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苏州“大秋裤楼”前现老子吐舌雕塑 引网友吐槽--亲稳舆论引导监测室
the"QiuKu"After building,Suzhou jinji lake and have a statue sculpture in micro blog drew net friend's strong onlookers.The rising sculpture is located in the eastern JinJiHu suzhou art cultural center edge,The main body of the sculpture for historical celebrities Lao tze,However, the Lao tze eyes closed,tongue,And the show's mouth a big front teeth,Upset many people for the ancient sages impression.By yesterday evening 6 PM,"Lao tze make a face statue rising"The micro topic has more than 70000 users in the discussion.
现代快报记者 王玲玲 文/摄
Modern express reporter WangLingLing text/taken
刚柔之道典故 The way of firm soft allusion
Confucius had to weeks of luoyang,Asked in Lao tze.Lao tze open your mouth and let see Confucius,asked:"My tooth is still in?"Confucius truthfully answer:"not."Lao tze ask again:"My tongue also in?"Confucius tell Lao tze:"Is still in."Lao tze meaningfully to Confucius:"The hard death ACTS,The weak life ACTS.Teeth are hard,So it had long been lost;The tongue is soft,So it still exist."comprehensive
“秋裤”大楼前 老子在做“鬼脸” "QiuKu"Before building in Lao zi"faces"
Yesterday afternoon,Modern express reporter found this statues,It is high about 2 meters,In the lake square especially eye-catching,Interesting is,His back is on the Internet before blasting red"QiuKu"The building of the east door.
Lake the cold wind howling,From time to time someone walks up to the statues to observe a.A grey of the old man with a mobile phone to"Lao tze"Took a few photos,Look in the eyes revealed some don't understand."strange,But I'm not involved in the arts,Art it is bad also to evaluation."Said the old man,He in the north is engaged in the biological sciences research for many years,Finally able to get back to my hometown suzhou can't wait to look around.
和这位老先生中立的看法不同,很多网友认为这是在丑化老子,不少人以“吊死鬼”戏称它,同时认为这样的雕塑不应成为城市雕塑出现在公共场所。微博名为“中国李乐凯”的网友说:“有丑中见美,这是故意丢丑!一是丑化先贤,二是造型恐怖。”有网友调侃说, “他是被身后的大秋裤雷的。”经过一番指责和调侃,开始有网友指出,老子这样的形象是有典故可循。网友陈嘉上Gordon说:“若读一下老子文章,我认为这是最好的老子的造像。这位雕塑家懂老子。”
And the old gentleman neutral difference of opinion,Many netizens think that this is in to smear Lao tze,Many people to"neck"Calls it,At the same time think this sculpture should not become urban sculpture appeared in public places.Micro bo called"China LiLeKai"Net friend said the:"Have ugly in see beauty,This is deliberately lose face!One is to smear sages,The second is modelling terrorist."Netizens said ridicule, "He was behind the big QiuKu ray's."After some accused and ridicule,Have net friend pointed out,Lao tze of that image is a literary quotation to follow.The founder of the net friend Gordon said:"If read Lao tze articles,I think this is the best Lao tze's statues.The sculptor understand Lao tze."
老子雕塑 来自“刚柔之道”典故 Lao tze sculpture from"Firm soft way"allusions
It is understood,The statues for huayi brothers media co., LTD., chairman of the board of directors WangZhongJun in September to suzhou culture and art center of donation.The popular for Lao tze sculpture,Suzhou art cultural center officials say some accident.According to the introduction,This sculpture is called[The way of firm soft as Lao tzu],The creator is the central academy of fine arts researcher at the institute of sculpture/Sculptor TianShiXin.It is reported,Have a TianShiXin after the creation of the work to be put in Beijing university,Also caused a dispute.At that time,TianShiXin responded that,He didn't deface Lao tze,And he wants to challenge reading more,To understand this Lao tzu"Firm soft way"The famous literary quotation.
yesterday,Reporters to China environmental art professional committee standing director/The city SunHouYi sculptors.He told reporters,A good sculpture does not represent can become a good city sculptures."City sculptures must live in public environment,So we must consider the public appreciation level,And shall be in accordance with the surrounding environment integration."
"QiuKu"Floor intact
More is out of the groove"geeks"sculpture
Located in zhengzhou city ZhongYuanOu longhai road and between GCB road in a children's park,Zhengzhou public entertainment public places,A few children in the park and the statue park to foil atmosphere,However, this a few and lovely children don't know what the statue by citizens to damage was black and blue all over,Now has become a lack the arm little leg,Is very killjoy。[详细] .[detailed]
novel[Water margin]The lotus of pan gold and west door celebrate the characters of the romantic story became famous,However in the scenic area the novel character modelling sculpture come to life,Wu song anger kill brother and sister-in-law's sculpture has gone a little too far,The lotus of pan gold naked upper body for tourists to display,Flow of tourists have old people and children,It is to see some awkward。[详细] .[detailed]
Net friend in micro blog a source says,Suzhou jinji lake some sit chair is designed"Naked female"appearance,Women have profaned the suspicion.Suzhou industrial park said this response,these"Naked woman sit chair"Is a set of landscape sculpture。[详细] .[detailed]
Recently the hubei YunXiXian a net friend is called"Abundant breast fat buttock"Sculpture lamp on the Internet cause of hot debate,Have net friend or even suspect that this statues all naked men and women embrace together may be in yellow.It is reported,This sculpture called light"Sex freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting",Local officials say is to express love。[详细] .[detailed]

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