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台美免签成台炫耀资本 外界质疑--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  台海网11月2日讯 据《环球时报》报道,台美免签协议11月1日正式生效。台当局在大力宣传的同时也不忘与大陆进行对比,称台湾虽然仅有23个“邦交国”,却拥有全球129个国家和地区免签证或落地签待遇,尤其获得了美国的认同。对此,有专家在接受《环球时报》采访时直言,台湾能够获得赴美免签与两岸关系改善的大背景有关。而美国此举可谓“一石二鸟”,既让台湾人更意识到与大陆人的区别,进而对两岸认同产生一定冲击,同时也可能使大陆产生一定压力。还有分析称,从本质上讲,台湾与大陆完全不在一个量级上,根本不具可比性。 Taiwan network on November 2, - the[Global times]reports,Table beauty 27-member agreement on November 1st.Taiwan authorities in the headline at the same time also do not forget and the mainland are compared,Say Taiwan although only 23"Diplomatic Allies",But has the global 129 countries and territories visa-free or landing sign treatment,Especially for the American identity.this,Experts in accepting[Global times]Interview the truth,Taiwan can get dropped to improve relations across the Taiwan straits and the background of the relevant.While the United States is the move"Kill two birds with one stone",That is both more aware of Taiwanese and mainlanders in the difference,And the identity produce a certain impact,At the same time may also be so that the mainland has certain pressure.And analysis of the said,essentially,Taiwan and the mainland are not in on an order of magnitude,Are incomparable.

  每年省下9亿多元签证费 Every year save 900 million multivariate visa fee


According to Taiwan"Central news agency"Reports on November 1,,The United States department of homeland security on October 2, in Taiwan announced for the American visa waiver program to participate in land,On November 1st,.Want people to take only a few minutes,Internet into"Travel authorization electronic system",After obtain permission,Can be engaged in to within 90 days of business or tourist travel.And the past thousands of yuan nt $visa bid for the cost compared with,Apply for approval just $14,And 99% application will be approved.1,Taiwanese 27-member group to start non-stop flight to Los Angeles.


"Central news agency"says,Every year Taiwan visit the United States has about 400000 people,Apply for business visa and tourist visa about ten people,They are the biggest beneficiaries dropped.Sunny media calculate a bill:If in Britain to Taiwan after the 27-member to Britain to 1.5 times the number of calculation,Each year the number to the future will be as high as 600000 people,When Taiwanese save application visa fee as many as 900 million yuan(Nt $,Similarly hereinafter).[United evening news]says,Since announced since dropped,Tourism performance at least doubled.Although recently the United States encounter cyclone,Let visitors slightly hang back,But to the western United States travel is still the normal group,Two or three times more than the same period last year.Table cosco to travel agency manager WuBaiHong said,Many people are planning to December for Christmas and New Year.


 台当局大肆宣扬 Taiwan authorities whoop it up


27-member states by Taiwan authorities this year as the most outstanding"diplomatic"achievement.According to[United evening news]The 1st,table"Foreign minister"LinYongLe day said,More 27-member can highlight Taiwan is the United States"Safety and economy important partners",Make Taiwan in Asia more competitive.Ma ying-jeou said on October 31,,In the United States dropped to treatment,More than 129 countries and regions to give"The territory of the republic of China"National dropped or landing sign treatment,Taiwanese often go to account for 98% of the countries and regions,"This is an important milestone……National respected,People have dignity"."Legislature,"Wang jin-pyng said,Contrast with more than 170 mainland diplomatic Allies,But only dropped more than 20 countries give treatment,In addition to prove ma ying-jeou"Way out diplomatic"Work outside,Is international Taiwan people to obey the law spirit and quality and recognition again.After Mr Ma also said,because"The territory of the republic of China passport"To use,Taiwan"Foreign ministry"Recently received more than 100 mainland applicants for hope in passport,"Although most countries do not have diplomatic relations with Taiwan,But in the world are able to stand up/Go out".


By the Chinese academy of social sciences researcher at the institute of Taiwan on November 1, wang to[Global times]said,Taiwan to work for the 27-member begins early operation,This can be achieved,Reflect on beauty relationship improved,And Taiwan agreed to American beef imports have particular concern,And with the relations across the Taiwan straits to improve the background of the relevant.He said,Since he took put forward"Diplomatic Hugh soldiers",Make some countries in dealing with Taiwan relations more relaxed.Wang said,Compared with Taiwan,The mainland has a population of 1.3 billion,Outbound tourism started late,Tourists in overseas civilization needs to improve,More important is,Mainland and many countries in strategic competitive state,So about the 27-member negotiations are still on,The short run is certain difficulty,But in the long run,With the improvement of the mainland international status,Will be solved sooner or later.


 绿营质疑“美牛换美签” Also questioned"Beautiful cattle in American sign"


In the Taiwan authorities smug and at the same time,The United States frequently action.The American institute in Taiwan Taipei office director MaQiSi November 1 follow starting 27-member group together to the United States.The United States vice commerce minister sanchez also specially to fly to Taiwan to attend party dropped,To stimulate the Taiwanese sightseeing.table[Economic daily]revealed,The us department of commerce and table foreign trade association signed"The Pacific Ocean trade bridge agreement"Letter of intent,"This is the United States after implementation of the Taiwan dropped,Taiwan's relations development another important milestone",And sanchez is nearly 10 years the United States to table the top of the ministry of commerce officials,For the first time and has the official color of Taiwan folk economic and trade group signed the agreement,That table beauty in a major breakthrough in the economic and trade relationship.[The China times]Pay attention to,Sanchez don't forget to vigorously promote tourism.October 31 late,He took the 27-member states flyer into Taipei shuangcheng street,Distributed to people along the street.He passionately say,Hope to invite Taiwanese fishing can to Alaska/To New York theater/To Houston to see LinShuHao play.[The China times]Questioned say,"Also give the United States dropped treatment,The Taiwan government why not take this opportunity to Taiwan's tourism marketing?"


Also is questioned ma ying-jeou authorities is to use beautiful cattle in beauty sign,Or to restart economic and trade negotiation.Close green[Liberty times]says,Ma ying-jeou authorities is of the 27-member results,In fact once democratic progressive party (DPP) in the United States on behalf of the WuZhaoXie start dropped for treatment"sowing",Commenting on cross-strait ties some time ago behind and there are many many joint effort.Taiwan tamkang university professor Chen new 1 in accepting[Global times]Interviews that,Taiwan can obtain 27-member states,With the economic and trade relationship between the United States there is no direct link to concessions,The United States the main consideration to:Taiwan's"passport"And id card security design to do better,Taiwanese people quality enhances unceasingly,The last is that Taiwan is a democratic society.Of course,And with the improvement of the cross-straits relations about.Taiwan is also called a professor of politics at the university ZhangYaZhong,Taiwan to get the 27-member unaffected by international resistance,The improvement of the relations across the Taiwan straits is the key factor.He said,The United States to Taiwan people 27-member effect is very subtle,Will make more aware of Taiwanese and mainlanders in the difference,And the identity produce a certain impact,And this is helpful to American asia-pacific strategic interests.For the mainland,May also produce a certain pressure.
