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“想尝尝烤鸭、北京小吃、涮羊肉,逛故宫、王府井、小胡同……”昨日清晨5时24分,国航CA174航班刚在首都国际机场着陆,澳大利亚籍游客Zhou Wei就迫不及待地和前来接机的家人商量着未来三天的北京之旅。从今年元旦开始,美国、法国、澳大利亚等45个国家持有第三国签证和机票的外国人在北京口岸实施72小时过境免签,Zhou Wei也幸运地成了享受这一政策的首位外籍游客。
"Want to try some roast duck/Beijing snacks/Mutton hotpot,Go to the Palace Museum/wangfujing/The lane……"Yesterday in the morning at 5 24 points,Air China flight CA174 just landed at the capital international airport,Australian tourists Zhou Wei, and can't wait to come to pick up the family to discuss in the next three days trip to Beijing.Start from this year New Year's day,The United States/The French/45 countries such as Australia held the third countries visa and ticket of foreigners in Beijing port transit dropped 72 hours,Zhou Wei also lucky enough to become the first foreign tourists to enjoy this policy.
在机场边检站,Zhou Wei和他的新婚妻子向记者展示了他到达北京获得的第一个“纪念品”,就是护照签证页上盖的蓝色“临时入境许可章”,上面用中英文标注着准许持证人在京免签停留的时间。72小时过境免签专用通道边检人员表示,享受72小时过境免签政策的外国人在首都国际机场入境时,必须持有本人能够证明其国籍身份的有效国际旅行证件,且持有72小时内已确认日期和座位的从首都国际机场出境前往第三国或地区的联程机票。
Frontier station at the airport,Zhou Wei and his new wife revealed to reporters he arrived in Beijing for the first"souvenirs",Passport visa page is on the cover of the blue"Temporary entry permit for the chapter",Above in Chinese and English and allow the holder of the embassy today to stay in Beijing time.72 hours transit corridor embassy today immigration personnel said,Enjoy 72 hours transit policy of foreigners in the capital international airport to enter the embassy today,Must have I can prove its identity in the nationality valid international travel documents,And hold within 72 hours have been confirmed the date and seat from the capital international airport exit to a third country or region of a connecting flight.
“我们原本就计划在北京玩三天,1月3日再转机到罗马度蜜月,为此,我还专门找中国大使馆准备办签证。”Zhou Wei说,在他购买联程机票时,得知北京从2013年元旦开始实施72小时过境免签政策。起初他还不太相信,收到中国大使馆的确认邮件后,他们两口子才放心地只办理了去意大利的签证,而没有再单独办理来华签证。
"We will plan to play in Beijing for three days,On January 3, then transferring to roma for their honeymoon,For this,I also look for the Chinese embassy for a visa."Zhou Wei said,When he was buying a connecting flight,Beijing transit dropped from 2013 New Year's day started 72 hours.At first, he also don't believe it,After receiving the confirmation E-mail of the Chinese embassy,The couple didn't go to Italy to only visa,And no longer alone to deal with visa.
“从某种程度上来说,"临时入境许可章"的作用就相当于签证了。”边检人员介绍,即使像Zhou Wei这样,抵达机场后再临时申请办理“72小时过境免签”的游客,只要航空公司能够提供证明,经过边检人员查验护照、联程机票,外籍游客只需几分钟就可顺利从机场边检通道进入北京境内。
"In a way,"Temporary entry permit for the chapter"Is equivalent to the role of the visa."Frontier inspection personnel,Even if like Zhou Wei,Arrive at the airport after temporary apply for"72 hours transit embassy today"The tourists,As long as the airline can provide proof,Through the immigration staff passport control/A connecting flight,Foreign tourists can take only a few minutes from the airport smoothly frontier inspection way to get to Beijing.
Reporters at the airport passenger entry found in channel,Not only on the trails have been added"72 hours transit embassy today"The DiShiPai and advertising light boxes,T3 terminal is designed for 72 hours in transit dropped an immigration channels.At present,,Beijing 72 hours dropped visa policy is limited to the capital airport transit port,That is the entry.Passenger train entry is not in the list.And policies Beijing port only,Foreign tourists can't leave Beijing within 72 hours,And need to leave from Beijing capital airport.
为了让过境游客玩得好、玩得精,首旅集团已经为过境游客准备了特别的旅游产品,针对72小时过境免签游客,除日常“北京一日游”之外,还赠送晚间文艺演出和后海半日游的服务。首都机场除在航站楼开设专门的“北京礼物店”,为72小时过境免签游客提供具有北京特色的纪念品购物场所,还组织机场内的部分购物、餐饮商家对这些游客消费打折让利。市旅游委有关人士表示,为了方便入境游客在京购买免税商品,北京将建立集机场免税店、市内免税店和出境退税为一体的免税服务体系。 (来源:北京日报)
In order to transit tourists to play well/Have a fine,Beijing capital tourism group has prepared for tourists passing through of the special tourism products,72 hours in transit dropped tourists,In addition to the daily"One-day tour of Beijing"besides,Also give theatrical performances in the evening and houhai half day tour service.In addition to the capital airport in open special terminal"Beijing gift shop",For 72 hours transit dropped provide tourists with Beijing characteristics of souvenir shopping places,Also part of the organization within the airport shopping/Catering business for these tourist consumption at a discount greatly.City LvYouWei officials said,In order to facilitate the entry visitors in Beijing to buy duty-free goods,Beijing will establish the airport duty free/Downtown duty free and exit drawback for the integration of the tax service system. (The source of:Beijing daily)
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