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游客持新版护照入境越南受阻 沪旅游团签证正常--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

游客持新版护照入境越南受阻 沪旅游团签证正常

  为顺应全球护照电子化发展趋势,方便公民出入境,自2012年5月15日起,中国公安部门统一开始向普通公民签发普通电子护照。电子护照在传统本式普通护照中嵌入电子芯片,并在芯片中存储持照人个人基本资料以及面部肖像、指纹信息。 In order to adapt to the global passport electronic development trend,Convenient citizens entry and exit,Since May 2012 15th,China's public security department unified began to ordinary citizens passport issued by ordinary electronic.Electronic passport in traditional ordinary passport this type embedded electronic chip,And in the chip storage permittee personal basic material and facial image/Fingerprint information.

  新版电子护照共48页,除个人资料页、备注页等护照的功能页外,可印刷主题图案的页面共40页(即第8页至47页)。包含南海“九段线”暗纹的中国地图出现在第8页左上角,下面是天安门图案。 New electronic passport a total of 48 pages,In addition to personal information page/Note page and the function of the passport page,Can be printed theme pattern of the page 40 pages(That page 8 to 47).Contains the south China sea"Nine section line"Dark grain of the map of China appeared in the upper-left corner of the page 8,Below is tiananmen pattern.


据有关媒体报道,在中国新版电子护照启用半年之后,越南和菲律宾近日分别就其内页中中国地图包含南海“九段线”提出“抗议”,近日已经发生数起中国公民持新版护照签证或入境越南遇阻的事件。 According to the media reported,In China's new electronic passports enable half a year later,Vietnam and the Philippines were recently the logic map of China contains the south China sea"Nine section line"Put forward"protest",Recently a number of Chinese citizens has happened a new passport visa or entry Vietnam blocked event.


but,Morning paper reporter from yesterday, Shanghai part of the travel agency to know,Does not currently have received visitors for new passport problems lead to visa or entry hindered.


游客微博称持新版护照入境越南时受阻 Tourists micro bo said the new passport entry Vietnam was ruined


Many tourists and net friend recently revealed on the network,A new passport when travelling to Vietnam,The visa was posted on the passport independent paper;Individual tourists in Vietnam when entering the obstacle.


On November 19,,一位名为“平头男David”的网友发微博称,“安全抵达越南,入住酒店。在越南过关的时候遇到一点小波折……新版护照(电子护照)上,因印有中国地图的海界线,越南方不承认,所以不肯在护照盖入境章。” A name"David cropped-hair man"The net friend FaWei bo said,"Safety arrived in Vietnam,hotel.In Vietnam pass and encounter a small twists and turns……New passport(Electronic passports)on,For a map of China with the sea line,Vietnam party does not admit,So would not in passport cover chapter entry."这位网友称,当时越南海关方面有专门人员对他进行了中文解释,态度还不错。双方沟通半小时后,海关方面在其护照相关页面上方盖了个章,这才允许他入境。

The net friend said,When the Vietnam customs have professional staff to the Chinese explanation,Attitude is good.Communication between the two sides after half an hour,The customs in the passport related page cover a chapter,It allows him to entry.


Net friend"Sleep jingle"Also called,Their team on November 3 entry Hanoi,Some of them a new passport,In enter some immigration officer don't understand why Chinese passport to another paper visa,So delayed.


The other according to media reports,One of the Chinese working in Vietnam to Vietnam entry and exit mechanism to deal with China passport renewal,Should be denied.越南出入境管理部门的理由是中国新的护照第8页的中国地图“侵犯了越南的领土”。 Entry and exit administrative departments of Vietnam is the reason for China's new passport page 8 of the map of China"Violated the Vietnam's territory".直到20日,越南出入境机构答应为其续签,但采取一种折中措施,不把签证纸贴在护照里面,而只是贴在护照外(另纸签证)。

Until 20,Vietnam entry and exit mechanism promised to renew it,But take a half measures,Don't put the visa of paper inside the passport is,But only posted on the passport(Another paper visa).


