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In 2012,,Are doomed to be uluru - - - this central Australia clay desert megalith extraordinary one year.


From early 2012,The first frame China charter flights arrived at uluru airport,Open large machine group in uluru is the prelude of travel;To 2012 years,Uluru received several from thousands of candidates to the fore in"Quest uluru"Cool - tourism experience division;To September just end of the sino-australian desert big crossing,40 chinese-foreign challenge desert warriors party uluru;And years countless Chinese media/Name bo/traveler/Photographer's visit,Let uluru this far southern hemisphere of the world's largest single rock in China the upsurge of a wave upon wave.

  本月的乌鲁鲁更是热闹非凡!宝马中国把Destination X 目的地自驾之旅澳大利亚的汇合点选在乌鲁鲁,这无疑给乌鲁鲁这个被澳洲原住民成为“聚会之所”的地方增添了新意。宝马中国的2012X之旅北线从澳洲北领地州府达尔文出发,途经卡卡杜国家公园、凯瑟琳、谭宁溪、爱丽斯泉最终到达乌鲁鲁;南线从南澳大利亚州府阿德莱德出发途经库波帕迪、帝王谷最终到达乌鲁鲁。10月13日南北两线圆满完成纵贯澳洲中部3000多公里路程,全队近100人浩浩荡荡胜利会师乌鲁鲁。当天晚上乌鲁鲁艾尔斯岩度假村为凯旋的宝马X之旅勇士们举行了庆功宴,度假村总经理发表了热情洋溢的欢迎辞,乌鲁鲁的传统主人安纳古人也为他们表演了传统舞蹈欢迎远道而来的贵宾。

This month's uluru is very busy!BMW China the Destination X Destination drive to tour Australia's meeting to choose in uluru,This undoubtedly give uluru the Australian aborigines become"Of party"Added new place.BMW China's 2012 x trip uptown from Australia's northern territory state based on Darwin,Via kakadu national park/Catherine/TanNingXi/Alice Spring finally arrived at uluru;The downtown from the south Australian state on Adelaide via library wave pardi's/The valley of the Kings finally arrived at uluru.October 13 north and south two line the successful completion of central Australia through more than 3000 kilometres,A team of nearly 100 people gathered at victory join forces with uluru.That night YiErSiYan uluru resort for victorious BMW X trip warriors held glee feast,Resort hotel general manager published for your kind words of welcome,Uluru traditional master ana the ancients also for they performed traditional dance welcome the attendance of the distinguished guests.


At the same time,From domestic famous star couple summer rain wintenberger e led"Strong swim"The team also in mid-october will arrived at uluru,And BMW 2012 x tour warriors meet by chance.Their arrival,No doubt give uluru this has a history of five hundred million years of red giant rock has injected new vitality,Endowed with new connotation;And this has the Australian aborigines uluru spiritual and cultural significance destination,Also can give their travel even their life leaves thick mo chongcai the chapters and memories.

  澳大利亚旅行者度假集团的销售与市场执行总经理石东瑞先生(Mr Ray Stone)表示:“我们非常高兴地看到宝马中国的团队和壮游选择乌鲁鲁,这充分说明澳洲中部以乌鲁鲁为代表的红土中心对中国市场的吸引力越来越高。中国一直是乌鲁鲁艾尔斯岩度假村至关重要的市场,从今年5月1日开始的度假村原住民活动,到10月份五星级的沙漠风帆酒店装修完毕,我们就是要让每一个来到度假村住宿旅游的中国客人,感受到乌鲁鲁的与众不同并从原住民活动中更加深入的了解内陆独特的土著文化,从而将美好的旅行体验带回去和朋友分享。”

Australian tourist vacation the group's sales and market execution executive general manager Mr. Red(Mr Ray Stone)said:"We are very happy to see BMW China team and strong swim choose uluru,This fully shows in central Australia to uluru as a representative of clay to the center of the Chinese market appeal more and more high.China has been uluru YiErSiYan resort vital market,From this year 5 began on 1 resort aboriginal activities,Until October five-star desert sail hotel after decoration,We is to let every one to come to the Chinese guests tourism resort hotel,Feel the difference from indigenous people and uluru activities more deep understanding inland unique native culture,Thus will better travel experience back and friends to share."


