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赴台游防天价水果陷阱 导游曝商贩宰客黑幕--亲稳网络舆情监测室

   [提要]: [abstract]:台湾水果进到大陆后价格不菲,其实有时大陆游客跑到台北夜市,买的水果可能更贵!台北士林夜市日前再曝水果摊坑杀观光客事件,卖给外地客的水果,价格足涨了三五倍。类似的新闻在今年上半年已数次见诸报端。资深台湾导游透露,夜市上一些不良商贩瞄准外地客喜爱台湾水果的心理,趁机抬高价格的现象并不少见…[我来说两句] Taiwan fruit into to the mainland after the price does not poor,Actually sometimes mainland tourists ran to the Taipei night market,Buy fruit may be more expensive!Taipei shilin night market has to conceive of exposure bury alive tourists event,Sold to the foreign guest of fruit,Full price rose 35 times.Similar news in the first half of this year has several times in the central hunan province.Senior Taiwan tour guide said,On the night market vendors aim at some bad nonlocal guest love Taiwan fruit psychological,Took the opportunity to drive up prices is not a rare phenomenon…[me two other]


看人下菜碟 专杀观光客 See the person descend a vegetables disc ZhuanSha tourists


Two mainland female tourists 19 last month in Taipei around the shihlin night market,Stallholder invite try to eat fruit,So two people bought four bag cutting good fruit.Results vendors have charge $1100 nt,About 234 yuan RMB,They jumped out,However because embarrassed refused to have to bite the bullet to buy.


Four tourists from Singapore also encountered"Fruit trap",They last month 20 day night in shilin night market when shopping,Vendors to accent,Sugar apple is recommended pineapple,Emphasize is Taiwan's most distinctive fruit."A pineapple sugar apple about 15 centimeters high",Four passengers Singapore will buy a,Results nt $1800 yuan!


Two batch of visitors later complaints to Taiwan"Tourism bureau of the ministry of communications",And will things after posted on the Internet,Immediately draws net friend discussion.Not a few net friend list in the shihlin night market to buy fruit be pit experience,Some people buy a XiaoDaiZhuang watermelon and a little slit lotus fog,It spent 400 multivariate nt $,There are people buy a grilled corn,Be charge for nt $two hundred.


"The shihlin night market that a few fruit stalls,ZhuanSha tourists,Really need to concern about.Otherwise, if it goes on like this,,Everyone's efforts for their bury alive ways and wasted!"A Taiwan tourism industry recently also to the table"Tourism bureau of the"complaints,Has he had witnessed two groups come to Taiwan for two days passengers in the shihlin night market is faker the plight of bury alive,Let him feel shame and sad."Even speak Chinese people have been killed,Speak English/Japanese/Korean friends?This very hurt Taiwan image."


Night market have"Fruit insect",In Taiwan media and guide it seems has made no secret,In march this year and 5 months,Early have visitors complaints shilin night market high fruit,Senior guide kuo accept Taiwan media interviews the truth:"As long as it is a tourist many of the place,Especially to the mainland tourists will go to point,Fruit price is really expensive!"


产地水果行 未必靠得住 Origin fruit line is unlikely


Taiwan fruit quality is good,Marketing youdao,By the mainland guests like.Guo said,The mainland guests table must be named to buy sugar apple/wax-apple/Mango and pineapple,So night market or fruit do almost all the year round will sell the four kinds of fruit,And price impossibly high.Fruit line a sugar apple sold nt $30 to 50 yuan,Sightseeing night market sell for 120 to 180 yuan is often the case,pineapple/Buddha price higher.


Guide xiao Ming said,With a conscience guide will visit the car understand what inform guest tourist night market/Means never to buy.But the mainland tourists to guide often don't trust,Think they just to earn commission and does not speak the truth,Finally got over the,Had to eat YaBaKui.


Another guide hillock more revealed,More than a night market means,Even some Taiwan fruit line also joined the ranks of rip off,Many large fruit stalls and travel into LvYouXian string,Arrange tourist party into the store to buy,"Fruit price than the low tourist night market!"This kind of phenomenon,In southern Taiwan fruit region often happen.


More than a fruit has a trap.Tour guide said,Taiwan's some jewelry store/Specialty shop also have slaughter nonlocal guest precedent.Last march,Hualien a jade shop to the price of nt $45 WanYuanXin sold to the mainland tourists market value WanYuanXin around nt $1"Cat 's-eye",Let many think Taiwan businesses need not bargain continent a shock.


And Taiwan another very famous high mountain tea,Alishan scenic spots such as store also has a lot of genuine shoddy situation.Statistics show that,Taiwan scenic spot in a selling"Local high mountain tea",Total amount is much higher than Taiwan high mountain tea of actual production.Insider said,Some stores is actually made from the mainland to buy cheap tea,Again affix Taiwan tag sale.


