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旅游中介考试团赴港参加美国高考 培训花数万元--亲稳舆论引导监测室

2012年12月1日早晨,香港一处SAT考场,考生在等候进场。摄影/新京报记者 浦峰 On December 1, 2012 in the morning,Hong Kong one place SAT the examination room,The examinee in the waiting approach.Photography/Beijing news reporter PuFeng
  两天前,一场“美国高考”SAT考试刚刚举行,在香港的考点,参加的主体是中国大陆的考生。 Two days ago,a"American college entrance examination"Just hold SAT exam,The examination site in Hong Kong,The main body is the mainland of China the examinee.


As more and more students choose to the United States to read undergraduate course,As an important reference for American universities the SAT test,In the Chinese form upsurge.Many training institutions involved,Form the expensive SAT training market.On the other hand,For students going to Hong Kong, examination,And gave birth to the travel agency"Test group".


expensive"Test cost"Add Hong Kong take an examination of bit more and more nervous,mainland"Why no examination"Become issues.China's education international exchange association deputy secretary-general of tile think,In the short term the mainland may not have SAT the examination room.


On December 1, 7 o 'clock in the morning,Hong Kong the asiaworld-expo's pending further examination hall already crowded.


Approach time is 7:45,The examinees to wait for in advance.


Many training institutions in the hair material/To preach in.The student takes an exam time,Parents in the street listening to the lecture training institutions.


Here is the SAT test.Here's the examinee,More than 95% come from the mainland.Mainland at present does not have a SAT the examination site.


SAT scores are apply for American universities undergraduate study of the important reference,called"American college entrance examination",is"The college entrance examination"A big project.As the U.S. university application deadline looming in November,On December 1, this time,Is a year the number of relatively less,The whole exhibition hall set up two examination.


According to Hong Kong media reported previously,In recent years to Hong Kong for SAT exam mainland born continuous surge in the number.From October 2007 to June 2008,A total of about 7000 people to Hong Kong for the exam,The number of Hong Kong examination total more than 95%.From October 2008 to June 2009,doubled,To more than 15000 people.


To this year,According to the estimate of the new Oriental, etc training institutions,The number of each test has an average of ten thousand people.


A year can participate in 6 times SAT exam,At a specific time,Students and parents of the crowd of broad to port.With the upsurge of SAT formation,Relevant training institutions/Travel agencies are also formed a market chain.


万人赴港“盛况空前” Ten thousand people to visit Hong Kong"An unprecedentedly grand occasion"


Ten thousand people a final exam,The examinee queue stretch for hundreds of meters,Some parents don't have a place to stand,Even stand in the flowerpot


Beijing examinee raining,A year took part in the three SAT exam.


Let raining impressive is the October.That is the largest number of this year/The largest a SAT exam.Although the asiaworld-expo was described as"Thousands of people's congress the examination room",But 7 square meters of range,More than 10 exhibition hall,Still crowded,The examinee team stretch for hundreds of meters,Some parents did not stand place,Stood on the flower pot.


Raining stood in a crowded in the crowd,Continuously to the examination room close to the end.Of course,She saw his classmates,They were attended the last two times SAT exam.


Some candidates will continue to take the exam"I",Again with the highest score for the school.


It seems raining in,October the for many,The examination room are a little confusion.In the afternoon 1 point at the end of the exam,Until at 2 o 'clock,And the examinee queue have walked out of the room.


Every SAT exam one end,Study abroad intermediary will come in.They have in the examination room rent good booth,Or directly rented bus carrying the examinee and the guardian back to the hotel,Use the way advertising time.


Recall recently sent a"SAT group",Beijing new Oriental school SAT test affairs in charge of the group LiChun describe:An unprecedentedly grand occasion,expected.


Dec. 2,,China's education international exchange association deputy secretary-general of tile said,An American embassy minister in recent was introduce to him,In 2012, a total of 200000 Chinese study in the United States,The schools in the United States to the number of undergraduate course steep rise.


According to the Pope tile is introduced,The United States is the university is concerned,Neither would SAT scores as admission of the first standard,But because China's special conditions,The American university admission Chinese students can measure standard relatively less,"For Chinese students,Than to board than???????Finally only fractions."