旅行社:菲越通常不会拒绝游客入境 Travel agency:The Philippines is usually can't refuse to visitor arrivals


The Vietnam denied China new passport news on the Internet after spread,Trigger some net friend worry,In the future the new passport to Vietnam/The Philippines will the two countries were refused entry or hindered.Net friend"Photography babar"said:"The Spring Festival to the family go to Vietnam for tourist,My parents passport is newly established,do?"


yesterday,Morning paper reporter from ctrip/Shanghai CITS/CST, etc on the Shanghai travel agency to know,Nowadays different seismic travel agency did not meet in the preparation/Fe team or individual tourist visa hindered situation,Entry Vietnam also has no problems.


"Now is the New Year's day to Vietnam tourists before and after application of the hot period,We have hundreds of team free done guest in visa,Some of them hand is new passport,Did not meet the visa hindered."Ctrip tourism relevant personage says.Shanghai CITS/CST southeast Asia department related person in charge also said,Recently there are some visitors to Vietnam,No one in the entry obstacle.


The personage inside course of study thinks,Even if Vietnam/The Philippines to new China passport have some dissatisfaction,But usually can't refuse to tourists inbound tourism,"After all, Chinese tourists to travel/consumption,For their contribution to the GDP."


另纸签证与在护照上签证作用相同 Another paper in visa and passport visa the functions are the same


The Beijing morning post quoted on November 24, China's embassy in Vietnam staff said,At present in Vietnam to the new edition Chinese passport of Chinese citizens is through another paper visa way let its entry,So immigration normal.


The report says,There is no from Chinese citizens entering Vietnam hindered complaints,Vietnam's chinese-invested enterprises also have no to the embassy reflects this kind of situation.After group is another paper visa,Therefore has not been any effect.


It is understood,Another paper visa is a form of visa,It and general endorsement in the passport visa has the same effect.The difference is in the passport alone on a piece of paper.cake other than endorsement on,But must be used at the same time and passport.

  针对入境越南可能出现的签证受阻情况,有旅行社业内人士支招,若游客受阻后可持身份证办理临时出入证,就能正常过境,只是这种情况要比持护照的花费贵几百元,而旅行社目前也都在考虑应对方法。 For entry Vietnam possible visa hindered situation,A travel agency the personage inside course of study to move,If visitors can be blocked to hold id to deal with temporary key card,Can the normal transit,But this kind of situation than the cost of your passport hundreds of yuan,And travel agency at present are also considering the way to deal with.游客持新版护照入境越南受阻 沪旅游团签证正常

  中国新版电子护照在第8页天安门图案上方,印有中国地图,地图包括“九段线”在内的南海。正是这一地图引发越南、菲律宾等国不满。 早报记者 高征 图

China's new electronic passport in the eighth page above tiananmen pattern,Printed map of China,Map including"Nine section line", the south China sea.It is this a map cause Vietnam/The Philippines and other countries dissatisfaction. Morning paper reporter high sign diagram


主题图案:“辉煌中国” Theme design:"Brilliant Chinese"


New electronic passport in addition to personal information page/Note page and the function of the passport page,Can be printed theme pattern of the page 40 pages(That page 8 to 47).


国家形象代表元素3个: The image of a state representative element three:


"tiananmen"/"The Great Wall"/"The temple of heaven".


地域代表性元素34个: Regional representative element 34:


Selected provinces/Autonomous region/Municipality and Hong Kong/macau/Taiwan has regional representative element 34.


中国地图(含南海“九段线”) Map of China(Including the south China sea"Nine section line")


在第8页的天安门图案上方,印有中国地图,地图包括“九段线”在内的南海。正是这一地图引发越南、菲律宾等国不满。 In the eighth page above tiananmen pattern,Printed map of China,Map including"Nine section line", the south China sea.It is this a map cause Vietnam/The Philippines and other countries dissatisfaction.

       相关阅读: readings:印度要"反制"中国新版护照 赴印签证或受影响 India will have to"counterspell"China's new passport to print visa or affected


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