.72%;Tickets income is 215.0561 million yuan,Year-on-year growth of 13.77%.

  三峡大坝共接待游客2.4万人次,同比增长251.1%;武汉东湖共接待游客12.22万人次,同比增长227.61%;千岛湖共接待游客 17.65万人次,同比增长130.72%;西安兵马俑共接待游客3.59万人次,同比增长104.88%;乌镇共接待游客5.84万人次,同比增长 92.06%;韶山共3.42万人次,同比增长90%;深圳欢乐谷3.5万人次,同比增长9.38%。

The three gorges dam, it has received 24000 tourists,Year-on-year growth of 251.1%;Wuhan east lake, it has received 122200 tourists,Year-on-year growth of 227.61%;Thousand island received a total 176500 tourists,Year-on-year growth of 130.72%;Xian Terra Cotta Warriors were received 35900 tourists,Year-on-year growth of 104.88%;Wuzhen received a total 58400 tourists,Year-on-year growth of 92.06%;Shaoshan a total of 34200 people,Year-on-year growth of 90%;Shenzhen happy valley 35000 person-time,Year-on-year growth of 9.38%.


September 30, to 17 October 1, when 17,The national JiaRiBan common complaints telephone 14,Involving hotel 1 a,Tourist attractions and a,Tourist traffic 2 pieces.All day long has not received significant complaint.


Bulletin special mention,October 1, 8 early about 30 points,Beijing youth travel service by the reception of a German tourist group,Go to tianjin to attend taijiquan exchange activities,In the Beijing and tianjin tang qing high-speed si village shop nearby car accident,Lead to vehicle fire,The car has 19 the German national tourist,A tour guide,1 driver.


At present,Car accident has killed 6 people,Including 5 German tourists and a Chinese driver,14 people were wounded(2 seriously),1 people safe.At present two seriously injured people already arranged into tianjin city hospital,The rest of the injured had been placed in tianjin rare people's hospital.The vehicle and driver all belong to Beijing ShouQi group.


Accommodation aspects,Wutai mountain/Songshan shaolin temple/Pingyao ancient city, guest room occupancy rate above 90%;nanjing/xiamen/wuhan/waste/zhangjiajie/The thousand islet lake, guest room occupancy rate above 70%.


天气:冷空气影响北方 西南地区多阴雨天气 The weather:Cold air influence southwest north and more rain weather

  10月1日,全国大部地区依旧走“风和日丽”的主旋律。但未来三天,两股弱冷空气同时出动,北方地区的气温略有波动。1日至2日,新疆北部和东 部地区受来自西西伯利亚的冷空气影响将有4~8℃降温和5~6级偏北风,山口地区阵风可达7~9级。1日至3日,受蒙古国东移冷空气影响,内蒙古中东部、 华北北部、东北等地有4~6℃降温和4~5级偏北风。

On October 1,,The national most areas still go"serenity"The theme of.But the next three days,The two strands of weak cold air at the same time out,The temperature in northern slightly fluctuation.1 to 2,,In northern xinjiang and the eastern part of the western area to suffer from cold air influence will have 4 ~ 8 ℃ cooling and 5 ~ 6 level PianBeiFeng,Pass region gust can reach 7 ~ 9 level.1 to 3,,Mongolia cold air influence by the eastward movement,East-central Inner Mongolia/ In northern north China/Northeast China, with 4 ~ 6 ℃ cooling and 4 ~ 5 grades PianBeiFeng.


The next three days for the specific forecast:

  1日20时至2日20时,新疆北部、青藏高原东部、西北地区东南部、西南地区大部、内蒙古中东部、华北北部、海南等地有小到中雨或阵雨,其中, 云南西部、四川北部和南部的局部地区有大雨。新疆北部、内蒙古中部等地有4~6级风。受热带低压影响,台湾海峡、巴士海峡、南海北部海域将有6~8级东北 风,南海中部海域将有6~8级、阵风9~10级旋转风。

1 to 2, when 20 20,In northern xinjiang/The eastern edge of the Tibetan plateau/Southeast of the northwest region/Southwest most/East-central Inner Mongolia/In northern north China/Hainan, etc have small to moderate rain or showers,the, West yunnan/Sichuan province in southern and northern parts of the heavy rain.In northern xinjiang/Middle Inner Mongolia, etc with 4 ~ 6 level wind.By tropical depression influence,The Taiwan strait/Bashi channel/Northern south China sea sea area will have 6 ~ 8 level northeast wind,The south China sea will have 6 ~ 8 level/A gust of wind 9 ~ 10 level rotary wind.

  2日20时至3日20时,新疆东部、青藏高原东部、西北地区东部、内蒙古东部、东北地区中西部、华北东北部、西南地区大部、江汉西部、海南等地 有小到中雨或阵雨,其中,西藏东南部、四川南部、云南西北部、海南南部等地的局部地区有大雨。新疆东部、西北地区东部偏北地区、内蒙古东部、东北地区西部 等地有4~6级风。受南海热带系统影响,台湾海峡、南海中北部海域将有6~8级,阵风9~10级风,南海南部海域将有6~7级西南风。

2, 3, when 20 to 20,Xinjiang east/The eastern edge of the Tibetan plateau/In the east of northwest China/Eastern Inner Mongolia/The Midwest in northeast China/Northeastern north China/Southwest most/Jianghan western/Hainan, etc have small to moderate rain or showers,the,Southeast xizang/In southern sichuan/Northwest yunnan/Southern hainan, parts of the heavy rain.Xinjiang east/In the east of northwest China by north area/Eastern Inner Mongolia/Northeast China and the west have 4 ~ 6 level wind.By the south China sea tropical system influence,The Taiwan strait/Northern south China sea sea area will have 6 ~ 8 level,A gust of wind 9 ~ 10 level wind,In southern south China sea sea area will have 6 ~ 7 level southwest.

  3日20时至4日20时,青藏高原东部、西北地区东部、内蒙古东部、东北地区东部和北部、西南地区大部、江汉西部、海南等地有小到中雨,其中, 西藏东南部、四川南部、贵州西部、海南南部等地的局部地区有大雨。受南海热带系统影响,南海中北部海域将有6~8级、阵风9~10级风,南海南部海域将有 6~8级西南风。 (来源:中新网)

3, 20 up to 4, when 20,The eastern edge of the Tibetan plateau/In the east of northwest China/Eastern Inner Mongolia/The northeast region of the east and north/Southwest most/Jianghan western/Hainan, etc have small to moderate rain,the, Southeast xizang/In southern sichuan/In western guizhou/Southern hainan, parts of the heavy rain.By the south China sea tropical system influence,Northern south China sea sea area will have 6 ~ 8 level/A gust of wind 9 ~ 10 level wind,In southern south China sea sea area will have 6 ~ 8 level southwest. (source:a)
