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看足球成为上班族年假的目的资料图 Watching football as an office worker please annual leave purpose material chart

  昨日,《年假如画饼 六成网友今年未休》受到众多网友的关注。那么,另外四成网友又是怎么度过宝贵的年休假呢?记者进一步展开了调查,继续走访解放碑、南坪、观音桥、陈家坪等写字楼,调查了房地产、销售、旅游、金融、教育、投资、IT、建筑、汽车等20个企业近500名上班族,结果显示,“拆开年假,拼成长假”的方式最受上班族喜爱,另外,上班族会根据自己的兴趣爱好休特色年假。

yesterday,[Annual leave picturesque cake sixty percent net friend this year did not rest]By many users to pay attention to.so,Another forty percent net friend is how to spend precious years vacation?Reporter further launched an investigation,Continue to visit the jiangbei/NaPing/planned/ChenGuPing office, etc,The real estate survey/sales/tourism/financial/education/investment/IT/building/Automobiles twenty enterprise nearly 500 workers,The results show,"Apart annual leave,Spell growth false"The most popular way of love, an office worker,In addition,An office worker can according to your own interests Hugh annual leave characteristics.


多根据淡季安排年休 According to the arrangement of annual leave more slack


Reporter in the survey found,Different industry white-collars Hugh annual leave time are different,For real estate/planning/Sales for the industry,An office worker generally selection in off-season or after the completion of the project Hugh annual leave;For financial/Asset management firms are more concentrated in the Spring Festival Hugh annual leave.


"If employees midway Hugh annual leave,All kinds of data transfer is easy to appear problem."In ChenGuPing ShenJi SuoFuTe office engaged in financial investment Mr Yang said,Each department work all linked with one another,If someone midway Hugh annual leave,Work in progress will be stuck,So the company general unified arrangement in the Spring Festival Hugh annual leave.


Wang NaPing asia-pacific business valley some activity company is engaged in the planning work,He said,According to the company's work schedule,He general selection in summer,The company is also not too busy Hugh annual leave,"If a complete action plan,I will seek for Hugh annual leave."


更倾向于拆分休年假 More inclined to split Hugh annual leave


In ChenGuPing ShenJi SuoFuTe office a foreign trade company SongGe work,Speaking of his annual leave excited,He introduced,The company's annual leave system is work for more than one year worker have 12 days vacation,His work three years have 15 days annual leave."The past is one-time Hugh finish",Although time,But his colleagues often one or two days annual leave, please go out to play,Is very envy,The more think more constructive split Hugh annual leave,Not only can loosen body and mind,Also can work faster,"I'm going to split Hugh annual leave next year,Let others envy, jealousy hate to."


In the jiangbei century king office a education institutions wen also had a similar idea,He basked in its own leisure vacation plan:6 months and days to 21 4 days annual leave,With the Dragon Boat Festival 3 day small long vacation,Add a weekend,Four days annual leave is for 9 days of long vacation,"Before the deal than disposable take much."


For the last few days,Reporter survey,Many white-collar workers are more likely to split Hugh annual leave.


新花样 假期相亲看球 The new pattern holiday to the ball


Reporter in the field survey found,tourism/Mothering is most office workers take the purpose of annual leave.but,There are some workers in the vacation to play a new pattern,Envy letting a person.


Chongqing sichuan business investment company limited by guarantee administration department manager Mr Yang said,Colleagues XiaoDong is ready to Sue"Football annual leave","His early the next year's football research a times,Really want to see the game in March next year,so,He is ready to put the annual leave/Marriage together divorces,Fly to Spain a full"Football addiction".


And some workers under the pressure of the family,Was forced to take up"To annual leave".In the high-tech zone jin get microfinance services co., LTD. Work is small but told reporters,For parents to always give her plan upset,The results,Say good annual leave to take a blind date.


In addition,"Sideline annual leave"/"Annual vacation for further study"To wait also is an office worker Hugh annual leave characteristics.


网络调查: Network survey:冬季年休最多 Winter annual leave the most


In the Internet survey,As of yesterday HRS,A total of 9302 users to participate in,the,Twenty to thirty years old than 51.49% of users,At the age of 31 ~ and net friend accounted for more than 35.73%,41 years accounted for 12.78%.


