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  根据国家统计局近日公布的数字,今年前三季度最终消费对于经济增长的贡献率达到55%,超过投资(资本形成总额)对经济增长的贡献率50.5%。这也是从2001年以来,最终消费对于经济增长的贡献率首次超过投资的情况。 According to the national bureau of statistics recently figures,The first three quarters of this year final consumption for the contribution of economic growth reached 55%,More than investment(Total capital formation)The contribution to economic growth of 50.5%.This is also since 2001,Final consumption to economic growth for the first time more than the contribution of investment situation.


For this situation,The national bureau of statistics news spokesman cheng to transport think,The readjustment of the economic structure is obtained result,Although economic growth continued to fall,But China's economic growth from the dynamic point of view,Internal investment/Consumer demand situation is good,So support the current maintain fast yet steady economic growth.


In the eighty s,Because of China's household income growth soon,Final consumption to economic growth has been higher than the contribution of investment.In the ninety s,Consumption and investment characterised by each other.In 2002 began,Investment's contribution to growth has been higher than consumption,The highest in 2009,Investment's contribution to growth around 90%,For the contribution rate of consumption economy is only less than 50%.


2012 years ago in the third quarter consumption to economic growth than the contribution of investment,What is the long-term situation,Or a flash in the pan,Still worth attention.The Chinese academy of the number ShenLiSheng told reporters,The contribution of consumption to economic growth is usually relatively stable,At present contribution rate increase,And investment growth to slow down relevant.


"In the national income distribution policy didn't come,Residents income no rise in cases,May the contribution of consumption more than investment unsustainable.At present the most main is to increase the income of the low-income earners."He said.

  结构改善缘于投资放慢 Due to slow down investment structure was improved


According to the bureau of statistics figures,The third quarter growth of 7.4%,Final consumption contributed to a 4.2%,Total capital formation(investment)A 3.9% contribution,And export drop-down GDP negative growth of 0.4%.


After many years,The contribution of investment for economy has been higher than consumption.In 2011, for example,The investment to GDP growth is the contribution rate of 54.2%,Higher than the final consumption to GDP growth of 51.6% contribution,Goods and service net exports to GDP growth is the contribution rate of 5.8%.


Over the past ten years,China's economic growth is mainly dependent on the investment,The second is consumption,And then export,And the past investment and exports too fast,The trade surplus leads to excessive,Funding of too much foreign exchange,And then there are always ups and downs economy.


This is more than national five-year plan put forward to achieve sustainable economic growth,More mainly by economic investment and exports,Into consumption and investment/Export pulling together,Especially by the reason of exports.but,2012 years of consumption to increase economic contribution,Exactly whether to continue to,Remains to be seen.ShenLiSheng think,In 2009, the country has issued such as home appliances to the countryside policy,Also pull the rapid increases in consumption.At present there are some stimulate consumption policy,But these are short-term effect,Consumption to economic contribution than investment,The core reason or investment slowed.

  收入分配政策将刺激消费 Income distribution policy will stimulate consumption


According to the state council on October 17 of the standing conference spirit,The fourth quarter will develop reform of the income distribution system overall scheme.The scheme come on stage may help the rapid growth of consumption.


According to the understanding,This year for the contribution rate of consumption economy slightly ascending,A the reason behind is,The income of urban and rural residents is higher than GDP growth(GDP)growth.


ShenLiSheng pointed out that,Only government income growth decline,Residents income when than GDP,Possible consumption of the rapid growth of its situation."Income is the reasons behind the consumption,At present high income earners,But consumption co., LTD.,,And the low-income group of big,But low income,There is a big demand for consumption."


The first three quarters of this year economic growth is 7.7%,And in the first three quarters urban per capita disposable income deducted the actual price growth of 9.8%,Rural per capita cash deduction price after the actual growth was 12.3%.


Interesting is,In addition to the eighty s,Since 1985,The income of urban and rural residents than GDP growth at the same time of the year,Only 1989 years appeared,The economic growth is 4.1%,And the income of urban and rural residents growth was 10.5%/12.6%.


And the faster economic growth in the past year,Income growth and the gap between the GDP is.Also because of this,Peking University school of economics professor CaiZhiZhou think,It needs a good reflection on GDP growth quality problem,For the past years seems to be the more economic slow year,People get real income growth faster.


At present urban and rural residents consumption will despite great,But the actual is still relatively low.

  比如今年中秋国庆长假期间, 中国共接待游客4.25亿人次,比去年同期增长40.9%,按可比口径,同比增长23.3%。实现旅游收入2105亿元,比去年同期增长44.4%,按可比口径,同比增长26.3%。游客人均花费支出495元。

Such as the National Day holiday this year Mid-Autumn festival, China has received 425 million tourists,Than last year the corresponding period grows 40.9%,According to the comparable caliber,Year-on-year growth of 23.3%.Realize tourism income is 210.5 billion yuan,Than last year the corresponding period grows 44.4%,According to the comparable caliber,Year-on-year growth of 26.3%.Tourists per capita spending 495 yuan.


But strangely,According to the ministry of commerce monitoring,September 30, to October 7,,National key monitoring retail and catering enterprise sales of 800.6 billion yuan,During the National Day golden week than in 2011 increased by about 15%.


Catering income growth so far less than growth of tourists,Chengde tourism vocational college department of tourism, an associate professor at ZhaoJianYu think,The key problem is,The present household consumption remains to be further.Such as current tourism still belong to quite shallow levels,One-day tour more,Can really overnight consumption,As well as the realization shopping consumption less.
