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十一国庆长假 热门景点堵人心(图)--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  当史上最长黄金周与高速公路针对7座以下小客车免费放行相遇会带来怎样的效果?也许各位从近来的媒体报道以略有耳闻。高速公路成为市民的健身场所,各热门景点成为人流的海洋,不少游客感言,来景区不是看景,是来看人潮! When the longest history of golden week and highway in 7 seat the following car free meet release will bring what kind of effect?Maybe you from the recent media reports to hear a little.Highway become citizens fitness sites,The hot spots become a sea of people,Many visitors testimonials,To scenic spot is not see scene,Is to see people!

游人如织的武当山景区 They flocked to the wudang mountain scenic area
  武当山景区也不能幸免,据十堰旅游网了解,节日第一天,武当山就迎 来了1.2万游客;10月1日接待游客2.86万人次;10月2日,旅客陡增至4.13万人次。2日下午,武当山景区历史上首次提前停售门票;3日武当山 景区再次游客爆满早上8点武当山金顶就迎来了游客高峰,仅一个上午接待量就达到了2日一天的接待量。中午12点,景区播放紧急通知,再次提前停售门 票。

Wudang mountain scenic area has not been immune,According to shiyan travel network understand,Holiday on the first day,Wudang mountain is to meet the 12000 visitors;October 1 received 28600 tourists;On October 2,,Passenger spurt to 41300 people.On the afternoon of December 2,Wudang mountain scenic area for the first time in history advance halt sales tickets;3rd, wudang mountain scenic spot again tourists packed house at 8 in the morning is mount wudang jinding the tourists ushered in the peak,Only one room in the morning to reach 2, a day of room.12 o 'clock at noon in,Scenic area played an emergency notice,Stop sale in advance again door ticket.


Such people to the national important scenic spot maintenance has also put forward new requirements,Not only that,People increase also makes tourism quality sells at a discount greatly,Reporters interviewed some random tourists,Testimonials are very similar,"People much more te","Next time don't choose the ten way tourism", etc.


China has thousands of scenic spot,But the high quality star scenic area is more than 100;But along with the ascension of the public quality of life,Tourism has become a normalization trend,But the yearly citizens can choose the day of travel is not much,Currently, only left eleven and the Spring Festival,The Spring Festival is a family reunion day,And only 11 can family go on a journey,This is also lead to 11 each tourist visitors to the main reason for the blowout.

  游客多了,必然就会增加景区突发事件的发生。像10月2日发生在华山的游客与景区发生的争执事件,问题主要还是出在景区的配套管理上,各景点管理人员应加强景区配套建设,注重以人为本,以最好的景区服务质量迎接四方宾客。 (来源:十堰旅游网)

The tourists,Inevitable will increase the occurrence of the incident.As October 2, occurred in huashan tourists and scenic spot conflicts event,Problems in or out the necessary management,Various attractions management personnel should strengthen the construction of form a complete set,People-oriented,With the best quality of service to meet the four quarters of guests. (source:Shiyan travel network)