The night market undesirable businessman QiKe means, there are several,For example QueJinDuanLiang,Medicine stewed pork ribs soup less in one or two ribs,Or oyster omelet less in four or five star oyster.Guide xiao Ming said,If not frequent visitor,No one will find.And in order to attract tourist party,These stores will provide free meals guide,To help guide in the car propaganda.


观光部门 忙亡羊补牢 Tourism department busy better late than never


Last year,Night market was named foreign tourists come to Taiwan tour scenic spots will be the first name,The shihlin night market as Taipei first big night market,More popular with the passengers favour.Foreign tourists have been repeatedly night market was unworthy vendors bury alive,A few star fruit hit Taiwan image,table"Transport minister"Chi-kuo MAO kiss on burn,instructions"Tourism bureau of the"Coordinate the Taipei city government thoroughly solve the problem.


The Taipei city government and administration will be five shilin night market stalls as"Travel warning",Serial number respectively for 98/143/199/200 and no. 202.Travel warning role,Is to travel or tourist attention,Don't the door consumption.But this criticism practice,A tour guide said,Since found that these booths selling behavior suspected dishonest transaction,City tube place namely shall implement the public power,Cancel their booths management,How will blame to travel agency and a tour guide,To guide passengers to stop?but,Taipei city officials say,To investigate culprits have difficulty,Although already send the night visit the shihlin night market 18 means,But still can't find out what a sell high now cut fruit.At the same time,18 home and 7 families flow vendors,In the night market and no fixed Numbers.


Taipei market place another measures,Night market is deceived by booth plain code marks a price,And require electronic scale,Make amber-hued fruit more"transparent".Market place remind tourists to clearly means the price of consumption,If consumer in shilin night market TanShang found no price or not to use electronic scale,Can write down booth no,Dial 1999 complaints telephone line.


莫让台湾“人情味”流失 Let Taiwan"The milk of human kindness"loss


Mainland tourists to Taiwan,Back most of the comments may not be alishan how beautiful Sun Moon Lake,but"The milk of human kindness strong"/"eat"/"Night market is very fun".Taiwan has good mountains and water,But local conditions and customs and culture is more big selling point.now,A few high star fruit,The mainland tourists from the heart of praise hurt a times,Let mainland tourists chill,Also makes Taiwan to shame.


Night market become foreign tourists will tour scenic spot first name,Have his truth.Taiwan counties various cities have night market,Or big,Or small but good,distinctive,All have let us forget to charm.To night market can eat to Taiwan snacks,have"Ancient early taste"Traditional food,Also have interesting creative food,Excellent quality and reasonable price was their common characteristics,An evening stroll down,This eat Fried squid,There drink soup bowl four gods,Corner and then eat dish fruit shaved ice,The music has happies and harmonious.


In the night market still can buy from clothes to electrical appliances/From toys to pet of all kinds of goods,There are all kinds of recreational activities,Wan face wash feet,Chess electric swim,Multifarious obscure art-house choice.Night market of Taiwan is the epitome of nightlife,Here you can experience of Taiwan's way of life,Feel the enthusiasm of the Taiwanese people/diligence/Vitality and interest.Taiwanese night market with pride,Night market of Taiwan is the most interesting one of the cultural phenomenon.


The mainland residents to Taiwan to swim in 2008 after opening,Night market rise suddenly a much-needed boost,Taipei shilin night market for geographical advantages and attitude,Benefited the most.Passenger flow up,Bowl full full port in sight,The wonderful night market across to the other side,Let mainland tourists satisfactorily,Let the night market reputation more loud and clear,This should be a happy thing.But why some unworthy vendors heart deficiency,Think of the Roman holiday kill the goose that lays golden eggs method.


Include some famous opinion leaders inside,Many people visited the mainland back Taiwan,Write down all the stranger to help/Being warm warm/Be service touched of text.Give the devil his due,Slaughter nonlocal guest in Taiwan is still a few phenomenon,But a rat excrement can spoil a pot of porridge,Small a fruit,Taiwan night market is/Taiwan businessmen/Taiwan tourism and Taiwanese image,If you can not as soon as possible a stitch in time saves nine,Innocent legitimate businesses and all simple hospitality of the people in Taiwan will be for the injury.

  本报特约记者 闵喆

Our stringer 闵喆

台湾夜市有人宰陆客 媒体:多收几百块危害大矣

Taiwan was a night market and land guest media: collect many hundreds of block harm is great

  人民日报海外版讯 据台湾媒体报道,近日,台北一市民到著名的士林夜市买了一包切片的菠萝和芭乐,要价560元(新台币,下同),后来他又去买同样的一份,要价变成335元,一天之内同质同量不同价,他觉得事情蹊跷,后经知情人指点:"第一次摊主可能把你当大陆客了。"买主非常气愤投诉摊主,摊主只是反复说"没有啦""不会啦",并没有给出合理的解释。

People's Daily overseas edition - according to Taiwan media reports,recently,Taipei citizens to famous xilin night market bought a packet of slices pineapple and guava,Price 560 yuan(Nt $,Similarly hereinafter),Later he went to buy the same a,Price to 335 yuan,One day homogeneous commensuration different price,He had a feeling that something strange,The insider advice:"First the vendors may take you as the mainland tourists."Buyers very angry complaints registration,The vendors just repeated said"Don't""no",And have not given a reasonable explanation.


