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Shenzhen mangrove cry,Continuous cry for years.


In guangzhou, high speed along the river/The second line of west-east gas engineering bulldozers before shovel,xixiang/The fu yong and shajing the sea vast stretches of vast stretches of mangrove forest,Be desperate down to the ground.

  提起红树林,许多深圳市民首先想到的是深圳湾畔的红树林鸟类自然保护区。其实,在深圳西乡、福永、沙井、华侨城湿地、东涌、坝光等地的海边,也生长着天然 的红树林,可是,破坏伴随着城市的开发建设持续发生,越来越多的红树林及湿地,渐渐地从深圳地图上消失。

Mention mangrove,Many of the shenzhen citizen first think of the shenzhen bay mangrove nature reserve of birds.In fact,In shenzhen xixiang/fuyong/shajing/Oct wetland/Tung chung/Dam light of the sea,Growing natural mangrove,but,With the destruction of the city development and construction persists,More and more mangrove and wetland,Gradually from shenzhen disappear on the map.


Famous mangrove protection experts/Guangdong alone in futian reserve administration original bureau chief WangYongJun statistics,By the end of 2006 the mangrove area from 8000 mu reduced to 3000 mu!


From the beginning of September,In the lasted nearly two months of investigation,Reporter field visit shenzhen mangrove all the growth of the sea,Found that shenzhen mangrove area has less than 2000 mu!

  福永与沙井: 外来海桑独霸一方 Fuyong and shajing: Foreign aerophore take over a party


"Here are all mangrove before/Fishing pond,In the evening,In the sun reflects in,Migratory birds fly beauty let a person cannot bear to leave."Recall former scenery,In shajing offshore rural work more than 10 years of ms. Zhang still immersed in the previous picture.now,Along with the reclamation engineering continuous approximation,The beauty of the before has collapsed.Ms. Zhang is day by day looking at shajing mangrove declining,In addition to guangzhou, besides high speed along the river,And local development and construction.

  现在沿着沙井-福永的西海堤前行,堤外是珠江出海口,堤前是渔塘、湿地,不时有一排排的红树林。在沙井和福永的海堤外,除了本地的天然红树林外,还有不少 是外来物种海桑。福永有部分红树林在前几年被冻死,只剩下黑乎乎的树干站立在海边。

Now along the manhole - fuyong west sea wall forward,The pearl river embankment is blooms,Embankment is before fishing pond/wetland,From time to time have rows of mangrove.In the manhole and fuyong of sea wall outside,In addition to the local natural mangrove wuchaoshan mountain were described through analysis on,There are many is alien species aerophore.The fu yong part of mangrove in a few years ago freeze to death,Only dark trunk stand on the beach.


The fu yong near the sea of xixiang farmer,And a slice of mangrove forests have been cut down,Leaving roots.Baoan LuWei do engineer LiFuLin later when accepting a reporter to explain,This is because after aerophore freeze to death,Relevant departments will trunk surgery.


Freeze to death or cut off mangrove why not to plant?Xixiang water department of agriculture and forestry a staff said,"We have ask for instruction first freeze to death if you need resow aerophore,But got no reply."

  海桑虽然也是红树,但却是外来引进物种,极具侵略性,如入侵物种薇甘菊一样,侵占本地天然红树林的生存空间,所到之处迅速取代本地物种,把丰富的本地 物种变成单一物种。

Although also be aerophore mangrove,But foreign introduced species,Extremely aggressive,Such as invasive species osmund chamomile as,Occupy the local natural mangrove living space,They quickly replace the local species,The rich native species into a single species.

  在一海之隔的香港米埔湿地保护区,从2000年发现第一批海桑,7年后这种入侵树种就已经繁殖到5万棵。为了保护本地红树林物种,避免海桑过度繁殖,港府每年 不得不斥巨资进行砍伐。

In a sea between the mai Po Hong Kong wetland nature reserve,From the discovery in 2000 of the first batch of aerophore,Seven years later this invasion species has been breeding to 50000 trees.In order to protect the local mangrove species,Avoid excessive breeding aerophore,Each year the government had to denounce is gigantic endowment to cut them.

