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广州地铁元旦起发行1日和3日票 票价为20至50元--亲稳舆论引导监测室

地铁一日票设计充满粤味。 Metro ticket design a day full of guangdong.
本报讯(记者李妍 通讯员叶子川)1月1日起,广州地铁正式发行一日票和三日票,票价分别为20元和50元。地铁公司称,初期先在靠近旅游景点和交通枢纽的13个地铁站发行,随后将视乘客的需求全面铺开各站点。
Report from our correspondent(The reporter LiYan correspondent YeZiChuan)As of January 1,,Release of guangzhou metro tickets and a day for three days,Fare $20 and 50 yuan.The company said,Early start near the tourist attractions and transportation hub of 13 subway station,Then depending on the needs of passengers carried out the site.
It is understood,A day ticket/Three days ticket is mainly for foreign tourists travel and visit needs to issue ticket,Is to reduce the tourists many tickets/Against the zero of the trouble.
By the commodity price departments for approval,A day ticket pricing is 20 yuan,Three days ticket pricing for $50.The reporter understands,Ticket to use only one ticket for one person,A ticket is not much use, at the same time;A day ticket within 24 hours since the first time into the gate can be infinite time to subway,Three days ticket since the first time into the gate can be infinite time within 72 hours by subway;Ticket is not a cost;Not used to be a full refund,Once use, will not be refunded.
The reporter sees,Earlier will face the three sets of design scheme,Finally the subway company chooses the plan of the cantonese and diet culture,To foreign tourists shows interesting cantonese and unique food culture.
The company said,Day tickets early issue of site specific:Guangzhou railway station/Guangzhou east station/Guangzhou south railway station/The airport station/Kau mouth stood/Pithead stand/Tianhe bus/Front of the park/Red post tower standing/Chen clan academy station/Yuexiu park station/Sports west road station/Ancestral temple station.According to the condition of passenger demand adjustment after sales site.
出境短线增客8成 Outbound short increase guest 8
本报讯 (记者何颖思 通讯员张敏婷 黄恒)虽然元旦假期未至,但“拼假一族”已经在昨日开始抢闸出游。记者从旅行社了解到,由于正式的元旦假期(2013年1月1、2、3日)与节前的周末(2012年12月29、30日)只隔了一天,因此不少市民纷纷利用年假或补休拼成6天长假出游,令元旦出游高峰提前显现,出游人数同比增长3成,其中,出境短线东南亚游和国内出省游游客增长最为强劲,同比分别激增5~8成和翻倍增长。
Report from our correspondent (The reporter HeYingSi correspondent ZhangMinTing HuangHeng)Although New Year's day vacation not to,but"Spell false gens"Has been started taking brake travel yesterday.The reporter understands from travel agency,Because of the official New Year's day holiday(1 January 2013/2/3,)And before the weekend(On December 29 2012/30 th)After only one day,So many people are using annual leave or cease Mosaic 6 holidays to travel,Make New Year travel peak appeared in advance,Travel year-on-year growth in the number 3,Among them,Exit short southeast Asia tourism and domestic provinces tourism growth is the most strong,Respectively year-on-year surge in 5 ~ 8 into double and growth.
Guangdong a travel agency marketing center general manager before temperature is introduced,Come on stage formally since 2013, New Year's day holiday,On New Year's tourism market is more busy than usual,Mainly because of simple spell false,With New Year's day travel number relatively than the Spring Festival/National Day golden week activities such as less,Travel more affordable stimulated many white-collar tourists travel desire.5 ~ 6 days of the industrial tourism product compared with usual sell like hot cakes,Especially in southeast Asia tour more buying by the public.And 29/30, 2 days starting line most by holding,Such as the price is 3799 yuan"Angkor Wat in Cambodia food pure play 5 days"Yesterday of team with price on weekdays.
Except in southeast Asia,Yesterday also on travel peak and domestic travel.Guangdong one travel agency figures show,The club only 29 th number of domestic travel and year-on-year surge in appear doubled last year.Guangdong one travel agency said,Province tour of hot spring line basic quote,Qingyuan longwan natural hot springs/Taishan rich all hot springs, etc. There are still a few places.
自驾高峰提前杀到 Idl peak to ahead of time
本报讯 (记者李妍 通讯员粤交集宣)元旦小长假转眼将至,有不少市民将假期通过调休等方式变成了5天甚至6天假期。昨天下午开始,假期短途自驾车的出行小高峰已经开始出现,广深、广花、广肇、广佛、广珠东等多条高速出现车流缓慢的景象。
Report from our correspondent (Reporter LiYan correspondent guangdong intersection)New Year's day little long holiday will come in a moment,There are many public holiday by means of tone into 5 days or 6 days holiday.Yesterday afternoon began to,Vacation short drive small peak of travel has begun to appear,guangzhou/guanghua/Guang zhao/guang/Wide pearl of the east and high-speed traffic emerging slowly.
Traffic the personage inside course of study reminds passengers,Before and after the holiday travel,To master a good time,As far as possible to avoid the following"bottleneck"section,respectively
惠河/Guangdong province highway/Wide high speed and guangzhou high speed.
tips:In the service area during the New Year's day rest should be pay attention:
Jiang zhao high-speed longkou service are not officially open,Only the bathroom opening to the outside world;Drive speed and furnace service has opened in dec. 26,But station has not yet been put into use,Related facilities is test run,In and out of vehicles, please carefully go slow;Wide cross the pond service area in the direction of guangzhou area A Ann,Before and after the New Year's day for road maintenance to stop the business,During the New Year's day(1 ~ 3, 2013)Normal business.
作者:李妍 叶子川
The author:LiYan YeZiChuan

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