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要带薪休假 也要黄金周(图)--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  为期8天的最长黄金周成了一锅叫人难以下咽的黄金“粥”:国内游客数量刷新历史纪录,同比增长20.96%;发生道路交通事故6.8万多起,造成794人死亡,高速公路几成停车场。 For eight days the longest of the "golden week" became a pot of gold is difficult to swallow"porridge":The number of domestic tourists refresh record,Year-on-year growth of 20.96%;Road traffic accident happened more than 68000 up,Left 794 people dead,Highway several into the parking lot.


"Chinese vacation"Short plate once again become the focus of the reflection on the parties,In the crowded traffic flow behind the crowd,Just is"eleven"The golden week is loneliness makes people - love and hate:Difficult to implement the paid vacation system,Disappear five years of"The May Day"holiday,Let the National Day holiday into many domestic family the only chance to travel;and"Double festival"Even Hugh and high-speed free wait for a reason,Further became people this year on the research of the catalyst.


吐槽:假期死板,纯属受罪 Vomit tank:Holiday rigid,Is endure hardships


huashan/huangshan/Gulangyu island across the country a lot of scenic spots are packed,Beijing is no exception,"The Forbidden City people mountain people sea,The Great Wall regardless of inside and outside".Holiday back,Complain too long for a sound high a sound.so,People ideal vacation mode is what kind of?


"Three "golden week" circle force become two,Stroke full task urgent,Can not have an accident?"


Mr. Chu(Eight days off,Accompany a wife back to the trip home,Also many times to the party):So a few days off,I light high-speed run get two thousand miles (kilometers),I'm afraid that the still calculate less.Mid-Autumn day,I took my wife drive rush hengshui,All the way will be relaxed,Didn't catch"Cup with"Big jams.In the wife home for three days,He went to Beijing rush.See relatives,Will be friends,Together is a day.Just wanted to Beijing suburbs to swim a trip,Look at those information online,I told his wife a total,Or in the city's around.


You also don't say,"Golden week" the only advantage,May be the city traffic once happy the,Because everyone ran out to play,We just play in the city.


8 days down,Stroke full,I haven't a day at home have rest,The whole have to put a false than work also tired,For eight days,All to take care.


I think with paid vacation instead of golden week,This idea no problem,But don't use up operation"After the first break made"truth,The result is paid vacation not universal open,People can go out to play time instead of less,Three "golden week" circle force become two,And still another is stay home golden week.You see these two days,Light traffic accident die hundreds of people,Not all travel is too full,Urgent of yao.


I imagine in,The ideal holiday is set up,Unit 7 to 15 days of paid vacation,Can separate Hugh.From the eve of the Spring Festival Hugh to annual 15,"The May Day"/"eleven"Golden week can be removed,But also add a few small vacation,Similar to the Mid-Autumn festival this three days off,Each month to have a is better.


“因为假期灵活,我出游从来都避开高峰,心情能不好吗” "Because the holiday flexible,I never travel to avoid the rush,Can the mood bad"


WangJun(Well economic and technological development zone chip enterprise office clerk):I am in the office as a technical support,Not shop,Although the salary is not high,But it is relatively easy,Especially our holiday system is very flexible,May be regarded as a kind of welfare the.


Just entered the company's new twelve days of annual leave,Each work is full a year to 1.5 days,I this year for three years,Annual leave is 16.5 days,Very will be enough.Some unit of annual leave,Five day 5 days together please,Even last weekend,People are not as this week,Work better arrangement.And although there is the unit annual leave,But please up not free,Cannot and the Spring Festival/National Day the long vacation to connect,People can't leave time is too long.To the end of the year or is busy,Will not allow please annual leave.


We are not these limitations,Annual leave a day one day please,Also need not say ahead of time.Sometimes I could never get up in the morning,Or today suddenly don't want to go to work,What other arrangement,Just temporary please a days annual leave.Long vacation time also can even last year false together please,The Spring Festival in 2011 I will please the ten days annual leave,A total of at home for more than half a month.


Because the holiday more flexible,I travel time never avoid the rush hour,Discount air tickets are,And to eat to live are not looking to rise in price.This mood nature is very good,There's really enjoying not"Endure hardships"feeling.


冷水:理想美好,现实严峻 Cold water:Ideal beautiful,Reality severe


Implement paid vacation system,Cancel the unity of golden week,Many in the industry are given"Cure silver bullet".


however,In some deeply suffering golden week seems to ordinary people,The golden week is still has its must the value of existence.Way generally implement paid vacation system for many industry speaking,Too far away;Secondly the family idea strong people keen to family travel companion,It need more mandatory public holiday.


