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    近日,原“世界上最好的工作”得主本•绍索尔(Ben Southall)与他的未婚妻Sophee McPhee在丹特岛(Dent Island)汉密尔顿岛高尔夫俱乐部(Hamilton Island Golf Club)举行了浪漫而温馨的婚礼

   recently,original"The best job in the world"Winner this•Shaoxing sol(Ben Southall)And his fiancee Sophee McPhee in Dan's island(Dent Island)Hamilton island golf club(Hamilton Island Golf Club)Held a romantic and sweet wedding.

  当问起为何选择大堡礁圣灵群岛(The Whitsundays)的丹特岛举办婚礼,Ben这样回答:“圣灵群岛堪称全世界最浪漫的地方,这里黄昏的迷人景致、宁静的日落都让人如梦如醉。”

When asked why do you choose the Great Barrier Reef the holy spirit islands(The Whitsundays)Dan's island wedding,Ben replied:"The holy spirit islands is the world's most romantic place,Here the evening charming scene/Quiet sunset let a person such as drunk like a dream."

  2009年,英国人本•绍索尔(Ben Southall)从昆士兰旅游局“世界上最好的工作”海选中脱颖而出,并最终击败了全球36,000名竞争对手,最终获得了大堡礁岛屿看护员(俗称大堡礁“岛主”)的美差,他通过与昆士兰旅游局和澳大利亚旅游局的合作更好地为昆士兰旅游作宣传。

In 2009,,British humanistic•Shaoxing sol(Ben Southall)From tourism Queensland"The best job in the world"Auditions come to the fore,And finally beat the global 36,000 competitors,Finally got the Great Barrier Reef islands care member(Commonly known as the Great Barrier Reef"Island main")schedule,He through and tourism Queensland and the Australian tourism cooperation work better for Queensland tourism advertise.

  两年前在白日梦岛(Daydream Island)举办的圣灵群岛旅游颁奖盛典上,Ben作为特邀嘉宾为晚会担任司仪,当晚他与真命天女Sophee McPhee初次邂逅并一见钟情。

Two years ago in the daydream island(Daydream Island)The holy spirit islands tourism held on prize-giving grand ceremony,Ben as a special guest for the party emcee,That night he and destiny's child Sophee McPhee first meet and fall in love at first sight.

  这对眷侣现居于布里斯班,他们于11月初再次来到圣灵群岛并在丹特岛汉密尔顿岛高尔夫俱乐部举办婚礼。在现场100多名亲友的见证与祝福中,Sophee乘坐直升机降落在5号洞球道上。婚礼上一个独具特色的环节是新娘穿着澳大利亚传统服饰领舞,以如此逗趣的方式庆祝和迎接她的英国新郎来到澳大利亚。在著名的旅游杂志Condé Nast Traveler不久前评选出的“2012年全球最佳度假村”qualia,Ben和Sophee度过了美妙的周末,明年他们将启程环球蜜月之旅。

The couple are reside in Brisbane as soon as possible,They again in early November to the holy spirit islands and in Dan's island Hamilton island golf club wedding.In the more than 100 relatives and friends in the witness and blessing,Sophee a ride in a chopper landed in 5 hole on the fairway.Wedding on a unique link is the bride dressed in Australia traditional clothing leads,With such droll way to celebrate and meet her British groom came to Australia.In the famous tourist magazines Conde Nast Traveler not long ago the selection"In 2012 the global best resorts"qualia,Ben and Sophee spent a wonderful weekend,They will set off next year global honeymoon trip.


Envy them??Roaming the world natural heritage of the Great Barrier Reef islands,In the earth's most beautiful place a wonderful romantic journey.

  在情人天堂圣灵群岛与你的爱人携手散步白天堂海滩、共赏日落、乘坐直升机俯览心形礁(Heart Reef)、下榻自然宁静的海景度假村……或者什么都不用做,只要两个人在一起,已是满满的甜蜜。

In the holy spirit's paradise islands and your lover walking hand in hand BaiTianTang beach/Totally sunset/A ride in a chopper FuLan heart-shaped reef(Heart Reef)/Stayed quiet natural view of the resort……Or what all need not do,As long as two people together,Is full of sweet.


In Queensland,You will feel a kind of unprecedented freedom,Far from the madding crowd relax/Pursue belong to two people of the world.


Followed the Great Barrier Reef"Island main"steps,To Queensland's dreams!The sun/beach/rainforest/The sea and the sky,In the most close to the nature of the place,Make the most sincere vows,For your love ignite imperishable petard.
