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30余韩国高中生在京抢便利店 系来自同一旅游团--亲稳网络舆情监测室
Report from our correspondent(Reporter MengFanZe)The day before yesterday afternoon 6 point about 50 points,Chaoyang district Oriental Ming yuanming saw zun south XieJie within a convenience store,More than 30 south Korean students suddenly burst into and robbed.It is understood,The students are from the same group,Purpose to Beijing tourism system.After the incident the party chief paid a total of nearly ten thousand yuan properly.The two parties have reached a settlement.
>>事发 >>the
众人进店抢劫逃走 Everyone into the shop robbery escape
"Someone robbed,Unexpectedly or Korean",Witnesses said Mr. Huang,The day before yesterday afternoon 6 point about 50 points,He saw nearly south koreans from a nearby restaurants to tourism DaBaChe walk,Via the roadside"Good neighbor"When convenience store,One of the more than 30 young man went in."I was joking with neighborhood,Said here good business",Mr. Huang said,A short while before,This group of people and noisy ran out,Bosom chuai wore a wide variety of goods.Followed by,The store only a saleswoman run out,crying"Robbed the,Robbed the".
then,Passers-by together near all over,Appease frightened excessive saleswoman,And call the police for help."When the shop girl like crazy,Have been crying,And constantly say is not rob his",meanwhile,Passing the will of the party's DaBaChe surrounded,Person in charge to request."A translator and a person in charge into the shop,Claim settlement,Don't let everybody alarm."
Mr. Huang said,After 15 minutes,New source police station police rushing to the scene.After understanding,Police DaBaChe from inside ferret out 3 basket of commodities,Including cigarettes/beer/Chocolate and chips, etc,Worth about 1740 yuan.Frightened of female clerk and her husband after arrival,The south Korean director accompanied to the sino-japanese friendship hospital inspection.
>>现场 >>field
民警介入协助和解 Police intervention to assist reconciliation
The night before last eight,Chaoyang district in the south XieJie Oriental Ming yuanming saw zun"Good neighbor"Convenience store door,Dozens of people around the door.South Korean chief/translation/Civilian police, and"Good neighbor"Hotel managers in the negotiations the matter.
South Korean officials say,Take things is full of South Korea high school students,To China's tourism,Probably because drank wine,Didn't do anything wrong,Hope to get forgive,And is willing to pay for reconciliation.finally,In the police under the mediation,South Korean pay 2000 yuan to the inn properly,And return the value of more than 1740 yuan goods.
>>讲述 >>tells
都是孩子不再追究 Are children no longer pursue
2 o 'clock yesterday afternoon,Frightened saleswoman ms wong has returned home.Remember what happened the day before yesterday evening,Ms wong still jittery.Ms wong said,When a big group come in,Is full of man,Are all tall,Screaming about the Korean,Oneself also don't understand.There are several man came to pay the bill,"I was busy accounts,Looked up,Shelves of food has been empty,And the ground and trampled scattered a lot of food",Had hardly reaction,A large crowd had taken out of the door,"At that time I would have been terrorized,But now things have passed,I also think the,Is all some children,Forget it".
After the incident,Ms wong to the hospital inspection,Fortunately, there were no serious problems.In the compensation,The other party offered to pay his two month's salary,And agreed to pay 3000 yuan of mental suffering,Add 2000 yuan compensation inn square,A total of nearly ten thousand yuan.
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