The BMW X tour all stroke,The northern territory is the only qualification for the Chinese DeJieShe uluru Chinese tourism is responsible for the reception arrangement.Chinese tourism general manager Mr. WangZhaoHua said:"This year, the company's increased and the Chinese market cooperation dynamics,In addition to the BMW activities,Sino-australian desert big crossing is also our to undertake,And achieved good response."Mr. And Mr. WangZhaoHua executive red are expected this year from China to the number of uluru there will be a substantial increase,Their uluru future full of confidence.


更多关于澳洲乌鲁鲁艾尔斯岩度假村的信息,请关注: More about Australia uluru YiErSiYan resort of information,Please pay attention to:


Chinese website:http://www.uluruayersrockresort.com.cn



About uluru

  位于澳大利亚中部沙漠的乌鲁鲁又名艾尔斯岩,是一个拥有五亿年历史的红色巨型岩石,矗立在红土中心的广阔沙漠里,并集世界自然与文化遗产双重桂冠于一身。它是世界上最大的一块单体岩石,周长9公里,绝对高度超过八百米,裸露在地面的约348米。乌鲁鲁巨石会随着光线的变化而呈现不同的红色,以“大、奇、美”著称于世;守护乌鲁鲁的澳大利亚原住民安纳古人还保留着传统的生活方式, 护卫着他们赖以生存的这片土地。作为澳大利亚最著名的自然和人文地标,乌鲁鲁多次荣膺人生必游的世界50个地方之一,它一直是各国游客心中的旅游胜地。

Australia is located in the middle of the desert and uluru YiErSiYan name,Is a has a history of five hundred million years of red giant rock,Stands in the center of the clay in the vast desert,And set the world natural and cultural heritage double crown at a suit.It is the world's largest a piece of monomer rock,Perimeter 9 km,Absolute altitude of more than eight hundred meters,Exposed on the ground of about 348 meters.Uluru megalith with the changes of light and present different red,to"big/odd/beauty"Is well known for its;Guardian uluru's Australian aborigine ana the ancients still keep the traditional way of life, Guard their survival this piece of land.As one of Australia's most famous natural and cultural landmark,Uluru of many times life will swim world one of 50 a place,It has always been in each country tourist resorts.


About Australia uluru YiErSiYan resort

  澳洲乌鲁鲁艾尔斯岩度假村是在澳大利亚中部乌鲁鲁卡塔丘塔地区唯一的酒店提供商。无论你是经济型的背包游客,还是奢华型的享乐者;无论你是独自旅行,还是与家人朋友一起,度假村的五种不同类型的酒店总可以满足你。酒店类型包括五星级的沙漠风帆酒店、四星级的沙漠花园酒店、家庭套房类的鸸鹋高级公寓、适合背包客入住的内陆先驱者酒店和青年旅馆、还有各种露营场地。最特别的,度假村里还有一个超五星级的东经131顶级奢华帐篷酒店,打开窗让你和世界上最大最神奇的变色大岩石面对面! 乌鲁鲁艾尔斯岩度假村是由澳大利亚原住民土地委员会拥有(Indigenous Land Cooperation),并由澳洲旅行者度假集团Voyages Indigenous Tourism Australia 进行管理。

Australia uluru YiErSiYan resort is in central Australia uluru card tower hill tower area the only hotel provider.No matter you are budget backpackers,Or luxury type profligate;Whether you travel alone,With family or friends,The five different types of hotel can always satisfy you.Hotel types including five-star desert sail hotel/Four-star desert garden hotel/Family suite type of emu senior apartments/Suitable for backpackers in inland pioneer hotel and youth hotel/There are various kinds of camp ground.The most special,Holiday village and a super five-star east longitude 131 top luxury hotel tent,Open the window to let you and the world largest and most magical color big rock face to face! Uluru YiErSiYan resort is by the Australian aborigine land committee has(Indigenous Land Cooperation),And the Australian tourist resort group Voyages Indigenous Tourism Australia for management.