  海桑威胁一度引起了许多专家的呼吁,曾为深圳市政协委员的王勇军,在2007年和2008年深圳市两会中,两度提出有关海桑威胁的议案,但没有引起相关部门的重视 。

Aerophore threat once caused many experts appeal,Once the WangYongJun for shenzhen's political consultative conference (CPPCC),In 2007 and 2008 in shenzhen two meetings,Two-time concerning the threat aerophore bill,But did not attract the attention of the appropriate departments .

  西乡:红树林在工程中被铲平 xixiang:Mangrove in engineering by leveling


Baoan xixiang/shajing/Fuyong the sea,Most of the places where inclose construction.Reporter after many looking for,In September to one afternoon,Mei from xixiang silver,Found in the entrance of the seawall.


From the entrance after go in,Is the coastal guangshen highway engineering field,Coastal highway project has come to an end.Guangzhou coastal high-speed like the dragon as frame at the beach,And the dragon under,There is a lot of once the mangrove,But many places have dried up,As part of the project.


In guangzhou, the side of the coastal highway engineering,And the second line of west-east gas engineering,The project will be huge number root pipeline buried in the ground,Busy bulldozers and forklift truck are nervous construction."Shovel off the trees,Is no way,This is the national key project."A command is field of petrochina staff said,The second line of west-east gas engineering in dongguan since construction,Has been going on for more than a year,Will buried pipeline to Hong Kong.The second line of west-east gas engineering is China's first introduce overseas large natural gas pipeline engineering,Engineering external connection from turkmenistan gas pipeline of central Asia,West up huoerguos,South to guangzhou/Shenzhen and Hong Kong,Is the world's longest transnational natural gas pipeline.


The two project will the coastal areas of xixiang took more,The green is fill and level up into soil,Piled up with all kinds of construction tools and materials.In the west the sea wall,And a slice of quite centralized mangrove survived,A few egrets are playing surface.

  福田:虫害与非法捕捞影响最大 fukuda:The biggest influence pests and illegal fishing


Midtown futian mangrove nature reserve has been well known,Has become a public holiday leisure of.


Has become a national nature reserve of futian mangrove,After a few years ago after the shadow of a nuclear holocaust,Now changed area.

  但是王勇军指出,福田红树林保护区还存在五大威胁:一是红树林周边的房地产无度开发。深圳湾冬季越冬鸟多是群飞的鸟类,它们需要800-3000米的盘旋半径, 高楼林立的大厦挤占了鸟类的空间;二是城市建设对生态系统的破坏。红树林周边城市建设毁掉了天然树林和草地,导致陆地化快,破坏生态系统;三、红树林虫害逐年严重,食虫鸟类、昆虫天敌的种类和个体数大大减少,使红树林虫害日趋严重,而且更加频繁,其中主要树种,如海榄雌、秋茄、桐花树等受害最深。每年5-6月 期间,海榄雌的叶子几乎被害虫吃光,大片植株枯死,虫害还使当地的红树林无法开花结果,导致物种消亡;四是许多河流的污水不断流入深圳湾,而水质对红树林和泥滩上的多种底栖生物的生存至关重要;五是非法捕捞,令红树林的底栖动物急速减少,“非法捕捞除了可能将深圳湾底栖生物捕捞殆尽外,还将直接危及生活在此的鸟类的生存”。

