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Two people with 32 days travel eight countries can do?Many people will answer:can!
If two people with 32 days time traveled eight countries,Also spent only 2000 dollars(RMB 12000 yuan)Can do it??May be a lot of people the answer is:Can't be!
If your answer is"Can't be",Then you are wrong!Because live NaPing 28 60 years of Mr Huang and his mother will do!
Mr. Huang took more than a month of time with my mother,Traveled to southeast Asia/South Asia eight countries,They approach the Vietnam/Cambodia/Thailand/Laos/Burma/India/In Pakistan and Nepal,But the trip costs $1000 per capita.
他要带着60岁妈妈游8国 He will take 60 years old mother swam 8
NaPing 28, Mr. Huang work in a coal company.
Mr. Huang's mother 60 years old this year,Very healthy,Who had been to Russia. Together with the son.Retirement at home, she also nothing important things to do at ordinary times,The southeast Asia/South Asian countries to swim nature is can't miss it.Mr. Huang said,Almost all his trip to take my mother together,But dad is 65 years old,Mental health not good mother,And dad also don't go out to play,So stay at home"special"The task is to dad.
After confirmed the travel time,Mr. Huang's mother very excited,Early put clothes and bags of tourism need to ready,Even the home of an electric pot bring,Thought if you agree with the local food can do to eat,Can also save a cost.
Mother was busy in office work,This way, Mr. Huang began to set out to draw up travel plans.In the first place,He wanted to go to country and want to make sure that each country will go to the city,And these need to go to the scenic spots in the city.The second,To be a good time,How many days stay in each city,Which route,How to get to the next destination.
Preparation is the most headache is the visa problem,Vietnam/Cambodia/Thailand/Laos/Burma/India/In Pakistan and Nepal,The eight countries only in Vietnam and India is not fall to the ground,And Thailand's landing sign only 14 days,Don't think playing time Mr. Huang,So he went to chengdu consulate in advance to deal with the visa for two months.And no Vietnam consulate in chongqing,Mr. Huang in recent nanning for Vietnam visa,In Bangkok for the Indian visa.
攒假日攻略 Save the holiday strategy
放弃节假日 攒了32天 Give up holiday saved 32 days
32天的假日是如何来的? 32 days holiday is how come?
Mr Huang is saved:5 days annual leave/7 days of the Spring Festival/National Day 7 day/"The May Day"3 days,Coupled with the Mid-Autumn festival/Qingming holidays such as a total of 32 days.
Mr. Huang said,Work at ordinary times very busy,He gave up the holiday break,Saving holiday for is to work overtime,Because of the added class company will cease.Mr. Huang said,The Spring Festival in 2012/"The May Day"/"11"Such as legal holiday he didn't take,Then give oneself put a 32 days of vacation.
路线攻略 Line strategy
32天时间游历8个国家 32 days travel eight countries
32天时间如何游历8个国家? 32 days how time travel eight countries?
黄先生是这样规划的: Mr Huang is planning:
The first station by train from chongqing to nanning,Nanning to Vietnam by train,Via Hanoi/hue/Ho chi minh city,Cambodia from ho chi minh city by bus to the station,Via phnom penh/Siem reap,Vietnam and Cambodia took 1 week time.
From Cambodia to Bangkok by car,Via hua hin/lai,From qing lai by boat swim golden triangle and Laos/Burma border.It took 2 weeks time to return to Bangkok,On a plane to the third station of Calcutta.
In India,From Calcutta to agra,/jaipur/Delhi/Eminem is the/Gregory, g Boolean and India and Pakistan border,It took 1 week time,By car from India to Nepal again,Swim ShengYuan,From Nepal by car to return to China in Lhasa.
From last year's November 25 to December 27,The whole tourism for 32 days.
省钱攻略 Save money strategy
老板喊价 都被他砍掉一半 The boss shouted half price was cut down by him
Travel eight countries,Nature to be cost-effective,Mr. Huang think transportation accounts for the largest proportion,Save money of course will save on transportation.Mr. Huang said,Only from Bangkok in Thailand to Calcutta of India they fly the plane,The rest is the choice between train and car as a traffic tool.