Beijing new Oriental school to provide the data display,Since 2003,The mainland to the number of students studying abroad undergraduate kept an annual growth of 30%,Which to the student in the United States accounted for fifty percent of all LiuXueZhe abroad.


人数背后经济原因 Behind the number of economic reasons


More and more families have the ability to send children abroad for,On the other hand,American education institutions also hope that through the international student relieve economic pressure


New Oriental school SAT test affairs in charge of the group LiChun has brought the biggest"SAT exam group",Scale reach about 700 people.


"SAT group"Is out of nowhere.Relevant training institution from starting around 2003,And travel agency cooperation,Six times a year,Group with Hong Kong students to attend the university entrance exam.


Beijing new Oriental school North America examination department director FanMeng is introduced,Nine years ago many people still don't know SAT for what they are.In 2003,,Shanghai new Oriental opened mainland China first SAT exam training class,Only recruit to dozens of students.


FanMeng remember,By 2005,New Oriental a period SAT the number of training,But 30 people or so.


This period,Duke international education founder WuYuNong,Hope to popularization SAT training,But in domestic can't find and SAT in relation to any material,"We can only from the United States back to the books."


WuYuNong was in domestic a line city foreign language school recruitment of students,feel"Very laborious".


SAT by the American university council r&d and design test,Original intention is for the college entrance examination provide standard and test,Become accepted a step.


now,SAT in the United States each year more than 2 million high school students to take part in,Almost all the American university,Especially the ivy inter-school acknowledge and require applicants SAT scores.


For Chinese students,In the United States for the university especially the top 50 of the college,SAT scores must be provided,The university's official website usually marked clearly SAT scores standard.


WuYuNong remember,Starting around 2007,China to participate in the number of SAT there is a clear growth.


Well-known education experts XiongBingJi said,This and the whole domestic study abroad to increase the number of consistent trend:Also in 2007,The domestic study abroad increased more than 15%,Compared with the previous is a bigger amplitude.


XiongBingJi think,On the one hand is economic development let more families have to send children abroad economic strength,On the other hand,The university entrance exam education system is more and more for was,Studying abroad is to increase the number of one of the factors.


FanMeng analysis,2007 years or so,China's economic development is good,While the United States economic situation is not optimistic,American education agencies began to throw more Chinese students olive branch.In recent years,The economic crisis in the United States increased impact,Many American universities have reduced the recruit the threshold of the Chinese students,Also relaxed visa policy,Hope that through recruit international students to enhance the economic strength.


不断扩大的“市场” growing"market"


A training institution last year in xian statistics,Interested students SAT is 200 people,This year, more than 1000 people


A let WuYuNong impressive details are,The Asian international expo the suspension of the advertising banners at one time than a narrow,More and more study institutions pay attention to this market,There is no enough space to do the publicity.


meanwhile,To participate in the composition of the examinee of SAT exam is changed.


A few years ago,In Beijing/Shanghai/Guangzhou city a line,Top high school students prepare for the top edge of domestic college entrance examination edge to SAT exam.And two or three line the examinee of city of SAT don't have much understanding.


WuYuNong remember two years ago,He went to henan a three line city publicity SAT,A famous school old headmaster waved,Said wasn't interested in:"Even the school three did not up of just go to the United States,We here don't need."


Beijing new Oriental school SAT test affairs group chief LiChun also have the same feeling,About three years ago,Participate in SAT the exam examinee polarization serious,Either elite,Either think in domestic take an examination of the university students.


now,The exam is to the ordinary high school/Two or three line towards the city,More and more different types of students hope to be able to participate in SAT through to go to the United States.WuYuNong said,Last year he was xian SAT training institutions statistics a intend to attend SAT the exam number is 200,This year the number of statistics is more than 1000 people.


LiChun evaluated at present belt SAT group's personnel structure,Not a line the examinee of city,Account for a regiment of about 40%.


There is no domestic each year for the number of candidates to participate in SAT exam detailed statistics,Several training the personage inside the industry estimate,This year the number of SAT in an average of ten thousand people every time blasting.A usually take part in the test to two or three times"I".


SAT official examination institution American university council had to accept Chinese media said,Although China has never published in the total number of SAT,But to be sure,Participate in SAT the exam mainland China there are more students than other places significant growth.


