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In recent years,"Silver tourism market"More and more attention by travel agencies,With the increase of the number of travel,The elderly travel demand also gradually diversified.accordingly,Travel agency old swim outbound tourism products to enrich gradually,Tour theme gradually refining,Different period out of different products,Especially cruise tourism way that the elderly to swim from sightseeing to holiday transformation.And leisure experts think,From the whole old life present situation and travel industry to see,Old swim situation is still severe.
欧洲和邮轮是老年游新宠 Europe and cruise is old swim to be bestowed favor on newly
"Mass sightseeing tour less and less,And the elderly to tour the dependence of the strong comparison,So old swim is we very important a piece of content.Beijing CST general manager YangYang is introduced,"From this a few years old swim change to see,Eight years ago, the proportion of domestic tourism is larger,In recent years, outbound tourism began to increase."
This is not only a travel agency to the understanding of the market,The old outbound tourism is the industry's new luminescent spot.
To old tourism is the core of the golden f tourism from 2011 began to constantly develop international tour products,Launch of the destination including Russia/The European three to five countries attachment depth vernier,India a 11 days,Nepal depth 11 days, etc.In consideration of the enrollment situation which Russia best,Scheduling the palace and the museum visit in three hours,Some big museum visit not arranged in the same day.
Caesar tourism Beijing branch, the standing deputy general manager zheng dang think,All over the world have all become"Old swim"destination,As long as do safety/comfortable,Whether luxury products group,Or ordinary team,The old participation is very high.In the choice of destination,Old swim products give attention to two or morethings natural scenery and historical and cultural fusion;In the schedule,Rich in content and slow;In the choice of transport,Old swim products is to minimize the vessel and vehicle lawton.
The letter travel outbound tourism company general manager zhang lei, think,The elderly outbound tourism market mainly presents the following features:First of all,The elderly retired at home has plenty of time and certain savings,ZhongChangXian product is popular.secondly,Europe because of its rich culture details,In recent years become a major destination for middle-aged and old travel.
In addition,Elderly tourists to the tourism enterprise high loyalty,High quality products/The journey of sweet arrange and services will be in old people to leave a deep impression.
Outbound tourism of cruises because of its safety relieve become old people to focus on promotion of tourism manner,As Caesar tourism launch of the song poetry of cruise"Victoria,"The new horse 6 trip/Royal Caribbean cruise ships"Ocean oasis number"East Caribbean + American classic 15 trip;Golden f travel arrangement from Moscow sat 6 night cruise to st. Petersburg stroke,Are popular with old people welcome.
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