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元旦假期高速不免费 自驾游须避车流较大路段--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  南都讯 记者魏凯实习生黄露通讯员交通宣 元旦假期即将来临,广州市交委昨日也例牌发布出行指引指导市民出行,尤其提醒元旦期间高速公路并不免费,车主上高速还需多留心。

SMW reporter WeiKai interns HuangLou correspondent transportation mission on New Year's holiday is coming,Guangzhou SEC yesterday issued travel guide guide citizens travel also,Especially to remind the highways during New Year's day is not free,The owner on the still need to pay.


Guidance in the said,Expected passenger travel in the holiday/Short is given priority to,Traffic of north ring highway sand shell/Wide nitrogen station;Wide qing high-speed superior qinfeng station;Guangzhou high speed turn north high speed by fire to the village;North high speed by high-speed rose gang stand;South China quickly pick up the north trunk line of high-speed taihe station, etc,Suggest that owners around the node.


Guide to special remind,According to the[The state council on transmitting the traffic department of transportation departments of major holidays from small bus toll implementation plan](Guo fa [2012] no. 37)and[Guangdong province major holidays from small bus toll implementation plan],2013 New Year's day holiday will not implement 7 and passenger vehicles free traffic policy,Please pay attention when car travel,Don't because of misunderstanding when payment dispute.


anhui:New Year's day the expressway and GuoShengDao will not free


Hefei evening news reported,New Year's day is coming,Many people began to brew leading.Holiday during the highway is free?Reporter from the provincial department of transportation and highway unit to understand,Now they have not received any free traffic information,This year New Year's day people drive out of town,To the normal charge road bridge.


According to previous the state council and the anhui provincial government on major holidays from small bus toll the implementation of the plan,Free passage of the time range is:The Spring Festival/Tomb-sweeping day/Labor day/Four countries such as the National Day holidays,And in the general office of the state council document of the statutory holidays even holiday.And this file,New Year's day vacation did not included in the free passage of time,So the New Year's day the expressway and GuoShengDao not released for free.(朱萍)

江苏:元旦不免费 春节免费不发卡

jiangsu:New Year's day does not free the Spring Festival free card

  扬子晚报讯 记者从省交通厅昨日举行的"民生交通、幸福出行"新闻通报会上获悉,明年春节七天,江苏将继续实施7座以下小客车免费通行政策,小客车免费通过收费站时"不发卡",走专用通道"不抬杆落杆",以提升通行效率。2013年春运期间,公路运输将继续发挥"兜底"作用,全省将投入班车客运车辆2.4万辆,包车运力7000辆,"不让一名旅客买不到票在客运站过年"。至于有公众关心的"元旦三天假期高速是否也免费"的问题,因为国家的免费政策并不包括元旦假期,因此元旦三天假高速公路不会免费。

Yangzi evening news reporter from the province transport department yesterday"The people's livelihood traffic/Happy trip"The news reported that at the meeting,Next year the Spring Festival for seven days,Jiangsu will continue to implement under 7 passenger free traffic policy,Passenger free through the toll station"No hairpin",Go for channel"Don't lift rod down rod",In order to improve traffic efficiency.During the Spring Festival in 2013,Highway transportation will continue to play"out"role,The province will put into 24000 bus passenger vehicles,Charter capacity 7000 vehicles,"Don't let a passenger bus ticket in the New Year's day".As for a public concern"New Year's day three days holiday high speed is also free"The problem of,Because the country of the free policy does not include New Year's day holiday,So the New Year's day three days off the highway will not free.


 春节七天对免费小客车不发卡 Spring Festival for seven days of free passenger not hairpin


The Mid-Autumn festival this year/After the National Day holiday,Drivers will usher in a second free passage of golden week,Seven-day holiday is Spring Festival.September 30, the national high speed large congestion vivid,During the Spring Festival and how to ensure that owners were free of charge at the same time, still can go,Walk fast?Provincial bureau chief introduction:"The Spring Festival small long vacation,Car traffic will no longer be issuing,But carrying pole directly,Release all the way,Increase the speed of traffic."At the end of the free and free before and after the transition period,May there will be some transition means,Such as issuing it.