According to introducing,In recent years,More and more students apply for the United States in university can provide good SAT scores,This also let the American university enrollment many Chinese students.


Shenzhen international system in middle school parents committee HeHaiPing is introduced,In 2009,,Shenzhen high school have twenty or thirty people go to the United States to read undergraduate course,By 2012,The digital expanded to 95 people.


According to introducing,In 2009, shenzhen high school set up independent"The international system",Inviting foreign teachers in class.


HeHaiPing will this change due to parents for American undergraduate education recognition,The school guidance,And Chinese family growing economic strength.


家庭式“出国梦” family"ChuGuoMeng"


The examinee, the rustling mother said,She is thought that study abroad for economic reasons to give up,Now his daughter this condition


Beijing examinee raining this did not participate in the SAT test plan,Is a tour to the United States,Suddenly changed her mind.


Read when raining on high,The family go to the United States on a trip more than 10 days,Take time to visit raining a American high schools.Leave suddenly cried,This let mother ZhangNing some confusion.


"free,multiple.Suddenly feel before his life is very monotonous."With the mother raining pour out.


ZhangNing I come from a small city in shandong province,After KaoXue to Beijing stayed.She said she had in college have the idea of germination to study abroad,But because the family economic reasons and give up.


"We have no chance to grasp their own life,But she has."ZhangNing said.


In the face of the high cost of to study abroad,She and her husband plan to sell a suite,Support my daughter to the United States.


And in the raining fight,Sichuan examinee make but,On December 1, the first reference SAT exam.


Xu but had been interested in"Preparation for",She dropped out of high school learning,Left their hometowns mianyang,Alone to chengdu.


She rented house long stay in chengdu,Daily trip is to participate in a language school SAT training class,Or let family in review of the agreement is,Chengdu training level should be strong than home,After all is the capital city.


XuWeiGang into gao at that time,Parents have ask for her opinion:Want to consider to study in the United States?


Xu but parents have their own enterprise,She felt that her parents"Contact crowd some widely,Know something more,And they thought comparison in front".


WuYuNong introduced,It is almost in China SAT the exam examinee's typical conditions,Yourself or the family have to study abroad will,Have enough money to support,In some examination training courses to spend a lot of time and money.


Xu will only intermittently in micro blog vent proforma SAT depressed,She one day at least 7 hours learning,Sometimes even think proforma SAT is a trip to the hell of the brigade.


Raining is think and compared for attending the national college entrance examination,Prepare SAT exam to much more lucky,"At least not so monotonous".


For like raining/Xu but as interested in study abroad for middle school students,Prepare for the SAT is the first step,Still need to experience prepare language exams"toefl",Submit personal application materials,Familiar with the history of the United States/culture/Local conditions and customs and so on many necessary process.


SAT市场掘金 SAT market nuggets


The examinee to xu but SAT training already spent about 40000 yuan,Raining before training is expected to spend $ten thousand a total of six or seven


Xu but the junior stage,In mianyang of ordinary school finish,Didn't have a bilingual teaching,She felt that my English is not good,Need extra pay to catch up on.


She first sign up the local new Oriental SAT through train,This is the most basic course,Let never contact the examinee of SAT exam content familiar with the basic Settings.This a training lasted for five weeks,Costs twenty thousand multivariate.


Since then,Xu but continue to read one-on-one VIP classroom,The teacher pertinently counselling weaknesses difficulties,32 hours of course,Spent sixteen thousand yuan.


For the first time to join before raining on SAT,Related training course spent about 20000 yuan.If the reexamination can get satisfied results,She's going to through the SAT(Subject test).The count down,Her training cost probably in 670 thousand or so.


With SAT exam boom gradually thriving is training market.At present,New Oriental/Purple inscription education and training institutions,And kai tak/Heaven, etc to study abroad intermediary institutions to become SAT training and recruitment of students market main occupant.Other small studio,According to the examinee to provide one-on-one high-end training,Also in this market occupies one horn.


According to introducing,Nearly two years,New Oriental perennial held various SAT training class often full.


The training institutions given SAT in class,Ordinary small class cost general differ to 5000 yuan from 9000 yuan,Section chief 10 to 20 days.If choose targeted more one-on-one teaching,Expenses are calculated by the hour,Generally an hour about 500 yuan.Some training institutions to launch of the course,As high as $200 an hour.


