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中国游客多取消赴日行程 冲绳遭受四亿日元损失--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  中新网10月4日电 据日本新华侨报网报道,日本“国有化”钓鱼岛后,中日关系迅速恶化,前往日本观光的中国游客也纷纷取消了行程。因日本对中国游客开放多次往返签证而首先受益的冲绳,目前已经为此损失约4亿日元。

Beijing on October 4, according to Japanese xinhua qiaobao reported,Japan"nationalization"Diaoyu islands after,Sino-japanese relations rapidly deteriorating,To Japan sightseeing Chinese tourists have to cancel the trip.For visitors from Japan to China many times return visa and the first to benefit Okinawa,At present has suffered a loss about 400 million yen.


According to Japan[Ryukyu new]news,Due to the island pavilion pointed(China's diaoyu islands)Problems influence,The Chinese tourists to Okinawa sightseeing is greatly reduced.It is estimated,As of October 3,,Okinawa so that the economic losses caused by has reached about 400 million yen.This is according to the published the walkway of the 2011 annual visit to Japan foreigners consumption trend,Okinawa make related prediction.Since the Japanese government to open the first station of Okinawa stay back and forth several times since the visa,To Okinawa sightseeing Chinese tourists greatly increased,Local each large enterprises have spent a lot of manpower material resources to meet Chinese tourists.now,These enterprises are starting to worry about present situation difficult to continue.


Okinawa tourism policy class says,According to data released the walkway,From naha airport departure Chinese tourists, and each person's consumption for 80000 7910 yen.By September 26,,Cancel the Chinese tourists travel Okinawa has reached about 4300 people.


A home appliance to sales mainly in stores:"Chinese tourists are purchasing power,Cancelled route if can't open,Our income will be greatly influenced."


AEON ryukyu company in October 2011, received 1200 Chinese tourists,In July 2012 and received about 500 people of Chinese tourists,therefore,The company also specifically hired about 50 Chinese translation personnel.But in view of the current situation,This company controller regret to say,Only go the one step at a time.(WangPeng)


 调查: survey:


1. If you have a reservation, to swim,Will because"Purchase island"Problem you please cancel?

  • will
  • 不会
  • Won't
  • 本来就没想去日本旅游
  • Originally didn't want to travel to Japan


2. You cancel to swim, what is the reason?

  • 日本“购岛”太荒唐,绝不去旅游
  • Japan"Purchase island"It is absurd to,Never to travel
  • 担心在日本旅游不太安全
  • Worry in Japan travel not safe
  • 我不会取消
  • I won't cancel


3. If not cancelled, to swim,Reason is what?

  • 理性消费,去不去日本旅游没啥影响
  • Rational consumption,Don't go to travel to Japan do not have what effect
  • 取消要承担损失,不少钱哪
  • Cancel to bear a loss,Lot of money which
  • 我就喜欢日本的旅游感受,不去日本没地儿去
  • I like Japanese tourist experience,Don't go to Japan to have no space
  • 我已经取消了赴日游行程
  • I have already cancelled the trip to Japan to swim


4. If cancellation need to commit yourself to a part of the loss,Do you?

  • 当然愿意,国家利益高于一切
  • Of course would like to,The interests of the state above all
  • 不愿意,自己掏腰包
  • Don't want to,His dig down
  • 纠结!既想去日本旅游,又不想承担损失
  • ravel!Have a trip to Japan,And don't want to bear a loss


5. Travel to Japan did not go,You can choose where to travel?

  • 台湾
  • Taiwan
  • 韩国
  • South Korea
  • 香港
  • Hong Kong
  • 东南亚
  • Southeast Asia
  • 欧洲
  • The European
  • 澳大利亚、新西兰
  • Australia/New Zealand
  • 非洲
  • Africa
  • 国内游
  • Domestic tourism
  • 哪都不去
  • Which is not to
  • 其它
  • other
Check results>>
