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  中新网11月2日电 据台湾《苹果日报》报道,台湾旅游团低价抢大陆游客,在行程中哄骗陆客买高价商品抽抽取佣金现象越来越严重。该报记者日前随陆客团直击,团员被带去七家店密集消费,阿里山高山茶一斤竟喊价上万元(新台币,下同),珊瑚坠子更被店家以“宋美龄女士是我们珊瑚的代表人物!”要价10多万元,而台湾土特产店的凤梨酥也比坊间知名品牌贵,大陆游客看了买不下手,直呼:“这么贵,能买吗?” Beijing, nov. 2 According to Taiwan[Apple daily]reports,Taiwan Tours low rob mainland tourists,In the trip coax land guest buy higher commodity extraction on commission phenomenon more and more serious.The newspaper reporter recently with the land guest group sings,Member was taken to seven stores intensive consumption,Alishan high mountain tea a jins unexpectedly outcry tens of thousands of yuan(Nt $,Similarly hereinafter),Coral pendant with more be shops"Song meiling lady is our representative figure of coral!"Price more than 10 ten thousand yuan,And Taiwan local products store pineapple cake than urban famous brand your,Mainland tourists see can't buy laid hands on him,call:"So expensive,Can buy it?"


Taiwan from four years ago open land objective light by September this year more than 6 million people,Consumption amount up to nt $200 billion.The newspaper reporter recently with shenyang's land guest group,Direct three days is close to the consumer.


The regiment covered itself with glory in the third day afternoon after arrived in alishan,Touring car will take member straight to a scale biggish tea line,Companies with a microphone commentary high mountain oolong tea drink method,Also selected to drink tea,After 20 minutes,Industry out of alishan high mountain tea and a box of(4 two)Wanted 2600 nt dayu ridge high mountain tea,"1 catty 1 catty take/Buy 4 box sent 4 box is good?"Because 1 catty 4 box of up to tens of thousands of yuan,Mainland tourists looked at each other can't buy laid hands on him.


For land guest complain goods is too expensive,ChaDian industry to the newspaper yesterday to explain,Although price per catty tens of thousands of yuan nt $,But all buy a send a,"Lu guest used to slash prices after buy,This is for with their spending habits of the marketing strategy,No more expensive."


The fifth day,Kaohsiung city is the world's largest tour guide is introduced"The diamond processing",Emphasis on local and diamond yieldly South Africa cooperation,The diamond processing by kaohsiung port output to the global,So the price is materially beneficial,Absolute is worth purchasing,He went straight to geohiong (kaohsiung) a large diamond shop,Reporters enter the store after,See inside filled with nearly 200 land guest.


Store clerk inshore guest said:"We wholesale price/The factory sales price to everyone,Taiwan to buy diamond no class heavy tax,Even drawback,Than in all over the world to buy cheaper."Two floors shop,Workers up to more than people.

  第六天,到了台东,导游带大家进入珊瑚店,才进卖场,职员就像播音员般熟练地说:“宋美龄女士是我们珊瑚的代表人物,佩戴上去高贵又典雅!”数百坪卖场中充斥数百名陆客,一名陆客在店员促销下,买了一条十五万台币的珊瑚坠子送给老婆 。

The sixth day,To taitung,Tour guide to take you into the coral shop,Into stores to,Clerk like announcer, expertly said:"Song meiling lady is our representative figure of coral,Wear up noble and elegant!"Hundreds of flat stores filled hundreds of land guest,A land guest in the shop assistant promotion next,Bought a nt $one hundred and fifty thousand of coral plummet to wife .


Coral shop pr huang to explain the newspaper,They sell is pure natural coral,The price was more expensive,And quality assurance association product authentication,Other companies to travel agency commission,"We have more than market still low,Only 4 to 5 into."Special local product shop manager Lin is pointed out,Because of the ingredient and production are more exquisite,"Don't think it is more expensive."And diamond shop is no response.


On the seventh day from Hualien back to Taipei on the way,He go to visit the four 购物点,Including Hualien Taiwan jade factory/Taipei local products shop/Fine watch shop and tax free,In addition to the duty free shop,Each of the 购物点 to buy mode,Members said to reporters:"You this things quite expensive!"Total 8 days and nights in the trip,The only consumption more than 10 ten thousand yuan.


台湾“观光局”:符合规定 Taiwan"Tourism bureau of the":In accordance with the provisions


"Tourism bureau of the"Business leader YangYongCheng but said,These disorderly like they know,But with the group as long as to qa/And on approval stores,Even if in accordance with the provisions.Inscription, the university of sightseeing, dean of the college of ChenYaoZhu said,Price competition seriously affect Taiwan image,Called for"Tourism bureau of the"Should make laws and regulations to avoid this kind of mess.
