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  商报记者10月4日,一对年轻父母驾车到万州青龙瀑布旅游,见1岁半的儿子睡着了,夫妻俩便将儿子锁在车内,双双旅游去了。孩子中途醒了,独自走下车来哭着找妈妈,这可急煞了游人。昨天,记者从万州区交巡警支队了解到,交巡警几经周折才找到小孩的父母。 Business newspaper reporter on October 4,,A pair of young parents drive to the wanzhou qinglong waterfall tourism,See 1 year old son of half asleep,Both the husband and wife and son lock in the car,Both to the tourism.The children wake up,Go off alone to the crying for mothers,This can be hurry down the visitors.yesterday,Reporters from WanZhouOu JiaoXunJing team to know,JiaoXunJing after several setbacks to find the child's parents.


男童路边哭着找妈 The boy's cry for the mother


October 4 to the morning,National Day holiday when Mid-Autumn festival,Wanzhou miss wang driving came to visit qinglong waterfall,At about 11,Miss wang in the door get off,A more than 1 year old boy suddenly took her by the hand,Cried and called"mother,mother……"


Miss wang immediately get confused,soon,Miss wang reaction to come over,Must be the little boy to admit mistake a person.She then hold the little boy into the surrounding tourists ask around,But everybody says don't know the little boy.


The little boy kept crying,Miss wang unaided,The child had to is the duty of the JiaoXunJing.


交巡警调监控查看 JiaoXunJing adjustable monitoring view


WanZhouOu public security bureau JiaoXunJing LongSha brigade deputy district chief European RongBin immediately hold the little boy came to the nearby to merchants inquiry,But merchants and some local villagers that is never seen the child.The RongBin inference,The little boy should be scenic tourist children.so,He had a little boy to the monitoring center to check surveillance video.


"It was tourists lost."After repeated view surveillance video,The RongBin found the child is at 11 o 'clock from a car parked in scenic spot out of the vehicle,Was not from adults get out of the car.The RongBin immediately find the car,But no one car.


喇叭喊话找到家长 Horn propaganda find parents


The RongBin took the children,In the internal use horn propaganda.More than 20 minutes,A young couple ran full head big sweat.The little boy saw them,Quickly pleased to dive to the mother's arms,"mother/mother"Keep shout.


"All blame we are too careless the."The child's father Mr Zhang told police,The day early in the morning he drove with his wife and only one half years old the child to play qinglong waterfall.They to the parking lot after car,Discover the child fell asleep,Two people got together and children will lock in the car,Then go to the play,Didn't expect the children wake up,Open yourself ran out."Thank you,Thanks to the good intention."Mr. Zhang said.


提醒 remind


小孩锁在车内很危险 The child lock in the car is very dangerous


"Children will be locked in the car is very dangerous."yesterday,WanZhouOu people's hospital rehabilitation department doctor yellow says,Because the car in seal state,Air can't circulation,For a long time can lead to the people anoxia suffocate.


At the same time,When the car doors and Windows closed,10 minutes,The temperature will rapidly increase 6 ~ 7 ℃,Children's body temperature increase faster than adult fast 3 ~ 5 times,therefore,If the children stay closed the car,Even if only a few minutes for them is dangerous.


Yellow doctor reminds a citizen,Try not to in seal car worker,Especially children,If must attract,Remember to open the window,Or will the window leave point gap.


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儿童锁车内悲剧不少 Children's lock the car a lot of tragedy


On August 8, 2007 at about seven,Jinan a kindergarten five years old preschool children in the car are forgotten,Until that afternoon 5 to 20 points were found in the car death,By forensic identification for heatstroke death.


On July 31, 2010 in the morning,Xian a two year old girls were forgotten in the kindergarten in school until afternoon 4 when 30 points to be found,Children unfortunately died suffocation.


In 2011, hunan hengyang a careless mother took 10 years old children go out to play,A beauty salon in front,Mother will be sleeping child lock in the car,Themselves are leaving.Vehicles will be exposure in the sun,The child heatstroke death.

  2011年8月14日,江苏扬州一对父母下车跟亲戚谈事情,将熟睡的17岁女儿留在车里。由于谈话时间过长,等他们回到车上时,爱女已经中暑休克,送到医院仍告不治身亡。 (来源:华龙网-重庆商报)

August 14, 2011,Jiangsu yangzhou a pair of parents with relatives get off about things,Will the sleeping 17 years old daughter in the car.Due to talk for a long time,And they returned to the bus,Love has heat shock,To the hospital still accuse not died. (source:Hua long wangdai - chongqing business newspaper)
