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当你身处国外 手机必备软件大盘点--亲稳网络舆情监控室


According to the British[independent]reports,To go abroad to travel,Small mobile phone often put great use.


Intelligent mobile phone will be your most important travel partner:You can use it to bring the latest rate monetary conversion device,Through its network telephone contact with my family,Or use its ebook reader for entertainment.But tourism application provides not only these,Just iPhone have 49,000 tourism application.The following a few applications necessary.

  电子登机牌可以帮你省去领取纸质登机牌的麻烦。其中British Airways app(英国航空公司应用程序,支持iPhone、安卓、Windows Phone和黑莓;免费)最方便使用,因为它操作简单,信息量大。而iPhone又推出了一款叫Passbook(支持iPhone;免费)的应用程序。该程序将购物卡、优惠券、音乐会门票和登机牌信息存储在一起,并且联合航空公司和达美航空已经联合多家航空公司加入其中。该程序最方便之处是,当你到达机场,手机GPS就能自动识别并在屏幕上载入登机牌。

Electronic boarding passes can help you save the paper passes trouble.The British Airways app(British airways application,Support the iPhone/could/Windows Phone and blackberry;free)The most convenient use,Because of its simple operation,Large amount of information.And iPhone and unveiling a call Passbook(Support the iPhone;free)application.The program will loyalty card/coupons/The concert tickets and boarding pass information storage together,And united airlines and delta airlines have combined many airlines join them.The program is the most convenient place,When you get to the airport,Mobile GPS can automatically recognize and on the screen load boarding pass.

  在国外,你需要学会认路。苹果公司刚刚更新了其地图软件,包含了一些主要城市建筑物的逼真3D场景。然而,使用该软件需要数据连接,这会产生很高的海外漫游费。而诺基亚最新的Windows Phone手机上安装新版的“诺基亚地图”,该程序可以让你提前下载好国家地图,然后提供不会产生流量的全程音控导航。

In foreign,You need to learn to find their way.Apple company has just update the map software,Contains some major cities building realistic 3 d scene.however,Using this software need data connection,This will generate high overseas past.But nokia new Windows Phone installed on the new cell Phone"Nokia maps",The program allows you to download the country well in advance map,And then provide won't produce the flow of the whole acoustic navigation.

  如果你不会说你要去的那个地方的语言,这时你将需要帮助。现在已经有一些不错的应用程序,其中最好的就是Google Translate(支持iPhone、安卓;免费)。同样,使用此程序需要数据连接。对着手机说话,Google服务器将会将你说的话翻译成64种语言,并在屏幕上显示出来,其中大部分是口语。它的对话模式还可以将听到的西班牙语翻译成英语,这还挺神奇的。

If you can't say you want to go to the local language,Then you will need help.Now there have been some good application,The best is Google Translate(Support the iPhone/could;free).The same,Use this program need data connection.Talking on a cell phone,Google server will you said translated into 64 languages,And on the screen,Mostly oral English.Its dialogue mode can also will hear of the Spanish translation into English,This is a magic.

  如果你在纽约,最棒的应用程序是New York Nearest Subway(支持iPhone;1.49英镑)。它使用增强现实技术(augmented reality),即对手机摄像头看到的事物增加一些额外的信息。拿着手机,对着外面,屏幕放就会漂浮一些彩色的标记,指向最近的地铁站。现在已经有包括巴黎、伦敦、巴塞罗那、芝加哥和东京在内的许多城市的伴侣应用程序。

If you are in New York,The best application is New York Nearest Subway(Support the iPhone;1.49 pounds).It USES enhanced reality technology(Augmented reality),Namely of cell phone camera sees add some additional information.With a mobile phone,To the outside,Screen put will float some color mark,Pointing to the nearest subway station.Now include Paris/London/Barcelona/Chicago and Tokyo in many cities, partner applications.

  也有一些应用程序既可以提供有用的信息,又不会产生数据流量费用,而包括TripAdvisor Offline City Guides(支持iPhone、安卓;免费)在内的旅游指南正是如此。有50多个城市有地图、照片、旅游景点、餐厅和TripAdvisor(全球第一的旅游评论网站)顾问。与其把所有的东西存在手机里,倒不如在你旅游前下载好所要去的城市信息。

There are also some applications can provide useful information,And won't produce data flow cost,And including TripAdvisor Offline City Guides(Support the iPhone/could;free)The travel guide, it is so.Have more than 50 cities have a map/photos/Tourist attractions/Restaurants and TripAdvisor(The world's first tour commentary website)consultant.And all the things exist in the mobile phone,As you travel in before download good want to go to city information.

  当你身处国外,你可以通过Touchnote Postcards(支持iPhone、ipad、安卓;免费)给家人寄明信片。你只需要用手机拍下照片,填好收信人地址,写下祝福语,然后就可以将这张明信片寄到世界上任何一个地方。每张明信片花费1.49英镑,并且你可以提前购买。

When you are in a foreign,You can through the Touchnote Postcards(Support the iPhone/iPad/could;free)To my family to send postcards.You only need to use mobile phone take photos,Fill in the recipient address,Write message,It can then will this postcard to anywhere in the world.Each card spent 1.49 pounds,And you can buy in advance.

  最后推荐的一款应用程序是Barefoot World Atlas(支持iPad, iPhone;2.99英镑)。该程序的主界面是交互式3D地球模型,通过高清图片解说世界各地的地理、动植物及风土人情等。这款程序可以使孩子们轻松愉快地了解神奇的世界。

Finally the recommended one application is Barefoot World Atlas(Support iPad, iPhone;2.99 pounds).The program's main interface is interactive 3 d model of the earth,Through the hd picture commentary world geography/Animals and plants and local conditions and customs, etc.This type of program can make children happy understanding of the magical world.
