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姚晨恐在世界最小教堂办婚礼 穿顶级婚纱--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  近日,有消息称姚晨与摄影师男友曹郁将在17日结婚,并称该消息已得到证实。沉寂多日后,姚晨的微博再次更新,并且在微博中晒出一张疑似新西兰风光的图片向大家问候“早上好”。众粉丝也随即在姚晨的微博留言祝福,夸赞“新西兰的风景真好”。据知情人透露,婚礼具体地点位于新西兰皇后镇的一所教堂,而皇后镇是一个被南阿尔卑斯山包围的小镇,依山傍水,风景颇为秀丽。另外,据传姚晨的婚纱礼服是由“婚纱女王”vera wang亲自设计recently,A source says YaoChen and photographer CaoYu boyfriend in 17 marriage,Saying this news has been confirmed.Silence much in the future,YaoChen micro bo update again,And in micro bo sun in a suspected New Zealand scenery pictures greeting to everyone"Good morning".All the fans also immediately in the YaoChen micro bo message bless,praised"New Zealand scenery good".According to the insider said,Wedding specific site is located in New Zealand queen town of a church,And the queen town is a southern Alps surrounded town,Serene &elegant,Scenery was beautiful.In addition,Rumour has it that YaoChen dress is made"Wedding the queen"Vera wang personally design.


姚晨微博晒新西兰风光 YaoChenWei bo sun New Zealand scenery


a,A source says YaoChen will be in New Zealand and marry her boyfriend,But the day has not been made public.but,Media a source says YaoChen has set out on a journey to New Zealand for the wedding,Can speculate that day is not far.And recently,YaoChen micro bo also update again,The sun drying out suspected New Zealand scenery pictures to you and greetings"Good morning",She also through the micro bo sun out with his mother with pictures of mountaineering,And exposure his beautiful sisters group.All the fans also immediately in the YaoChen micro bo message bless,praised"New Zealand scenery good".

  姚晨的婚礼地点,此前在微博中已经掀起了一番争论。而新西兰网友“Dr可乐”通过一连串的技术分析,包括比对姚晨拍照背景中的山脉,扒出是与cliffs同公司旗下的、位于皇后镇的Matakauri lodge。

YaoChen wedding location,Previously in micro bo has been raised a dispute.While New Zealand net friend"Dr coke"Through a series of technical analysis,Including YaoChen than taking pictures of the background mountains,The steak is cliffs and with the company's/Is located in the town of queen Matakauri lodge.


或穿“婚纱女王”设计婚服 Or wear"Wedding the queen"Wedding dress design

  有知情人称,姚晨婚礼将身着有“婚纱女王”之称的著名华裔设计师vera wang设计的婚纱,vera wang中文名为王薇薇,在每年的奥斯卡金像奖红毯上,都有不少女星穿着她设计的服饰。据悉,姚晨今年9月在参加纽约时装周时,就曾与vera wang碰面,亲自挑选了一件她设计的婚纱作为自己的结婚礼服。

A source said,YaoChen wedding will be dressed in a"Wedding the queen"Said the famous chinese-american architect vera wang design wedding gown,Vera wang Chinese called vera wang,In the annual Academy Awards on the red carpet,There are many actress wearing her dress design.It is reported,YaoChen September this year in the New York fashion week,Had and vera wang to meet,Personally selected a piece of her wedding dress design as their wedding dress.


疑似婚礼请柬曝光 Suspected wedding invitations exposure


The day before yesterday afternoon,A micro bo identity authentication for bazzar chief modelling advisor"LuciaLiustylist"Net friend the sun drying out a invitation,It has very lovely cartoon image.Many people guess,This piece of invitation is designed YaoChen married.


"LuciaLiustylist"The sun drying out in the invitation,It is very love cartoon design,Rather joint YaoChen situation:Invitation designed to heart,HanHanDe"Mr. Potato"Is blushed because of shyness out a shining diamond ring,Beside to the"Largemouth girl",The bottom right hand corner and more appear a naughty kitten,The net friend happen to coincide associate a YaoChen love cats"barton",Agree that,This piece of invitation is YaoChen big wedding design.

  而在该博主的微博中,还贴了一张新西兰的照片,和姚晨婚礼的地址不谋而合,而众网友也纷纷留言,希望其转达对姚晨婚礼的祝福。 本报综合

And in GaiBo Lord in micro bo,Also put up a New Zealand photos,And YaoChen wedding address happen to coincide,And all the net friend also have a message,Hope the conveyed to YaoChen's wedding. Our comprehensive


揭秘结婚地 Revelation to get married


世界上最小的教堂就在皇后镇 The world's smallest church in the town of the queen


Star YaoChen marriage is a hot topic of the entertainment industry this week.YaoChen wedding location/The outside of the New Zealand queen town natural has become the focus of public entertainment.


In New Zealand the southernmost tile card first general lake,A southern Alps around the beautiful queen town town.Queen town only 20000 people,But with the beautiful natural scenery and various adventure sports is well known in the world,As New Zealand's most famous tourist attractions,Every year attracts nearly two million visitors.And this beautiful town,The bridegroom bride is all over the world are the most dream honeymoon paradise.


In the queens borough of,Marriage form is multifarious also.In addition to the most traditional church wedding and wineries wedding outside,Our company makes meticulously all kinds of new pattern wedding also by many of the couple's love.Both sit the helicopter flew to one hundred million glaciers eternal wedding,Also have sat hot-air balloon fly up a bird 's-eye view of the town queen pure wedding;Both tile card first PuHu lakeside park romantic wedding,Also have adventure/Leap of wedding bungee jumping.And many wedding company will recommend the couple to shepherd the church wedding.The shepherd small stone house churches are small,It is the most famous queen town church,Is the world's smallest church said.Spend a little money,In the world's smallest church wedding,Life is a sweet and memorable.
