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1. You to high-density quasi kind of ten thousand mu red sorghum investment of 670 million build tourism zone be related how see?

  • 支持。
  • support.
  • 反对。
  • against.
  • 不好说。
  • Not say.


2. Do you think densified to mo yan celebrity effect development of tourism will be successful?

  • 会。
  • will.
  • 不会。
  • Won't.
  • 不好说。
  • Not say.


3. If you think densified with mo yan celebrity effect to the successful development of tourism,why?

  • 中国第一个获得诺贝尔文学奖得住的家乡和故居对于游客有吸引力。
  • China's first won the Nobel Prize for literature lived hometown and former residence for tourists attractive.
  • 莫言的作品中的红高粱文化取材于高密,打好红高粱文化旅游牌就可以成功。
  • Mo yan's works of red sorghum culture based on density,Good red sorghum cultural tourism brand to be successful.
  • 高密其实本身就具有丰富的旅游资源,借助莫言的名人效应可以一炮而红。
  • High-density actually itself has rich tourism resources,With the aid of mo yan's celebrity effect can be a gun and red.
  • 我认为莫言名人效应不会帮助高密开发旅游成功。
  • I think mo yan celebrity effect won't help high-density development tourism success.


4. If you think mo yan celebrity effect won't help high-density development tourism success,why?

  • 莫言是作家,不是旅游资源,风马牛不相及的名人效应。
  • Mo yan is a writer,Not tourism resources,A horse and celebrity effect.
  • 旅游开发靠的旅游资源和配套服务而不是炒作,炒作注定不会成功的。
  • Tourism development on the tourism resources and supporting services not hype,Speculation is not successful.
  • 莫言的热潮会慢慢退去的,短暂的人气火热不足以改变高密旅游的现状。
  • Mo yan upsurge will slowly turned back,The popularity of the short hot enough to change the present situation of high-density tourism.
  • 名人哪都有,但是能借助名人效应成功开发旅游的地方却不多,大部分都失败了。
  • Celebrity which have,But with the aid of celebrity effect can successfully developed tourist places but not much,Most of the failed.
  • 我认为莫言名人效应会帮组高密开发旅游成功。
  • I think mo yan celebrity effect will help group of high-density development tourism success.


5. Do you think that the successful development of a local cultural tourism resources need what conditions?

  • 名人效应,名人是最简单最直接的文化旅游名片。
  • Celebrity effect,Celebrity is the simplest the most direct cultural tourism business card.
  • 旅游资源本身,只有具备有吸引力的旅游资源才是成功发展旅游的根基。
  • Tourism resources itself,Only then has the attractive tourism resources are the foundation of successful development of tourism.
  • 配套服务的设施,良好的服务态度与完善的基础设施必不可少。
  • Supporting service facilities,Good service attitude and perfect infrastructure indispensable.
  • 旅游宣传,当今社会酒香也怕巷子深,宣传才是硬道理。
  • Tourism publicity,In today's society bouquet also afraid of deep alley,Propaganda is the hard truth.
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