But WangYongJun pointed out,Futian mangrove reserve there are five big threat:One is the mangrove surrounding real estate wantonly development.Shenzhen bay winter wintering bird is group of flying birds,They need 800-3000 meters of circle radius, High-rise serried building occupy the space of the birds;The second is to urban construction destruction of ecosystem.Mangrove surrounding city construction destroyed the natural forests and grassland,Lead to land change fast,ecosystem;three/Mangrove pest serious year by year,Insect-eating birds/Insect natural enemy species and individual number greatly reduced,Make mangrove pest become more and more serious,And more frequent,The major tree species,Such as sea lam female/mangrove/Tung flower and suffer the most.Every year during may and June,The sea female olive leaves was almost ate pests,Large plants die,Insect pest still make local mangrove cannot flower results,Cause species die;The fourth is many rivers water continuously flows into the shenzhen bay,And the water quality of mangrove and mud flat of a variety of benthic survival is very important;5 it is illegal fishing,Make mangrove of benthic animal rapidly shrinking,"Illegal fishing except maybe will shenzhen bay benthic fishing out outside,Will also directly endanger the life in the survival of the birds".

  华侨城湿地: 商业开发让白鹭数量骤减 Oct wetland: Business development let egret Numbers to drop quickly

  华侨城湿地的内湖被白石路分为南北两湖,两湖的湖水经由白石路下面的桥相通。如今欢乐海岸建成后,南湖在开发后已经完全改变了以前的面貌,北湖则基本保 留跟之前一样的水域面积。

Oct wetland neihu be white stone road is divided into north and south is the same,Dongting lake under the road through the white stone bridge interlinked.Now after the completion of the joy of the coast,South lake in the development has completely changed the face of before,BeiHu is basic insurance before leave with the same water area.


Environmental experts/Shenzhen municipal engineering consultation center assistant chief engineer XiongYang from 2003 until this year been uninterrupted attention in oct wetland environment change.He said,In oct wetland before development,BeiHu has a large egret and other birds in the wetland habitat foraging,Be in addition to mangrove nature reserve/Mangrove seashore ecology park surrounding outside,Egret the largest number of a place,Shenzhen is also the famous"Bird resort",Has been attracting many shenzhen/Hong Kong and Taiwan and the Chinese mainland bird lovers and ecological photography lovers to this bird take bird.


But as the coast of the joy of the issue of the development built,Joy coast commercial facilities/Lake yacht/The fireworks in the evening,The serious influence egret current mangrove wetland nature reserve and the oct.


Due to wetland and the surrounding was constantly business development,Egret and other birds quantity to drop year by year.June 18-21,XiongYang in four consecutive days of continuous observation,Found that can see egrets only more than 10 the only.


"The second phase is now happy coast in,And in building heliport,BeiHu are also built four yacht dock.In the siege oct wetland will become how?How many egret will come again?……"XiongYang asked sadly.

  宝安:海边垃圾旱死红树 baoan:The sea garbage dry death mangrove

  宝安区绿委办每年会邀请林业调查规划院,对宝安区的林地面积进行统计,在去年的统计中,宝安区的红树林面积为216亩(14.4公顷),其中西乡为99亩、福永为 72亩、沙井为45亩。这与王勇军2006年的统计数据,已相差了10倍。

Baoan district LuWei do every year will invite forestry survey of sarft,Baoan district of forestland area statistics,At last year's statistics,Baoan district of mangrove area of 216 mu(14.4 hectares),The west of 99 mu/The fu yong for 72 mu/Shajing to 45 acres.This and WangYongJun 2006 statistical data,Already are 10 times.

  关于红树林面积剧减的原因,宝安绿委办工程师李福临分析主要是广深沿海高速、大铲湾项目等沿海工程的建设,导致宝安区海边环境的变化,以前的海现在已变为内 陆,红树林面积也随之剧减。另外海边垃圾增多,影响海水进入,导致福永部分红树林因干旱而亡。

The cause of the sharpness of mangrove area,Baoan LuWei do engineer LiFuLin analysis is mainly guangzhou coastal high speed/DaChan bay coastal engineering construction projects, etc,Lead to baoan district the sea changes in the environment,Former sea has now become the land within,Mangrove area has quickly.In addition the sea more garbage,Sea water into the influence,Cause fuyong part mangrove for drought and dead.

