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  本报讯 10月26日上午,“栾川模式”创新发展高端论坛在北京举办。中央党校副校长陈宝生,国家旅游局党组副书记、副局长王志发,河南省人民政府副秘书长万旭等出席开幕式并致辞,中国旅游报社总编辑高舜礼、洛阳市副市长张世敏分别代表主办方致辞,河南省旅游局局长范修芳主持论坛。本次论坛由中央党校经济学部、中国旅游报社、河南省委政研室、河南省旅游局、洛阳市人民政府主办,洛阳市旅游局和栾川县人民政府承办。

Report from our correspondent October 26 morning,"Luanchuan mode"Innovation and development of high-end BBS held in Beijing.The central party school ChenBaoSheng vice President,The China national tourism administration, deputy secretary of the party/Vice-president wang zhifa told,The people's government of henan province deputy secretary general WanXu etc to be present at the opening ceremony and speech,China's tourism newspaper editor in chief GaoShunLi/Luoyang vice mayor ZhangShiMin represent respectively the host address,Henan tourism bureau FanXiuFang host BBS.This BBS by central party school economic divisions/China's tourism newspaper/Henan provincial party committee ZhengYanShi/Henan tourism administration/Luoyang hosted by the government of the people,Luoyang luanchuan county tourism bureau and undertaken by the people's government.


ChenBaoSheng pointed out in his speech,"Luanchuan mode"Put in eight years ago,We can according to practice continuously abundant connotations/Innovation upgrade,For the development of county economy is enlightening significance.Luanchuan tourism plan the next step should be prominent completes the development mode change/Lifestyle changes/Thinking mode change three articles.


Wang zhifa told in the BBS points out,Luanchuan from"Population smaller counties/Economic smaller counties"The county has become the national tourism development platoon guide,"Luanchuan mode"The present China's booming rural tourism has important reference/Guide and promote the role,To promote the scientific development of the rural tourism has important significance.Luanchuan experience to give us a lot of enlightenment:The development of rural tourism is driving the rural economic and social development of the industry.Our country 70% of the tourism resources in the countryside,Luanchuan practice has proved,Tourism can completely be rural economic strategic pillar industry.The development of rural tourism is rural construction well-off society's big strategy.Luanchuan has successfully out a path through the development of tourism lead peasants poverty/Promoting economic and social development/Construction of the well-off society's development road.The development of rural tourism will have big move."Luanchuan mode"Thanks to the formation of the party committee/The government's strong leading/Thanks to strong policy to promote/Benefited from the rural tourism talent team of security.


GaoShunLi said in his speech,This BBS is[China's tourism to]Took the initiative in"Luanchuan mode"8 years effect of review and aftertaste,In recent years the propaganda is the county tourism development typical a look back and go on a pilgrimage.In October 2004[China's tourism to]Published the["Luanchuan mode"exam],In the travel industry launched for the first time"Luanchuan mode",Will its summarized as"Party and government leading,Department linkage,Market operation,Industrialization development".This commencement,In the years that followed,And has introduced"Wuyuan mode"/"Taining path"/"Changshu template"/"Thousand island road"/"SuiChang mode", etc,Set up the national county tourism development of a group of advanced typical.Not long ago,[China's tourism to]The innovation and development of luanchuan tourism interview as celebrate eighteen big key one of publicity reports,Again JiZheZu sent to luanchuan,Earnestly implement the central related"Go turn to"spirit,Further development of tourism of the first line,In a prominent position continuous publish four articles,to"Luanchuan mode"Innovation and development of the new observations/Thinking and interpretation,Sum up"Tourism lead,Fusion development,System innovation,Panoramic luanchuan"Innovation swing by.Through this interview practice,We also to the national county tourism with China a new experience/New understanding.We believe that,Today of luanchuan mode innovation development of the highlights,Will be in a period of positive publicity effect,For the national county tourism development to provide new model.


GaoShunLi introduced,[China's tourism to]Is the national tourism administration competent coverage of the national tourism industry including only,But also on the national a more influential news media.In 2011,"China hownet"The comprehensive evaluation of influence in the national top 200 newspaper,[China's tourism to]Ranked 15th.For many years,[China's tourism to]The county tourism has been reported as a propaganda key,In order to quickly discover and promote the development of typical,Many times the annual national county tourism development BBS.In January,And in conjunction with China tourism association held the first China's tourism industry development conference,Summary launched 10"County tourism star",At present and for the start of the second China tourism industry development conference,Will further for the national county tourism development of typical provide promotional display platform,For the realization of the country put forward the tourism industry"Two big strategic target"Play the role of public opinion good industry positions.


BBS on,The central party school economic divisions lee province dragon professor/Beijing zhongke scene yuan urban and rural planning and design research institute President ShiPeiHua explanation respectively[Luanchuan create managed to scientific development,Build luoyang new name card]/[from"Luanchuan development model"to"Luanchuan way of life"]Two major issues report.In the BBS of high-end dialogue link,around"County tourism development of the road of innovation"This one theme,China international economic communication center ChenWenLing chief economist/The central party school economic divisions professor lee province dragon/The world tourism organization expert committee xu flood/The national development and reform commission of land development and regional economic GaoGuoLi deputy director of the institute/The Chinese academy of social sciences, deputy director of the tourism research center DaiXueFeng experts launched depth dialogue.


BBS period,Beijing zhongke scene yuan rural and urban planning design and research institute ShiPeiHua dean/Luanchuan county leadership were zhongke garden planning design and research institute country mountain tourism holiday pilot research base/Beijing market tourism marketing gave nameboards center.Participate in BBS and Beijing news media reporters/Luoyang in henan province and tourist section of luanchuan county government and each department and each township head and more than 100 people.