Spring Festival small long vacation will again on the real version in drained?The highway department think,The Spring Festival flow more scattered,High speed into the phenomenon of the parking lot should not appear.In the first place,Spring Festival transportation 40 days,Will bypass part of students/Flow of migrant workers/Ll flow;In addition,Spring Festival small long vacation travel is more rational,After encountered a big traffic jam Mid-Autumn festival,Believe more owners will stagger the peak,Rational travel,Some even would rather than MianFeiRi travel,In order to ensure fast.but,The beginning of the year./People's travel peak,In the past not time consuming and often have congestion,When also want to advocate active fault/around.At present,,Transportation departments in our province and Shanghai are discussing suhu junction several nodes distribution scheme for the Spring Festival,Is expected to finalize and release in the middle of January.


According to incomplete statistics,The Mid-Autumn festival this year National Day period,The daily traffic conservative estimate that at least a 40% increase last year than ever before.Eight days in the province canceled or reduced a total of at least 400 million yuan of tolls.


 绕城公路等普通公路也开通ETC通道 Belt highway ordinary highway ETC is open access, ETC


During the Mid-Autumn festival this year National Day free,Nanjing surrounding roads of congestion,Not only appear in the second bridge/Huning highway, etc,The belt highway/Old ning road traffic is made.Considering the part of the commercial road traffic demand,And many ordinary highway when highway congestion,Will play an important role in distribution,At present in our province has started to ordinary highway toll station open ETC not parking charge channel work.It is reported,Recent nanjing city highway toll station shuang long street/The 312 national highway(Ning, highway)Star he toll/Old ning road 10 public pier toll station will open ETC no parking fee.Vehicles equipped with no stop electronic label,All can be used directly.

  截至目前,包括新开通的南京长江四桥、南京绕越高速东北段在内,江苏已开通731条不停车收费通道,实现了ETC通道在高速公路收费站的100%全覆盖。为了吸引更多的车主办理不停车电子标签,提升整个路网的通行效率,目前各服务网点还在开展赠送活动,一次性充值3000元即可免费获赠一套苏通卡及电子标签。(扬子晚报记者 石小磊)

Up to now,Including the new four nanjing changjiang river bridge/Nanjing around the high speed period, in the northeast of China,Jiangsu has opened 731 article no parking fee,Realized the ETC channel covered 100% of the highway toll station.In order to attract more the owner does not stop the electronic label,Ascension of the whole network traffic efficiency,Giving the service outlets is still in development at present,One-time cost 3000 yuan can get a set of sutong card and electronic tag.(Yangzi evening news reporter ShiXiaoLei)


hunan:New Year's day vacation high speed is not free

  《潇湘晨报》长沙讯(记者谢功梅) 元旦假期临近,26日,记者从省高速公路管理局获悉,元旦假期湖南高速公路不免费通行。

[Xiaoxiang morning]Changsha -(The reporter XieGongMei)New Year's day holiday is near,26,,The reporter learns from the provincial highway administration,New Year's day holiday in hunan expressway is not free.


"Because the provisions of the state of highway traffic free of holidays are not included in the New Year's day holiday."Provincial highway administration policy FaGuiChu director YangHuiBai introduction,After guo fa [2012] no. 37 and highway(2012)No. 376 document regulations,Passenger high-speed free passage of the time range for the Spring Festival/Tomb-sweeping day/Labor day/Four National Day holiday and the general office of the state council document of the statutory holidays holiday,In addition to the four holidays and even the holiday,The rest of the holiday will still normal fee.