The shihlin night market now customers mainly tourists,Which has the most to mainland tourists,The conceive of price such as 8 two 150 yuan was high,The local people to a small traditional night market to buy,The same fruit only spend a quarter of the price.On the basis of high prices,See the mainland tourists to bid up,Even if a tourist"non-inductive",But rip off speculation will be fatal to the night market.


Taiwan has been the night market benefit without charge/Food multiple/Enthusiasm and become the vendors"legend",The night market is all over mainland tourists will come to place,When the passenger flow to bring money can be pumped,Some vendors night market but ignored"guest",See only the"money",thought"People silly money"And jerry/Drive up prices or abandon characteristic,What good make do.Taipei"Who night market"ZhuXueHeng wrote an article[Collapse xilin night market],Pain ChenShiLin the night market"Oyster omelet dry"/"Mutton such as rubber band",And sell snacks are all the same,"Sightseeing night market again so get down,Must crumble to dust."


In this paper ZhuXueHeng suggest tourism bureau of the overall planning,Encourage the vendors sell their best snacks,Such as the thousand stand side won't let visitors feel not virtual trip,"Where come of tourists are not fools."Its like,In addition to the quality of the night market outside and design and color,Put on the brakes rip off the evil also depend on administrative as.Where the market will have bad vendors,The key is to have management system and encouraging people,Let rip off booth hard to survive,Honest booth get good fruit.


Ma ying-jeou/Hau lung-bin and so on all had appeared night market promote Taiwan's night market culture,But if people came,Night market is"metamorphic"the,Instead of Taiwan is a kind of hurt.Since you have efferent rip off event,Management department can't let this kind of atmosphere spread,Otherwise the injury is not only the image of the night market in Taiwan,Also hurt the enthusiasm of the mainland tourists to Taiwan and swim and.


In addition to a night market,Taiwan tourist spot of tea shops/Jewelry store/Specialty shop and so on have the mainland tourists slaughter of precedent,Such as Sun Moon Lake had specialty shop collusion travel agencies pull mainland tourists to shopping,The 300 yuan 1 two and 500 yuan 1 two low-grade pilose antler/Deer tire,Up to 3000 yuan and sold for $8000.Beijing a visitor spends 450000 yuan in Hualien bought cat's eye stone,Back to Beijing and appraisal,But Taiwan nephrite cat's eye,Cat's eye stone is not green,Difference between one hundred times,Stores also argues that,This is the cat's eye stone to the appraisal standard is different.But Taiwan market such cat 's-eye selling price is ten thousand yuan.


Rip off of the tourism industry injury not shallow,Hope the department in charge of Taiwan as a positive,In place management,Complaints really look really do;Mainland tourists will improve the ego to protect consciousness,Shopping ask price,Shop around,Keep shopping vouchers.Buy high-grade goods more prior to quality and market have a certain understanding.An exit attractions of ChaTan ChaShang once complained to reporters:"Lu guest buy tea don't understand tea,Also drink a quality,And I disorderly to bargain,Or only buy the game tea/Frozen top uron these high tea,I tell them I don't,They would rather go to other booths to cheat.Some ChaShang anything you want, he have,How do you beat down he let,It must be a fake!.How could such a price is high mountain tea?"

  避免成为被宰"肥羊",大陆游客当然要有足够的心理准备和必要的旅行知识,台湾管理部门的到位管理仍是关键,不能坐视这种歪风蔓延。台湾的旅游资源算不上得天独厚,"人情之美"也是卖点,但宰客会彻底毁掉台湾社会文明礼貌的形象,令大陆游客心生不快。由此产生的当场争执更会伤害两岸的感情。也许就是多收了几百块,危害大矣! 记者 陈晓星文/图 (来源:人民日报海外版)

Avoid becoming slaughter"sheep",Mainland tourists of course to have enough psychological preparation and necessary travel knowledge,Taiwan management department in place management is still the key,Can't just sit by while the unhealthy tendency spread.Taiwan's tourism resources is not unique,"The beauty of human"Is selling point,But rip off will completely destroy Taiwan social civility image,To mainland tourists mind unhappy.The resulting dispute on the spot more will hurt the feelings.May be overcharged hundreds of block,Harm is great! Reporter ChenXiaoXing text/diagram (source:People's Daily overseas edition)
