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河南两游客困山上 救援队夜间搜救遭景区勒索--亲稳网络舆情监控室

[提要]: [abstract]:河南两名游客在新乡辉县九峰山上被困,求助救援队。救援队员为了最快地把他们救出,便想经天界山景区走近路,但在景区门口遭到了阻拦,最后,交涉了40多分钟,交了30元停车费才得以进入。[ Henan two tourists in xinxiang located at jiufeng mountain huixian is trapped,Help rescue teams.Rescue team members to the quickest way to rescue them,He want to JingTianJie mountain scenic area near road,But in the scenic area by the block,finally,Bargaining for forty minutes,Made 30 yuan to enter.[我来说两句 Me two sentences] >> ] >>更多旅游资讯 More tourist information


9 late into the night,Two tourists in xinxiang located at jiufeng mountain huixian is trapped,Help henan outdoor rescue corps.Rescue team members to the quickest way to rescue them,He want to JingTianJie mountain scenic area near road,But in the scenic area by the block,finally,Bargaining for forty minutes,Made 30 yuan to enter.yesterday,Heaven mountain scenic area response said,Trapped in the scenic spot is not tourists,At that time, don't know what is the rescue team members,If the rescue team can contact in advance,Scenic spot will not block the.


求助 help


游客被困山上求助户外救援队 Tourists have been trapped the mountain rescue team for help outdoor


yesterday,Recall 9 went up to the mountain rescue thing,One foundation rescue alliance henan outdoor rescue corps huixian rescue team captain small force still feel that"nest".


In the night and made at,Henan outdoor rescue corps received visitors wang phone for help.They do more than 30 people,The morning is located at jiufeng mountain climbing huixian,Then she and another man with other players went astray,In the mountains are lost,Over a few mountain,Still did not find the way down the mountain.Now trapped in a hillside,Hope the rescue team can save in the past.


Inquire after,Henan xinxiang outdoor rescue corps rescue team/Huixian rescue units rapid aggregation,Search and rescue team to the scene.Small force said,He near to the mountain very well,From ms. Wang said the situation,They were trapped position should be at the ridge.From a security point of view,Also in order to rescue the people faster,They decided to take a shoot,From xinxiang heaven mountain scenic area through.


That night at around 12,He and five players with the rescue tools,Came to the door,But here,They were attendant stopped.


波折 Twists and turns


交30元停车费才让进景区 Pay 30 yuan to enter scenic spot


Small force said,The attendant asked them the do,He said it was to save,There are two tourists have been trapped in the mountain.Small force that,They wear with"One foundation rescue alliance"clothes,Carry ropes,Take to electric,This should be able to prove that they come to save us,Not to play.But the other said,Want to go in must first ask for instructions leadership,But they also do not provide leadership of the telephone.


Because you are not allowed to enter,They finally through the personal relationships,Contact the scenic spot a middle-level.A leader says,Into can,But want to buy insurance and pay parking fee."Insurance $5 per person,We understand this.But parking fee but let person is difficult to understand."Small force said,They there are three cars,Just from the scenic spot,Besides the rescue itself belongs to public welfare behavior,Scenic area should support.


After forty minutes of diplomacy,The rescue team finally bought insurance/Made 30 yuan were permitted to through the scenic spot.10 when xu at 3 twenty points,The rescue team success will be trapped rescue tourists.


One of the rescue team members said,Many times before the rescue had appeared similar events,"Now the mountain of henan province is basic in the scenic spot,Most aid will be through the scenic spot,If each scenic spot all such charges,We really‘Can save’the."


回应 response


车进景区,要提前跟领导联系 Car into the,Want to advance with leadership contact


yesterday,Henan business newspaper reporter contacted the celestial mountain scenic area of the Marketing Department manager li,He said,When they(Rescue team members)It save,But the visitor didn't trapped business,Don't know what are they.Afterwards just know,Two tourists trapped position and not in heaven mountain area,Tourists not to scenic spot for help,The police don't know.


"Your car into the scenic spot,Must want to advance communication,You said rescue teams,But we don't know what's your department."Mr. Li said,"If this scenic spot someone trapped,Staff must be the first time to the scene,At this time,Rescue teams to the,Could not let come in.If it is other the rescue,From us through the scenic spot,Must be with us in leadership."


About the problem of 30 yuan,Mr. Li said,Because in the upper and lower two parking lot,The door is to accept the money,"If they advance the contact,Know that they are really to save,This money will not accepted."


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