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   [提要]: [abstract]:近日,多家媒体对北京出租车拒载、挑活、议价等问题进行报道。北京出租汽车协会对此发布通知称,出租车司机发生拒载、挑活、私改计价器、砍价等严重服务违规行为的,视情节轻重暂停上岗1至3年……[我来说两句][ recently,Many media for Beijing taxi refuse/Choose to live/Price negotiation, etc.Beijing taxi association to release notice,The taxi driver refuse to take passengers/Choose to live/SiGai the meter/Bargaining and other serious violations of service,Depending on the seriousness of the case to suspend work 1 to 3 years……Two [me] [点击查看专题: Click to view project:在北京打车为何这样难?]… Taking a taxi in Beijing why so difficult?]…

  新京报讯 (记者汤旸)昨日,北京出租汽车协会发布通知称,出租车司机发生拒载、挑活、私改计价器、砍价等严重服务违规行为的,视情节轻重暂停上岗1至3年。同时建立全行业统一的严重违法违章驾驶员信息查询库,供企业录用驾驶员前进行查询。

Beijing - (The reporter soup 旸)yesterday,Beijing taxi association issued notice said,The taxi driver refuse to take passengers/Choose to live/SiGai the meter/Bargaining and other serious violations of service,Depending on the seriousness of the case to suspend work 1 to 3 years.At the same time, establish the unity of the whole industry serious illegal driver information library,For enterprise hired driver before.


统一违章驾驶员信息库供企业查询 Violate the unified driver information database for the enterprise


yesterday,Transport administration commission of Beijing transport administration and city traffic law enforcement corps joint meeting will further strengthen the taxi industry management work deployment.


Beijing taxi association on behalf of the enterprise"Strict taxi drivers hired self-discipline,Improve the quality of service industry",Require all rental car enterprise by one/Service standards of the driver,Shall not be employed in industry list of drivers.The taxi driver refuse to take passengers/Choose to live/SiGai the meter/Bargaining infringe upon the interests of the passengers of serious violations,Depending on the seriousness of the case to suspend work 1 to 3 years.


At the same time,Rental car association established the unity of the whole industry serious illegal driver information library,For enterprise hired driver before.The taxi companies to actively illegal activities will happen many times the drivers of entry information database.


重点地区、时段实施联勤驻守 The key areas/During the implementation of the joint stationed


Transport requirements,Each enterprise should establish WeiZhangLv/投诉率 linked to performance management such as the internal assessment system,The quality of employees/Service quality and social indicators listed and economic benefit equally important examination content.


In addition,Set up - call service management system.The taxi dispatching center perfect phone call,Open Internet booking,Promote cell phone call,Set up - call disciplinary incentive mechanism that commitment mechanism.


transport/Law enforcement corps will also be on the key areas/Key period of the implementation of the joint stationed.Each enterprise groups (set up internal audit team,In key areas with law enforcement surveillance violate the discipline,Severely investigated and dealt with.


The bureau said,Pipe in each district and county departments deal with low efficiency/Service enterprise of the inferior quality goods,The implementation of the sate.At present,,The two levels of transportation management department has set up a file in the existence of serious illegal multiple ulam rental car company to rectify itself.


■ 小贴士 S tip

  遇拒载可拨打96123 When can refuse to dial 96123

  何为拒载 出租车显示空车标志,得知乘客去向后拒绝载客,或虽未显示空车标志,但主动询问乘客去向,得知去向后拒绝载客等行为均属拒载。

What is refuse to taxi shows empty car logo,That the passengers go after refusing to passenger,Or did not display empty car logo,But the initiative to ask passengers to,After that to refuse to passenger, etc are refuse to take passengers.

  如何防拒载 乘出租车时,先开门上车、后告知司机目的地,到达目的地后按照计价器显示金额付费,并索要发票,不要在上车前询问司机是否去某地和车费金额。

How to prevent refuse to take a taxi,To open the door get on the bus/After told the driver your destination,Destination after payment according to the meter,And ask for the invoice,Don't get on the bus before asking if the driver to go somewhere and the amount of the fare.

  遇拒载怎么办 如被拒载,可拨打投诉热线96123和68351150、68351570。告知接线员车辆号牌、车辆所属公司、驾驶员服务监督卡号、案发时间、地点等。为方便日后处理,可用手机等工具进行录像、录音或找第三人作证。

In refuse to do such as refuse,Can call complaints hotline at 96123 and 68351150/68351570.Inform the operator of vehicle date card/Vehicle company/The driver service supervision and card number/The time of the crime/Sites such as.For the convenience of processing in the future,Can use mobile phones and other tools of video/Recording or find a third person.


 ■ 举措 S move

  手机上网将可叫车 Their phones to access the Internet will be called


The previous,Some citizens are put forward to change the present taxi booking is artificial telephone connected to send,Hope that through the mobile phone can inquires the surrounding empty car such as a terminal.


Yesterday, reporters learned from Beijing traffic monitoring and dispatching center,City transport administration commission will integrate five monitoring scheduling a taxi in the city center,Launch mobile phone by the client,People use their phones to access the Internet can be"That car".


Current dispatching center of the city has two launch mobile phone call car software,At present is still in the test stage,Public can download for free.


"Individual companies of shunting service has been realized."Officials say Beijing traffic monitoring and dispatching center,The city has more than 200 rental car company,City transport administration commission will integrate the city taxi scheduling resources,Launch a intelligent mobile phone client,Covering the whole city taxi information.Citizens through the client can inquires into the empty car surrounding the location information,And can send a message to empty car,Also you can click"I want to take a taxi",Empty car driver will actively contact passengers.


■ 声音 S voice

  处罚虽严 难在举证 Punishment is strict is the proof


Complaint hotline staff,Meet refuse/Rip off, and so on,Passengers in the within 30 days,Can call the hotline to complain,Be sure to remember the taxi plates,Is best to provide the driver's name/Service supervision and card number.Transportation department will check the driver,And feedback to passengers.


It is understood,The taxi driver refuse to take passengers/bargaining,Depending on the seriousness of the case to suspend work 1 to 3 years,According to the measure,Residents said yesterday,Punishment although severely,But difficult to the,In many cases is haven't got be refuse,Can't see the driver name and service supervision and card number,Even if take the images,When need to provide more evidence refuse to take passengers in the future,Also argue.


1. Is it difficult to you encountered a taxi in Beijing?

  • 偶尔
  • Once in a while
  • 经常
  • often
  • 没有
  • There is no


2. You are in the refuse or wild speculations after do?

  • 向管理部门投诉
  • To complain to the administration department
  • 向出租车公司投诉
  • Complain to the taxi company
  • 忍气吞声
  • Suffer indignities without protest
  • 拍照在网上曝光
  • Take pictures on the Internet


3. If you have complaints,The subsequent how to?

  • 没有反馈
  • There is no feedback
  • 相关部门有反馈,但司机未道歉
  • Relevant departments have feedback,But the driver did not apologize
  • 相关部门和司机都有反馈
  • Relevant departments and the driver have a feedback


4. Do you think should be control the taxi mess?

  • 相关部门出台政策,严惩拒载司机
  • Related department policy,Severely punished refuse to the driver
  • 减少或取消份子钱
  • To reduce or cancel part of money
  • 出租车司机提高自身素质
  • The taxi driver to improve their own quality
  • 政府部门彻底改革出租车运营机制
  • Government departments to thoroughly reform the taxi operation mechanism
Check the results>>
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