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中国游客锐减 日本名古屋观光业称遭重创--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  东方网10月9日消息:据日本新华侨报网援引日本《中国新闻》报道,日本旅游行业满心期待的中国游客潮在中国国庆长假中,并未如期而至。因钓鱼岛问题,大量中国游客纷纷取消了赴日旅游的行程,位于中部日本地区的爱知县也受到影响。前往名古屋市访问的中国游客数量锐减原本的一个令人期待的“旺季”,却冷清得令名古屋旅游行业不禁望太平洋兴叹了。 DongFangWang, oct 9,:According to Japan and Japan 'xinhua quoted[China news]reports,Japan's tourism industry were filled with looking forward to Chinese tourists in China National Day long vacation in,Did not comes.Because of the diaoyu island question,A large number of Chinese tourists to cancel the trip to Japan tourism,Located in the central aichi prefecture Japan areas have also been affected.To the Chinese tourists visit Nagoya dropped drastically originally a is expected to"season",But cold and cheerless may order Nagoya tourism industry can't help at the Pacific Ocean the signs.


Nagoya city the main tourism cheng jing is Nagoya city.Calendar year,Every arrive the summer tourist season,From China's group visitors come here to visit.But since the September 11,,The Japanese government to China inherent territory diaoyu island and its subsidiary island(Japan says"Pointed pavilion islands")The so-called illegal implementation"nationalization"Movement after,Nagoya gate and then haven't see the figure of Chinese tourists.A local woman guide rather worry:"Person many of time,One day to have two or three teams Chinese guests here to visit.now,A week can receive three or four group is already very force."


In recent years,Nagoya has been improving the local tourism industry receives the ability of Chinese tourists.In order to facilitate the local Chinese visitors understand the cultural history and folklore,Special use simplified Chinese made publicity brochure,On guide place,For the guests receive conveniently.now,Take Chinese brochure in local tour guests very few.


Tourism industry not only prepared for Chinese tourists preparation,Even the local business is a focus on the arrival of the Chinese tourists.In the local great comprehensive malls Nagoya three more honor shop once experienced Chinese tourists throng,Let the shop earn piles cheng jing.According to the habit of Chinese tourists,End after the visit,In the home before,Are more like to buy some bags/Famous brands such as clothes and take back goods.therefore,The special employment can speak Chinese 导购员.


According to the mansion of the AD kimura and introduced the yankees,The shop was on this year's National Day long vacation full of expectation,But as of October 5,,To store shopping for Chinese guests only a few people.Kimura and always the bitterness:"In 2011,,Japan happened"3 · 11 earthquake"after,Number of guests excitation minus,But to China's National Day even during the leisure,Come here to guest is more than two digits?."


As a guide in attractions and shopping malls as operators,Nagoya the travel industry of the industry in the eagerly looked forward to Chinese visitors as thick as hail.But at present, see,Earthquake sequela and the influence of the two countries territorial disputes formed"Double superposition",Sino-japanese relations deteriorating,Nagoya city tourism business I'm afraid cold continue for a period of time.


The experience of tourist attractions in Nagoya hotel accommodation industry in the city is also the same.According to local hotel accommodation industry statistics,In 2010,,Visit the local and foreign people put up at 390000,the,China's largest number,More than three into.Nagoya city tourism propulsion room person in charge said:"To Nagoya come in Chinese,Many because business purpose.therefore,Tourists to reduce,For the city of Nagoya in tourism,No doubt is a hit."