According to the results of the survey,Winter is an office worker Hugh annual leave first choice,This part of the people accounted for 31.96% of the total number of investigation,The second is the summer,Accounted for more than 26.86%,And selection in autumn and spring of leisure vacation,Account for 21.33% and 19.85% respectively.In addition,78.65% of the net friend said,The company does not limit the number of monthly Hugh annual leave,The move to get an office worker's agree,but,There are also 21.35% company carries out a limit.in"You choose the way of leisure vacation"In the investigation,Choose split Hugh annual leave workers reached 43.53%,56.47% of workers are more willing to one-time Hugh finish.


Not a few net friend in the network investigation have message comments,More someone said,The company a lot of people in winter Hugh annual leave,Reason is"Then endlessly is invalid",Net friend"sunflower"He said,5 days annual leave only three days away,Arrived in the winter and endlessly didn't.


Have net friend introduced spell false scheme,Net friend"wzy1472"says,On December 31, please annual leave one day,And weekend/New Year's day together,Can take 6 seven-day holiday,deal!Have net friend sun favorable balance of trade years off,Net friend"Mr. Apple"said,Company annual leave at least 12 days,The highest can take the 32 days,Envy it.In addition,Netizens also don't think annual leave is not long enough,Net friend"Wang junwork"it"greedy"said,Annual leave only five days,Hope I can put a few days.


but,Net friends also post in the vow:"Hope that the company will be set up next year annual leave system"/"Hope next year's annual leave don't be other people's wedding was delayed,This year,Friends are chosen in the rice glue ball during the marriage,Can't,Annual leave to attend the wedding"……


建议: Suggestions:年休假的活动 The activities of the annual leave别安排过满 Don't arrange a full


Zhaopin chongqing branch of the human resource department XiongDaoWen Suggestions,Hugh annual leave there are also some problems need to pay attention to:


1. For performance evaluation or business requirements of the industry,Annual leave best split divorces,Avoid assessment does not pass;


2. Hugh annual leave before the handover of the work to do,Do not affect the normal work of the company;


3. Annual leave remember"Blind play",The activities of the annual best don't arrange too full,Set aside at least one day to rectify the situation,Reduce adaptive phase;


4. Annual leave should appropriate focus on the company's dynamic,Avoid emergencies unprepared.


年休假“攻略” Annual leave"strategy"


一次性休完年休假 The one-time Hugh annual leave


Plan a:Annual leave + weekend


Will be five days annual leave and weekend even Sue,"Double cease + 5 days annual leave + double cease"Becomes a 9 days of the holiday.


Scheme ii:Annual leave + statutory holidays


Legal holiday from 3 days to 7 day to differ,Plus 5 days annual leave,General can take out more than ten days holiday.Such as,2013 tomb-sweeping day,On April 4 and 6 usual + April 5 tomb-sweeping day + 4 July weekend + 4 August to 12 + 13 annual vacation/14 double cease,So can take out 11 days vacation.


拆分休年假 Split Hugh annual leave

  方案一:1+4 Plan a:1 + 4


One day annual leave and weekend double cease,Take out three day small false;Four days annual leave and weekend double cease,Hugh 6 seven-day holiday.National Day long vacation or + on October 8 to 11 years 4 holiday + October 12,/13 double cease,Can spell out 13 days holiday,Another 1 days annual leave standby.

  方案二:2+3 Scheme ii:2 + 3


Can be combined with double cease,For 4 ~ 5 seven-day holiday,Can also be integrated with small long vacation take out two long vacation.

  方案三:2+2+1 Scheme three:2 + 2 + 1


So open separate annual leave,Can be combined with double cease/Small long vacation, etc,Form three holiday.

  方案四:1+1+1+1+1 Plan 4:1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1


Some small long vacation distance double cease only 1 day time,This split method according to the actual situation,The small long vacation and weekend connection,Thus forming 6 days of holiday,1 days annual leave in 6 seven-day holiday,A good deal!

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