天津:元旦期间高速不免费 民航长途票源充足

tianjin:During the New Year's day the not free civil aviation long-distance sources of votes

  《城市快报》讯 据介绍,在今年元旦期间,天津市高速公路行业管理部门将完善收费站应急保畅预案,提高收费站通行效率。高速公路行业管理部门提示:广大市民节日期间合理安排出行计划,或者可以登录本市高速公路政务微博(新浪微博"天津高速公路")查询即时路况信息。

[city]- the introduction,During the New Year's day this year,Tianjin highway industry management department will improve emergency eliminating the toll station,Improve the efficiency of the developed.Highway industry management department:The general public arrange travel plans during the holiday season,Or you can log on the city highway government affairs micro bo(Sina micro bo"Tianjin highway")Inquires the real-time traffic information.


25,,The reporter understands from tianjin highway administration,Due to New Year's day festival does not belong to the state council of the four major holidays,During the New Year's day small highway passenger traffic will not be able to enjoy free vehicle tolls policy,All kinds of vehicles are to normal payment.


New Year's day the not free


"The city of highway passenger free of time for the Spring Festival/Tomb-sweeping day/Labor day/National Day four national statutory holidays as well as in the general office of the state council document of the statutory holidays holiday."Relevant person in charge told reporters,"Due to New Year's day festival does not belong to the state council of the four major holidays,During the New Year's day small cannot enjoy free bus pass highway tolls policy,All kinds of vehicles are to normal payment."


At present,,Tianjin cold climate,The city highway department will according to the relevant provisions,In the rain/When the snow bad weather such as the implementation of the emergency plan,Clear the snow and ice on the road in a timely manner,Ensure the safety of the highway traffic,Provide a comfortable travel environment for residents.


Can log on micro bo to check road conditions


"This year's National Day is tianjin small bus free of highway traffic first holiday,According to statistics,Tianjin and Shanghai/with/A long deep/Beijing and tianjin/Bank guarantee/Coast stone/Tianjin ji/Tianjin bao/Tianjin jin/Tianjin cang/Tang bearing such as highway smoothly had increased by 70% than usual small peak passenger flow."Relevant person in charge of the tianjin highway group said.


According to introducing,During the New Year's day this year,Tianjin highway industry management department will improve emergency eliminating the toll station,Improve the efficiency of the developed.Highway industry management department:The general public arrange travel plans during the holiday season,Or you can log on the city highway government affairs micro bo(Sina micro bo"Tianjin highway")Inquires the real-time traffic information.

  元旦 民航长途不太挤

New Year's day civil aviation long distance is not too crowded


yesterday(25,)The reporter understands,Due to New Year's day vacation time is shorter,Distance is near the Spring Festival,Relatively few people travel,Civil aviation/The long distance bus ticket situation are small fluctuations,But most of the sources of votes.


The reporter understands from the ticket office of civil aviation,New Year's day holiday all airline tickets are spare ticket,Passengers can travel plan at any time.January 1 to 3 days,The city to Shanghai/guangzhou/Harbin/shenzhen/Sanya, such as airline ticket mostly around 6 fold,Part of the commercial airline ticket over 7 fold,Compared with before rising is not obvious.The concerned personage,Ticket officially up to about ten days before the Spring Festival.

  此外,记者从本市各大长途客运站获悉,元旦期间短途车票销售比较火爆,前来购票的大都是在市区工作,赶着回周边省市老家过节的旅客。据天环客运站的周刚站长介绍,元旦期间,沧州、黄骅、盐山、乐陵、赤峰等中短途班线将随时准备加车。另外,长途客运公司的石家庄、保定、太原、济南等省会城市,客流量预计将比平日增加三成以上。 元旦期间,乘客不挑车次的话,可购票无忧。

In addition,The reporter learns from each big long-distance bus in the city,During the New Year's day short ticket sales is more hot,Came to the ticket is mostly work in the city,Driving back to hometown surrounding provinces and cities at the feast of the passengers.According to the days of ring bus fatigued webmaster,During the New Year's day,cangzhou/huanghua/Salt mountain/leling/Chifeng etc ZhongDuanTu class line will be ready to extra trains.In addition,Long-distance passenger transportation company in shijiazhuang/baoding/taiyuan/Jinan and other provincial capital cities,Passengers are expected to increase more than thirty percent than usual. During the New Year's day,Passenger trains don't pick it,Purchase tickets can be secure.