  在红树林的保护方面,也是每个街道各自为政,每年也有10-20万专项经费,但这些经费只能用于日常的保护、巡查,以及垃圾清理,没有办法开展更多的红树林保 护工作。

In the mangrove protection aspect,Is every street each does things in his own way,Every year has 10-200000 special funds,But these funds can only be used for daily protection/patrol,And rubbish,There is no way to carry out more mangrove insurance protection work.

  东涌: 修建水库红树林淡水告急 Tung chung: To build a reservoir in mangrove fresh water

  与蔚为壮观的深圳湾福田红树林和绵延25公里的深圳西部湿地红树林相比,东涌红树林显得格外娇小玲珑:三面环山,一面向海,不过数万平方米的一个小湖,湖 中生长着一丛丛的红树林,形成一个个绿岛,如出水芙蓉,美不胜收。

And spectacular shenzhen bay futian mangrove and 25 km stretch of western shenzhen mangrove wetland compared,Tung chung mangroves appear particularly delicate and exquisite:Three sides,A fronts the sea,But tens of thousands of square meters of a small lake,The lake is growing mangrove ruler-straight concrete tunnel,Form a the green,Such as the lotus flower,beautiful.


Tung chung mangrove is located in dapeng peninsula south Australia street tung chung village.Reporter in late September day,Along the tung chung river on the way to the beach,See the stealth quietly in seven niang below the sea in the branches of the mangrove.This mangrove forest water is very clear,Completely no futian mangrove and shenzhen west wetland that peculiar smell.


Growth in tung chung of this mangrove forest,An area of about 60 mu,Grow the highest sea paint is the advantage here tree species,And mangrove and tung flowers such as varieties."Tung chung mangrove is currently in shenzhen long found the highest sea paint,Shenzhen is also the largest sea paint community."Shenzhen wild animals and plants conservation management/Mangrove protection experts said dr ZanQiJie.

  “包括湖泊面积,我们这里共有200多亩,红树林面积为80多亩左右。”东涌社区工作人员林学佳介绍说,这片红树林一直以来破坏不大,这里每年都有台风光顾, 面对巨风海浪,红树林非常顽强,基本不受损伤,是海堤和村庄的“保护神”。所以,该社区还准备将旁边的200多亩鱼塘整合起来,全部种上红树林。

"Include lakes area,We here more than 200 mu,Mangrove area of more than 80 acres around."Tung chung community work personnel LinXueJia said,This mangrove forest has been little damage,Here every year there is a typhoon coming, In the face of the giant wind waves,Mangrove is very strong,Basic is not damaged,Is the sea wall and the village"Guardian angel".so,The community also ready to next to the more than 200 mu fish pond together,All of the mangrove.


But this piece of the eastern most beautiful mangrove survival will be tung chung reservoir threat.Reporters on the scene saw,Hang a piece of"Tung chung reservoir"The first-phase project of the brand is located in a mangrove side,But tens of meters apart.


Tung chung reservoir belongs to 2008 to 2009 city in the major construction projects.

  东涌水库建成后,东涌河的水将不再流入红树林,而直接截流到东涌水库中。“东涌河消失后,就会影响下游的红树林,因为红树林最适合生长在河口,就是淡咸 水交汇处。”王勇军指出,东涌河截流后,必须采用人工措施对红树林进行补充淡水,但能否满足天然的淡水需求,还有待于观察。

Tung chung after the completion of the reservoir,Tung chung river water will no longer flows into the mangrove,And direct intercepting to tung chung in reservoir."Tung chung river disappears,It will affect the downstream of the mangrove,Because mangrove is most suitable for growth in the estuary,Is the light salty water interchange."WangYongJun pointed out that,Tung chung river after the river closure,Must use artificial measures to complement mangrove fresh water,But you could meet the natural fresh water demand,Remains to be observed.

