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18岁驴友独宿竹海 醒来发现帐篷被野猪包围(图)--亲稳舆论引导监测室
ZhangChengTao,Luzhou sichuan people,tourists.The day before yesterday to YongChuan,Had originally planned to bubble hot spring,But he hit upon a strange idea,Choose night bamboo.What think of,Wake up at night,Outside the tent was shaking so much shadow,Also from"Hem ha ha"The voice of the……
18岁驴友 一步步陷入困境 18 驴友 mess up step by step
18 joba chamberlain is luzhou sichuan electric power department staff.The year before start,Has a crush on tourism,First follow mother went to the happy valley theme park in chengdu, etc,Later after work with my classmates/Colleagues went to chongqing WuLong/guangdong/Nanjing and other places.
不顾母亲的反对 In spite of the mother's opposition
Have heard that the beautiful scenery of the bamboo,He told his mother,Want to a person to YongChuan bamboo play.Mother li don't agree,"You didn't go out to travel alone,One thousand out of something,whether?"
Zhang also stubborn,Tell my mother,Is to go to bubble hot spring.Ms. Li listened to the after,Think bubble hot spring is certainly in the city,Although or against,But didn't say it out.
Late last month 29,,Ms lee didn't come back home night shift.30 at seven o 'clock in the morning,After zhang to the grandmother at home, don't,Alone to the sea.
看到美景决定扎营 See beauty decided to camp
Chamberlain said,His backpack in the direction of the bamboo all the way,After the"Crouching tiger"(Zhang yimou film locations)The door into,Nearly 40 minutes on foot,Looked at the time,At four in the afternoon.He felt that the scenery is very beautiful,Immediately decided to camp here.
Their good tent,Tired and tired,Xiao zhang lie down and fell asleep,Wake up,Is at 8 PM.
"Began to judgment is a wild boar"
Joba chamberlain had originally planned to look out of the tents,But he soon heard a strange sound outside the tent:At the beginning of the long,Tick tick……Listen to the for a while,Feel the pounding,But don't like,Sound is very chaotic,No rhythm.
Xiao zhang ears tightly stick on the tent:Voice changed again soon,There are"hum"The voice of the,Very thick.After a while,Tents are visible in strange shadows on it.
"I began to judgment is a wild boar,But I have not seen,Can't tell."Chamberlain said,Sound is very noisy,Some shadow still in my tent on top to top,It makes me feel very fear,But external situation is not clear,Dare not go out quickly.
Previous excited and fresh instant into fear.
冷静求救,他受了惊吓但最终得救 Calm for help,He frightened but finally saved
他偷偷给妈妈发了求救短信 He secretly to give mom made a text message for help
A few minutes,Outside the tent's shadow remains.
Zhang change your cell phone # to find signals.He is the apple mobile phones,In several positions,Finally a bit weak signal.He hurriedly send an edited text messages to his mother.
The 50 points at 8 o 'clock,Luzhou is home of ms. Li suddenly received son sent SMS,After reading,People frighten distracted for a moment,Is the content of the message:
Help me call for 023-4968 x(After we checked,This is a number of local scenic spot),I in tea and bamboo tent on top,What is around me all the wild boar,Let them take me,Speed point!
Ms. Li nasty,Immediately call 119,The sources of the local fire department,They suggest that ms lee in front with a 023-119,Contact with the fire department of chongqing.
Ms lee side hit chongqing fire in the phone,Side to ride to YongChuan drive.
After receiving the alarm,Chongqing the fire department immediately sent YongChuan fire detachment of firefighters rushed to the scene.
儿子在电话里小声说:处境危险 Son on the phone said in a low voice:In danger
Telephone dozen don't know how many times,Ms. Li finally get through the son's mobile phone.
The voice of the son is very small,Apparently did not dare to disturb.He told his mother:"These weird things sometimes called up like the sound of the pigs,But the quantity is a little bit more,There are about SanSiZhi around the tent,And even more……"
Listen to son speak in a low voice,Ms. Li said,My heart is hold on tight.She doesn't know what is son outside the tent,But sure son encountered danger.
YongChuan fire detachment of firefighters and police officer from the local public security organ of a joint search and rescue team,From the mountain rescue.Sea scenic area covers an area of 116 square kilometers,ZhangChengTao where the location of the mobile phone signal is not stable,Location is unknown,Search and rescue is very difficult.
It is an emergency,Fire officers and soldiers have to from bamboo mountain scenic spot along the search and rescue,At the same time constantly call ZhangChengTao mobile phone.
Firefighters told:Shut down light don't out of the tent
21 when 30 points,Nearly half an hour to call again and again,ZhangChengTao phone finally get through.
He told the search and rescue personnel,When he is on the same day and 30 points to reach the scenic spot,From the"Crouching tiger"(Zhang yimou film locations)The door into,Nearly 40 minutes on foot,On the top of the mountain camping,However, in about 20, 30 points,Hear the sound of the tents three wild animal,And also from time to time attack tent,There may be life threatening,Due to the mobile phone no signal,He to his relatives and friends through SMS.
Fire officers and soldiers let him on the phone to turn off all the light source,Never out of the tent,Waiting for rescue.Tea and bamboo of original ecological scenic spot,Scenic spot in subject,In the night,It is easy to get lost.
Firefighters and police three people a group,All the way up the hill,Cry all the way:"Is anyone here,Hear please answer!"
22 when 30 points,A firefighter saw a light ahead,Rescue officers and soldiers immediately to speed up the pace,Galloped in the direction of the light source.
22 when 40 points,ZhangChengTao has been found,Immediately by officers and soldiers escorted down the mountain.
获救后回到家睡到中午才醒来 Rescued after back to home sleep wake up until noon
See son safe,Mrs. Lee quickly took his son to drive back to the home of luzhou.
Along the way,Ms. Li said,She did not dare to ask more of the child,Worry about again after the child is scared memories will bring damage.Back to home,Is 3 o 'clock in the morning yesterday,Xiao zhang lie down to sleep after I get home,Sleep until 12 noon,Wake up and hungry,Eat a bowl of greatly after the meal,Just can't tell his mother:Later any further can't a person out of adventure.
New Year's day holiday is coming,Fire officers and soldiers to remind the tourists,Go out parade,Must first understand the local conditions,Much is better traveled with a companion by our side,In order to avoid unnecessary damage.
野外遇到野猪怎么办? Encounter boar wild?
Senior 驴友 conclude:The wild boar's trouble,But there is a simple and effective way,Is don't look at its eyes,Don't looked at it straight,It will think you in the provocation,Will be blunt come over.
Don't back it,It will attack you.
It is better:Look at the other direction,Left or right before departure from the Angle of its eyes,Then the figure back slowly.
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