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孝子带农村七旬老父旅游庆生 乘飞机出游--亲稳网络舆情监测室

图为兰支树老人第一次飞机。兰立铵摄 The graph is blue branch tree old man flying for the first time.Ammonium LanLi perturbation 图为兰立铵为父亲兰支树接尿。李胜成摄 The ammonium LanLi as father's blue branch tree joint urine.LiShengCheng perturbation
  中新网重庆10月17日电 “人生中第一次出门旅游、第一次坐车途经高速、第一次坐火车、第一次坐飞机、第一次坐轻轨、第一次坐轮船,到处都是高楼林立、车水马龙”,17日,面对记者的到来,重庆酉阳县毛坝乡秀山村72岁老人兰支树一下打开了话匣子,反复回味着生日那天的“旅游初体验”。 Beijing on October 17, chongqing "For the first time in life to go traveling/Ride for the first time through high speed/The first train/The first time on a plane/First time on a light rail/For the first time by ship,Everywhere with tall buildings/Heavy traffic",17,Facing journalists' arrival,Chongqing YouYangXian MaoBaXiang show mountain village 72 - year - old blue branch tree once opened the ice,Repeated enjoy the birthday"Tourism initial experience".


On October 10,,Blue branch tree eldest son LanLi ammonium with father from chongqing qianjiang boat north airport fly to chongqing urban tourism,With the old man had a"special/unforgettable/happiness"birthday.


17,The reporter comes to YouYangXian fourth people's hospital(Red Cross hospital)Visit in hospital LAN branch tree,The old man ten years ago had prostate hyperplasia,A seizure cannot voiding,Pain more than.the,Blue a tree to work out urine with plastic tubing guidance,Son LanLi ammonium and plastic basin squat on the earth meet.


"Didn't think I've lived more than 70 years old still can sit once the plane,Sit at ease."Recall a few days ago birthday,Blue branch tree the corners of the mouth is full smile.He told reporters,Birthday at home before relatives will come to congratulate,By more than 70 years old wife cooking very troublesome.Can this year in birthday on a plane,Felt both relaxed and happy.


According to LanLi ammonium is introduced,The father and his son in chongqing jiangbei airport after off the plane,Then take light rail to chongqing north station booking train ticket,Then he took a bus to ChaoTianMen wharf tour,In the evening the father and his son also sit on the two ships to swim.


then,The father and his son also to chongqing jiangbei pedestrian street go a was,Blue a tree in the eyes of the jiangbei wide streets/House high,Night and day as lively."Floor is too high,Looked up at even hat are dropped on the ground."Orchid branch of the tree said,Never see bridge also fashionable stratification,very"science".Ammonium LanLi aside added,"It is flying over".


Asked about the purpose of the tourism with father's birthday,LanLi ammonium said he wasn't on impulse.The wife could not bear poverty to run away from home,Now people with a single child,Life is distress,Monthly also can earn 2000 yuan or so.


"As the saying goes"YangYouGuiRuZhiEn,Jay has feedback of righteousness",How much more will go?"Ammonium LanLi said,Before two years railway from YouYangXian fine shahe through,But the fine of not stops,Father common train through but never sit over,An early train desire.In order to send his father in high school,For the supply of goods every day pick earn 2 yuan,Now when you walk a shoulder to shoulder a only low.Although he is not well,But father have the desire you should try your best to achieve,Lest leave lifelong regret.


"Father likes on the plane through the Windows look outside,Let his most don't understand is why on a plane on the ground is a cloudy day,And on a plane is sunny day."LanLi ammonium smile to say,Father doesn't know the plane height has more than the clouds,It is the plane on the sunny day let father's birthday more happy.
