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谢立新: XieLiXin:我们跟君联资本整个合作的过程,实际上时间并不短,前后用了一年半时间,大部分在考虑战略问题,在中国市场这么庞大的情况下,这样一个业态是可以成功的,不管零售,还是批零结合。凤凰旅游专注做投行,认为这条道会成功,依靠的是我们在这个过程中踩准了市场的节奏,至于说融资怎么样使用,我想简单分成三个层级,一是从上游更多控制资源,我认为出境游有可能会在某一个时间结点会达到一个井喷的效果。我们要在此之前做好充分的准备,控制上游,尤其在航空领域。中游是说我们自己,我认为通过我们在厦门跟所有代理人接触,发现他们是真正直接面对消费群体的,他们比我们敏感,他们对产品的需求已经到了非常紧迫的状态。要求我们迅速的产品升级,但是产品升级不是简单做深度游概念,而是整个公司内控体系的升级,海陆空一体针对下游渠道的一种共赢机制,简单来讲分成三个层面来进行投资后的一些业务行为,谢谢!

We with king group capital the cooperation process,In fact not a short time,With the before and after a year and a half time,In considering most strategic issues,In the Chinese market so huge cases,Such a format can be successful,No matter the retail,Or zero combined with.Phoenix tourism focus do investment Banks,Think this road will be successful,Depended on us in this process must the market on the rhythm,As for financing how use,I think simple is divided into three levels,A from upstream resources more control,I think the outbound tourism may be in a certain time node can achieve a blowout effect.We want to before this ready,Control upstream,Especially in the aviation field.The middle is our own,I think through our agent in xiamen with all contact,Found that they are really directly to the consumer groups,They are better than us sensitive,They to the product demand has come very urgent state.Require us to quickly upgrade,But the product upgrade is not simple do depth vernier concept,But the whole company internal control system upgrade,A zone in the downstream channel of a win-win mechanism,Simple speaking is divided into three levels to invest some of the business activities,thank you!
