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:We do things is to see a general trend,I think half basic has arrived,Is the consumption upgrade brings.I am the northeast person is really,I don't see those theory,Basically when people have spare cash time definitely began to go out to travel,More money to travel overseas,Now go to a trip to Bali than sanya is appropriate.Let's look at Japan for international,Look at the United States,Is the period of the upgrading of consumption.We determined to do such a business,Overseas tourism enterprise,We have to invest.Another very lucky,Once elder brother has been our taishan very good personal friends,The elder brother with had talked about two or three years,Once elder brother said he will spend part of the energy in this respect,games,I am very good CengSong and his team will be able to do this thing.How to do?Once elder brother said a words,Modern service industry,Today is a zero system,If after five years,Ten years is,In other industries is such.China's population dividend,Extensive business,All aspects link I think five years opportunity.The traditional way in this field in five years opportunity can also,This time is the best time of transformation.Want to use all kinds of means,Including fine operation,Including improving energy efficiency,Include some other link,To compare with it up.Hope all of you present to enterprise,And the two,Let's communicate,This trend is everyone some trend,Truly, truly, to good use,The enterprise the so-called fine transformation,The entire Chinese overseas tourism will be through this road,Who first experience,Who have a good operation,Is advantage.
