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海南离岛免税额度提高 买奢侈表2万可省2100--亲稳网络舆情监控室
财政部调整海南离岛免税政策,放宽政策限制,11月1日起—— The ministry of finance adjustment hainan islands tax exemption policy,Relax policy limit,On November 1 --
免税品种扩大至21种,免税额度提至8000元 Tax exemption varieties to expand the 21 kinds of,Tax exemption limit mention to 8000 yuan
据新华社电 记者24日从财政部获悉,财政部10月24日发布公告,正式宣布放宽离岛免税政策限制。业内人士表示,这一利好消息将极大地促进免税业务发展,刺激“旅游+免税购物”模式畅通,可将更多消费留在国内,海南岛距离国际免税购物天堂更近了一步。
According to xinhua reporter 24, the ministry of finance learn from,The ministry of finance issued on October 24,Officially announced the relaxed exemption policy limit of isolated islands.The personage inside course of study says,The good news will greatly promote the tax exemption business development,stimulus"Travel + duty-free shopping"Mode clear,Can be more consumption at home,Hainan island international duty-free shopping heaven from a step closer.
The ministry of finance on October 24 releases announcement to say,In order to further play to hainan islands passenger duty-free shopping policy effect,Support to speed up the construction of international tourism in hainan island,The state council has decided to adjust and improve the exemption policy of isolated islands part,Since November 1 a.
四项调整内容放宽了年龄和品种额度 The four adjustment content to relax the age limit and variety
Will policy applicable objects age conditions from 18 one full year of life is adjusted for 16 one full year of life.Increase the beauty and health care equipment/Tableware and kitchen supplies/toys(Including buggy)Three kinds of duty-free goods such as varieties.adjusted,Duty-free goods to expand the varieties of 21 kinds,Which is not in conformity with the provisions of the state civil aviation safety requirements/Banned imports and 20 kinds of goods shall not be duty reduction or exemption exception.
Will the islands passenger, and each person duty-free shopping quota from RMB 5000 yuan to 8000 yuan,And relax, and each person purchase within limit the number of duty-free goods,Limit the number average growth at around 70%.Passengers buy free goods in variety and quantity choice space increase greatly.
If there is a surplus in the tax-free limit(Or not used),Passengers can buy a unit price 8000 yuan of above products, regulate use,The corresponding deduction should pay import duty imported articles of the tax base,Namely passenger in"Retail price - residual tax-free limit"Valuation pay imported articles under the condition of import duties,Each person can also buy a unit price 8000 yuan of above products.
调整亮点 Adjust window
8000元一次用不完可调剂使用 8000 yuan to burn a reversible
The adjustment in the content of the greatest concern is duty-free shopping limit each time from 5000 yuan to 8000 yuan to improve,And allow duty-free limit when buying a unit price of more than 8000 yuan goods one-time regulate use.
★释例 Interpretation of 16 cases
Hainan provincial department of finance director liu ping to reporters to calculate a bill:
调整前 Before the adjustment
In accordance with the current tax policy of isolated islands,If visitors in the duty free shop bought 1000 yuan in the duty-free goods,At this time,The tourists also surplus of $4000 duty-free shopping line not used.Then the tourists and saw a price for 20000 yuan watch,But as a result of this watch more than 5000 yuan price limit,Cannot free,Visitors must according to 20000 yuan price full pay watches line mail tax(10000 yuan,The tax rate shall be 30%)To buy this watch.At this time,Tourists have residual 4000 yuan of duty-free shopping line according to stipulations cannot use.therefore,The visitors to buy watches the last amount of $26000(20000 + 20000 x 30% = 26000).
调整后 adjusted
In the islands after tax policy adjustment,The tourists in the duty free shop bought 1000 yuan in the duty-free goods,At this time,The tourists also surplus of $7000 duty-free shopping line not used.after,The tourists and eye on a piece of price for 20000 yuan watch,If the visitors want to buy this watch,Simply click on the 13000 yuan(20000-7000)Fill line mail tax can buy the table.therefore,The visitors to buy watches the last amount of $23900(20000 + 13000 x 30% = 23900).benefits
Also a watch,The price according to the new policy calculation than the original policy cheap 2100 yuan.
(According to haikou network)
影响 influence
把消费“肥水”留在国内 The consumption"water"At home
Wealth quality research institute President ZhouTing think,The original 5000 yuan/the line make consumption basic all stay in perfuming products primary luxury,And some jewelry/Wrist watch class products,5000 yuan limit far from enough,It is difficult to meet the needs of the consumers.
ZhouTing said,The amount of tax increase,To further release consumers' purchasing power,Will more consumption at home,To promote the diversification of consumption category,Drive the tax exemption industry sales,Also to help more luxury brands to tax free,The choice of consumer is more broad.
将催生配套产业发展 Will midwifery supporting industry development
Experts say,The islands tax policy will promote business transformation and upgrading of hainan province.The islands tax exemption policy brought about by the huge purchasing power to hainan business planning/Shopping environment/Quality control/Commodity grades/The quality of service and so on various put forward higher request,To speed up the development of hainan business services DaoBi formation mechanism.
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