Vietnam is the first leg of the Mr. Huang,He and my mother take the train from chongqing to nanning,Then by train from nanning to Hanoi.They also went to hue and ho chi minh city in Vietnam,Are all of the car.Then from Vietnam to Cambodia,Visit the phnom penh/Siem reap two cities,And came to Bangkok by car.Mister hwang came to the grand palace in Bangkok this day,Happened to catch up with the Thai king's birthday,The grand palace for all visitors to come to eat lunch,Staff to every visitors distribution box and drinks.
Since then,Mr. Huang went to hua hin/Lai two,The golden triangle and lai by boat,Via the Laos and myanmar two countries.Then they return to Bangkok,From Bangkok to India by plane.
In terms of the accommodation,Mr. Huang said every day the accommodation cost about $6 to 10 dollars,Every time they are in a city and then go to the hotel now,Because can cut price face to face.Mr Huang has a secret,Is the boss on the price of cut in half,Almost every success.
In addition,They will try to buy bus or train ticket in the evening,Such already save the cost of accommodation and don't delay to play during the day,It save time and save money.
Because mom with an electric pot,Mr Huang is almost at the local supermarket to buy noodles and cereal food such as his cook to eat.In addition,Some of the local specialties price is also very cheap,They found a in Nepal"A new restaurant in chongqing",The meal only 13 yuan.
Mr. Huang said,In addition to Angkor Wat and the taj mahal, the two scenic spots will collect tickets,The rest of the sites are free.
We had a conversion,The taj mahal in India to foreigners for 750 rupees in fact is not expensive,Amount to only 85 yuan,And every year golden week tickets for China's scenic spots and historical sites, let a person speechless with wonder or fear,Last year,"11""Golden week",All the famous attractions tickets price in succession,Such as huangshan scenic spot is the ticket price from 200 yuan to 230 yuan,Jiuzhaigou off-season tickets for 80 yuan,Environmental protection bus fares 80 yuan,Insurance 10 yuan,A total of 170 yuan;Peak season tickets for 220 yuan,Environmental protection bus fares 90 yuan,Insurance premium of 10 yuan,A total of 320 yuan.
黄先生在“囧途” Mr. Huang in"So way"
火车没有列车员也没有广播报站 The train has no conductor and radio stops
In India,,Mr. Huang and her mother had several"So way"events.They go by train from Delhi eminem and,The train was late three and a half hours,Because the train in India no conductor never broadcast the stops,Mr Huang can only according to the time and the bus stop on the platform to know whether station,Due to the late,Mr. Huang at the wrong time,Sit over the station,They get on a call"BATALA"Stop the car,Enthusiasm of people to help them bought two return tickets.
Mr. Huang said this period of time by India"Black bus events"influence,Demonstration much more special,They met when he was a presidential visit in India,Also nearly trapped in a crowd.He and his mother has just come out from the door of the presidential palace,They saw a group of coming across the parade,The famous police fear them appear accident have stopped them,Such as the procession through after let them leave.
During a visit to the taj mahal/St. Paul's cathedral/After India gate and demarcation line between India and Pakistan and other attractions,They came to Nepal,Went to the sugar apple mani ShengYuan birthplace,Finally to Lhasa from Nepal by minibus,Ended the 32 days trip.
相关母子旅游新闻: Related mother travel news:
小伙推瘫痪母亲徒步到达西双版纳 历时93天 Guy push paralyzed mother walking to xishuangbanna lasted 93 days
For round paralyzed mother dream,Beijing guy FanMeng push the wheelchair's mother,Start from Beijing,Walk 3359 km,For 93 days,On October 12 days in yunnan jinghong.He plans recently went back to Beijing alone see security after the ball game,Back to accompany mother in yunnan.
那些年 我和妈妈一起走过的地方 In those years the place where my mother and I walk through together
For many people,The tourism of childhood is hard-won.Or to make a picnic,Or take a never sat in the car,Can be the journey's ecstatic.On the eve,Reporters interviewed tourists of all ages.In their memory,The journey of childhood is very simple,But very happy.This happiness has nothing to do with distant scenery,Only related to different life experience.

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