In addition,Xu but raining and still need to burden to the Hong Kong examinations cost.Every examination,Domestic travel out society"SAT group",Hong Kong two days one night,Quotation about 5000 yuan.


Compared with these,SAT the exam fee of $71 a few negligible.


In ZhangNing seems,Compared with study success after the high tuition,These before training cost"Is the necessary input".


Reporter the interview several parents think,1 million reserve,Studying abroad is the number of at least.


According to the Chinese education international exchange association deputy secretary-general of tile is introduced,Apply for an American university,SAT scores account for one-third,Plus toefl scores/Secondary school,Can account for 1/2;Another 1/2 is submitted when apply for personal statement essay/Extracurricular activities/Hobbies and community activities, etc.But the students in China can play half the space is lesser,So parents and study organizations will more eye before they throw 1/2.He thinks that SAT exam is too much emphasize,"Lead to rising".


大陆考点尚遥远? The mainland is far examination?


To the Hong Kong examinations high cost and setbacks,And take an examination of bit is becoming more and more difficult"rob"to,The mainland why no examination site repeatedly mentioned by parents


Along with the SAT exam in the growth of the number,Take an examination of a nervous condition is the examinee and the guardian attention.


As to SAT exam mainland examinee more and more,The Hong Kong examinations and assessment authority from October 2008 control test a distribution.The examinee must always pay attention to put online test position information,Once a release test,Have to go to rob.


According to relevant report,At present the examinee to go to Hong Kong for the exam,Need to sign up half a year in advance.


Take an examination of bit after release,Sometimes a night he filled the newspaper,Part of the name and not worried of the examinee may choose to Singapore/South Korea and so on for the exam,Further intensify"Test cost".


Why not mainland SAT the examination site,This is training institutions often face the question from parents.


Parents of students in ZhangNing looks,Participate in SAT exam has been into the mainland of a kind of trend of high school students,She thinks the mainland open examination is sooner or later things.


The United States this year in college board to accept Chinese media said,Is strive for in mainland China to open the examination site approval notice.


The news that raining and make but feel joy.If the exam location convenient,He need not expend setbacks to go to Hong Kong,Also means can attend the exam several times"I".


this,FanMeng is not optimistic,"To our knowledge,The college board has been with domestic education departments have the communication,But in the mainland to open the examination room difficulty is too big."


FanMeng think,If you can set the examination room in mainland China,There will be more candidates hold try psychology for the exam,"This means that in the number of students who SAT the exam will remain relatively stable growth".


For the mainland without the examination room,Parents often hear a"the"Explanation is,The relevant departments of China worried about the impact the college entrance examination.China's education international exchange association deputy secretary-general think,This is a kind of"misreading".He thinks,Don't open SAT exam,Because the present domestic education no and SAT related curriculum system,"There is no reason to open this exam".In his view,In the short term the mainland may not have SAT the examination room.


名词解释 Nouns explain



  SAT,Scholastic Assessment Test,学术能力评估测试,由美国大学委员会(College Board)主办。SAT成绩是世界各国高中生申请到美国高校尤其是名校学习及获取奖学金的重要参考。

sat,Scholastic Assessment Test,Academic capacity assessment test,The university committee by the United States(College Board)host.SAT scores from countries all over the world high school students apply to American universities especially school learning and get the scholarship of the important reference.


SAT exam divided into two classes,One kind is reasoning test,Commonly known as SAT,Content for the critical reading/Mathematics and writing three subjects.Another kind is subject test,Also called SAT,The main test students' professional knowledge,Optional exam course including mathematics/physical/chemical/The history of the United States, etc.


Most American colleges and universities require the applicant to submit only SAT scores can be,Individual schools and professional requirement provide SAT scores.

  SAT一年有7次考试机会,其中3月份只在美国本土开设,其他6次在多个国家地区统一开设,考试分别在1月、5月、6月、10月、11月和12月份进行。 (来源:新京报)

SAT a year have seven times examination opportunity,Three months only open in the United States,Other 6 times in many countries to open unity,Test respectively in January/may/June/October/On November and December. (source:The Beijing news)