“国人热衷全家结伴出游,带薪休假取代不了黄金周” "For people to travel in the family,Paid vacation replace golden week"


HePeng(Originally plans to"curtilage"Wrong peak,Didn't expect or forced to travel):I was going to have a good rest at home a few days,Didn't expect hide all hide not open.My aunt and uncle during the summer vacation to say to want to come to Beijing,At that time I think it's too hot,It suggested that they early September or over the National Day come again,Stagger the long vacation,They had also said that line,The results came to mind again last month,And I have a cousin come together,Even with a granddaughter,The family are holidays,Just National Day holiday.


They came,We're a family must also accompany ah!Made with a small group similar,He sent me a horn,For a small flag the,Where are people mountain people sea,Adult uncomfortable,Children also suffer.We went to the palace that day,Squeeze no,Then go home a look at the news,182000 people!


The only one who can rest long vacation so didn't,So the people love dearly.7 in the evening,I watch work email thinking of the second day of work,Side miss"The May Day"Golden week.


Really don't know at the beginning to cancel"The May Day"The golden week is how to consider?How to vacation first should consider is how to facilitate everybody life,Rather than the government how to good management.Now don't think"eleven"Crowded then cancel"eleven"yao?The Spring Festival will squeeze more deformed.I know the past some schools will rush time put one to two weeks of autumn false,Let students in rural areas to come home and help with the harvest,In fact, this is a very humane way,According to the needs of all is to off,Not with the command to everyone's life.


Be like me so of"After 80"Is like themselves out,But now there are still many Chinese families hope to travel with my family,You have to give them the chance."Paid vacation"Is needed,But consider our national conditions,It can't replace"Golden week".


“我们工作节奏跟大部分人不在一个点上,假期怎么安排?” "We working rhythm like most people is not a point,Holiday how to arrange?"


High nana(Clothing store employees,National Day golden week only have three days off):The more the more golden week when we are the busiest,This time eight seven-day holiday I rotate the rest for three days,Again after a day can time-off,So the.Overwork salary is to three times,But not real wages three times,Is three times the minimum wage,Because the contract is then signed.


National Day holiday all so,"Paid vacation"The more virtual,Only civil servants or large company white-collar just have it,Anyway, we don't have this to say son,Unless count the company organization development and tourism.Our daily work time less than seven hours,So usually in six days a week class,Don't be to work overtime.


The rules of the company to work overtime is can fill those who rest,But to your own initiative to apply for.You have a rest,It is equal to other colleagues to work for you.Last year I have at home,Application of compensatory after two days,Feel special embarrassed,For with my colleague said that a lot of good things,Please come back after our group colleagues big eat a meal.Everyone is the state,You jump out to rest requirements,If you don't want to do like the.


I feel we this service industry working rhythm like most people are not on a little,You say that our holiday this how arrange?I think it is golden week or better,At least I don't have time to apply for,The company when scheduling will consider this problem,Can more than usual two days off.


争辩 argue


分散客流 Dispersion passenger flow“要恢复五一黄金周” "To restore the May Day holiday week"


WangQiYan(Chinese people's university leisure economy research center director):Had to cancel"The May Day"When the golden week,Noisy badly,Because I said 1 support to cancel the golden week,Also I doubt it will scold.Here I want to reiterate my point of view,In the paid vacation policy before the comprehensive implementation,Don't cancel the golden week;In the paid vacation after the policy to carry out,Golden week should be cancelled.The media are centralized to my half sentence after the,It is a mistake.


Of golden week"synchronic"Cause traffic jams,Attractions occupied,These problems can't by increasing the golden week to solve,Should be scattered holiday.In addition to implement the paid vacation system outside,I think we can in no golden week of the month,Add a holiday,On Monday or on Friday,This let one weekend form three even Sue,People can have more travel choice,But not all crowded into the golden week to these days.


From the present situation to see,I think to cancel the golden week is not workable,And it is necessary to restore"The May Day"The golden week passenger dispersion.But to cancel the golden week is a trend,The premise is to promote paid vacation system.Now it seems,Government agencies and some large enterprise basic can do it,But the small and medium-sized private enterprise,Paid vacation system propulsion slowly.This needs the support of law,And there is a strict law enforcement,Want to have examination system.At the same time the enterprise trade union should also play the role of the maintenance staff rights.


恢复“五一” recovery"The May Day"


“别再造一个洪峰” "Don't create another peak"


Tsinghua university professor CaiJiMing influence is the Chinese golden week holiday change one of the key figures,"The May Day"The golden week is in his group under study suggests that cancelled.


recently,When being interviewed by the media,CaiJiMing said"eleven"The golden week is crowded and"The May Day"The cancellation of the golden week have no direct relation,Golden week crowded is due to system caused by itself."It is proposed to add a golden week"Flood discharge",Then this"The flood"What is the cause?It is man-made,Hadn't the peak.Originally can through the weekend/Paid vacation to the shunt,And artificially together,It had been shunted the crowd together form peak,In order to flood discharge,Made a(The May Day holiday is)peak."
