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    据澳洲新快网报道,澳洲旅游局预计亚洲游客在2020年前将翻一番,导致服务业从业员需求紧缺。    According to Australian new fast reported,Tourism Australia is expected,Asian tourists in 2020 years ago will double,Lead to service industry practitioners in the shortage of demand。


As Asia to Australia the number of visitors is expected to surge in 2020 years ago a times,Foreign bar,Coffee shops and hotel need hundreds of thousands of workers to fill expectations about 100000 vacancies。

  澳洲旅游局行政总裁麦勤伟(Andrew McEvoy)8月28日在墨尔本会议上表示全澳洲提供的美味佳肴最受旅行团旅客们称道,即使其在宣传战略上并非大卖点。

Australian tourism bureau chief executive MaiQinWei(Andrew McEvoy)On August 28th meeting in Melbourne Australia said provide delicacies the most popular Tours praised the passengers,Even if the propaganda strategy is not big selling point。


At the same time in a year is expected to 2020 years ago, there will be more than 1 million Chinese visitors spent about 10 billion yuan's visit to Australia。It is pointed out that MaiQinWei,Should the food in the first place。

  “我们应拿出我们对厨艺的热衷并将其展示在全世界面前。” “澳洲人有幸接触到伟大的食材并能将其演绎出美味的佳肴,来访的游客都认为澳洲是能享受到世界顶级佳肴的地方。”他也声援墨尔本皇冠赌场积极开拓墨尔本和柏斯场馆以作亚洲游客旅游目的地的做法,并支持在悉尼新巴仁阿卢区开设六星级酒店或赌场。他表示:“购物,就餐和娱乐正是皇冠赌场所能提供的,也正是亚洲游客所想要的。”

“We should take out our enthusiasm for cooking and its display in front of all the world。” “Australians have come into contact with great ingredients and can deduce the delicious food,The visiting tourists all think that Australia is can enjoy the world's top food place。”He also support Melbourne crown casino actively explore Melbourne and Perth venues for Asian tourists the practice of tourism destination,In Sydney and support new and benevolence, Lou area open six star hotel or casino。He said:“shopping,Dining and entertainment is crown gambling sites can offer,It is also the Asian tourists want。”


MaiQinWei said,It's not all that is oriented to high income tourists。He wants to be the world's leading the tourism development and benevolence, Lou area for middle-income tourists provide additional at least 1000 3,4 star beds。He admitted that,In 2020 the government tourism strategy depends on the will double every year of tourists spending(About 140 billion yuan),That is depends on the number of Chinese tourists。


Tourism Australia will be listed Chinese tourists“first”,Because they expected future 8 years China passenger quantity will increase more than 40%。


But Australia hotel association chairman crowe warning to achieve these ambitious goal,Need thousands of foreign employees,Because there is no enough Australian people are willing to fill the vacancy。


Crowe chairman said:“The unemployment rate is now only 5% or so,It is difficult to recruit people in service industry,For the needs of the foreign employees, has never interrupted。”