  葵涌坝光:新兴产业基地直逼红树林 Kwai chung dam light:Emerging industrial base matches the mangrove

  位于大鹏新区葵涌街道坝光社区的古银叶树群,是目前全国乃至全世界发现最完整、树龄最长的天然古银叶树群落,有树龄超过500年的银叶树1棵,树龄200年以上 的近30棵,还有很多树龄过百的古树。古银叶树群占地30亩,与周边的海滩、红树林和湿地连成一体,构成坝光盐灶古银叶树保护区,被列入国家珍稀植物群落重点 保护对象。

Is located in the new district roc kwai chung street dam light community ancient silver leaf woodlot,Is the national and the world found the most complete/Tree age the longest natural ancient silver leaf tree community,A tree age more than 500 years of silver leaf tree a tree,Tree age 200 years of nearly 30 tree,There are a lot of tree age over trees.Ancient silver leaf woodlot covers an area of 30 mu,And the surrounding beach/Mangrove wetland and become an organic whole repeatedly,Constitute a dam light salt oven ancient silver leaf tree reserves,Been listed in the national rare plant community protection object.


Reporters early October to kwai chung dam light and salt oven,In the salt dam high-speed dam light section,Far see dam light yellow sea bare,Like an ugly huge scars,In surrounding the verdant abnormal conspicuous.


After the car out of high speed,Came to the whole is loess fill and level up site,The top write"Shenzhen emerging industrial base",A few cars excavator and NiTou car is the site busy,Raise large dust.

  “当年整个坝光的海边都生长着红树林,最多时有将近1000亩。”回忆起红树林曾经的繁盛景象,坝光社区副主任林吉祥很感慨,原来盐灶村的老人都记得那片壮观 的红树林,不同的季节会呈现出不同的颜色。

"The whole dam in the sea of light are growing mangrove,The most from time to tome nearly 1000 mu."Recall mangrove once prosperous scene,Dam light community, deputy director of the auspicious Lin very regrets,The original salt oven village old people remember the slice of spectacular mangrove,Different season will present a different color.


In the s,The scale of the circumference sea to bring sports make mangrove dropped drastically,In the 1990 s. The intensive farming and to give mangrove serious blow.At present,Dam light mangrove growth area about for a total of 60 acres around.but,Lin auspicious and delightedly said,In recent years, with the local residents' protection consciousness gradually increase,Dam light mangrove began to spread.


but,Just ready to multiplication of mangrove and faced a new"crisis"--"Shenzhen emerging industrial base"Industrial pollution.


2008 years ago,The relevant departments in the planning and construction"Shenzhen fine chemical industry park",By the environmental protection of the relevant expert's consistent against.


In the tide of objections,"Shenzhen fine chemical industry park"Stop mount.By the end of 2010,Shenzhen fine chemical industry park transformation for shenzhen emerging industrial base.


Shenzhen emerging industrial base web site is introduced,Base ecological control area 54 square kilometers,The total development area is 25 square kilometers,The first development area of the park is 13 square kilometers.

  大鹏新区城建局林业科工作人员表示,如果在该海域进行填海建设,施工过程中产生的悬浮泥沙,施工船舶污染物对海域水质的影响,围海造地过程对底栖生物的 破坏,以及工程建设将引起工程附近海域水文动力、潮流场的变化等,势必会对该区域的海水环境和生态环境造成一定的影响,对古银叶树群落的生长产生不良后果 。

Dapeng new city ChengJianJu forestry department staff said,If in the waters reclamation construction,The construction process of suspended sediment,The construction ships pollutants to the influence of Marine water quality,Circumference of the land reclamation process on the benthic destruction,And engineering construction will cause engineering nearby sea area hydrological power/Tidal field changes, etc,Will the regional water environment and ecological environment caused by certain effect,The ancient silver leaf tree community growth produce the bad consequence .


"Dam light is the gift of god,Is one of China's most beautiful coastline."In the recent 20 years has been concern/Shooting dam light renowned photographer ZhouHui worry to say,Natural scenery more and more precious,Dam should be more light is to develop ecological tourism and not industry.
