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昆明机场滞留事件 旅客质疑机场反应慢效率低--亲稳网络舆情监控室

   [提要]: [abstract]:1月3日,昆明长水国际机场出现大雾天气,造成云南民航史上最大规模航班延误,当日有近万名旅客滞留机场。此次事件背后,无论是机场、航空公司还是昆明官方的应急预案,均遭到质疑。1月4日,昆明官方宣布已妥善处置滞留旅客,但多名旅客爆料现场秩序十分混乱…[我来说两句] On January 3,,Kunming international airport long water fog weather,The greatest delays caused by yunnan civil aviation history,Nearly all passengers stranded at the airport on that day.The incident behind,In the airport/Airlines or kunming official emergency plan,All were questioned.On January 4,,Kunming official announcement has been properly dispose of stranded passengers,But many passengers coming order is very confusion…[2] me


Kunming airport flight 440 long water canceled because of heavy fog? ?? ?2013年1月3日,在一场大雾天气下,昆明长水国际机场迎来了新年的首场大考。 On January 3, 2013,In a heavy fog weather,Kunming international airport long water ushered in the New Year the first big test.


After confirm all the flights are cancelled,Nearly all passengers stranded at the airport on that day,How will the passenger transport in the shortest time to arrange accommodation 30 kilometers of kunming city,Become the focus of the society.


but,Basic transport to all passengers,The test takes up to 10 hours.In the back,Whether from the airport/Airlines or kunming official emergency plan,All were questioned:The emergency plan system lag/Low efficiency;Passenger transport order chaos/Information is not good enough;Insufficient advance forecast/The seriousness of the underestimate the fog weather, etc.


After the kunming airport passengers stranded,Long water airport in the shortest possible time to make a set of the most effective emergency plan,Become the most concern.


大雾来袭 The fog comes

  机场预测应急不足凸显 Airport forecast emergency deficiency


In one day,440 flights were cancelled,Nearly thousands of passengers stranded,This in kunming's civil aviation history,We've never had before.Were so extreme of the heavy fog weather,This long water in kunming international airport,Is the first time the face of the final exam,But it won't be the last time.


As the fog weather,How to predict the effect?How to response?These problems or will become long water in kunming international airport the new challenges.But in terms of the influence of the fog weather,Foot show the long water in kunming airport to predict in advance,After emergency poor.


On January 2, according to 22 when 18 points in kunming airport official micro bo issued by the news,"Long water at night at the airport(That is 3,)Temperature of 4 ℃,West wind level 2 to 3,Humidity of 81%,Large temperature difference between day and night.Tomorrow is expected to flight 707 vehicles,Enter the port number 356,Port 357 vehicles.Domestic passenger security peak time is 6 in the morning:30 to 09:00,14 at noon:00 to 15:00,In the evening of 20:00 to 21:00,Please this time travel passengers check-in and security formalities in advance."


The news,Did not mention the next day the kunming airport flights will affected by the weather.


On January 3, at 10,Kunming international airport long water start fog diffuse.but,"This does not affect the normal access to flight take-off and landing."An interview with reporters yesterday,Kunming international airport long water management an anonymous person told reporters.Until about 3 o 'clock PM,Affected by the heavy fog,Kunming airport flights alternate part and delay.Kunming airport also through official micro bo has released the news.To 16:00,Kunming airport flight 34 affected by the heavy fog weather alternate cause delay.


"After 5 PM,Received the weather forecast issued by the airport KeGuanChu news said,At 8 PM that day the weather will turn good.In the evening but found at 8 o 'clock,The weather became worse."These people told reporters.To this time,The airport did not start the emergency plan,No release flights to halt the news.


"At the time square is at the airport,Because is the last day of the holiday,As far as possible in order to guarantee the smooth return of the passengers,Previously only didn't release grounded."The people said.


With the deterioration of the weather,That is in the on January 3, at 8:30 PM around,Have to hold an emergency meeting at the airport,To all the flights are cancelled."We also to kunming emergency office for instructions,Also got the support of the municipal party committee municipal government.Kunming a deputy mayor then government emergency meeting also.Start at nine o 'clock,To contact the hotel to kunming tourism department,There are more than 2000 rooms."


According to the airport by the news,On the day of the stranded passengers there is more than 7500 people,This far cannot satisfy the needs of passenger accommodation.


From 3 PM flight has been delayed to next day(4,)At about 1 am,Stranded passengers pick-up,During the time consuming more than 10 hours.And this period,Is widely questioned by passengers,The side of the airport emergency plan delay/Low efficiency.


Why to evacuate passengers delayed?this,An interview with reporters yesterday,The kunming airport party officials told reporters,The emergency plan involves many government departments and industry management unit,A set of emergency plan out,Each department only consistent linkage can be more powerful.


He said,Such as the extreme weather the release of information,Atc department is responsible for,Whether such as heave is decided by the civil aviation department,Kunming airport only do their fair share of things.At the same time, he said,A complete set of emergency plan can only go step by step,On the passenger accommodation arrangement,By the airlines and city tourism department contact after good hotel,To arrange transport passengers.


 沟通不良 Bad communication

  乘客难以获知航班信息 Passengers are difficult to learn flight information


Reporters found that,Passengers and airlines/Kunming airport between information communication there are obstacles,One of the reasons is the appear a large number of passengers stranded at the airport.A passenger told reporters,On that day many flight delayed because of heavy fog/After cancellation,Most of the passengers don't know;The same,This batch of passengers stranded,Yesterday once again return to the airport,Discovered after the upgrade is still can't normal return,So that the second stop of the phenomenon.


Scheduled for 45 points at seven yesterday morning HU7638 flights to Beijing ms. Zhang and Mr. Lin,Once again feel frustrated because of flight delays.According to ms. Zhang,Your purchase is the hna air ticket,Because affected by the heavy fog delayed the flight,The airline that sent the news to her,The second day morning flight,Will be postponed to 11 o 'clock at noon 20 points,Is the departure time,At 1 PM and was told that the flight to 40 points.By 2 PM 15 points,She has not left the airport boarding.Two people complained,Airlines told himself and other passengers,Due to 40 points 1 o 'clock in the afternoon flight,Has set up a file in the 1 PM 39 points off away from the airport."Flights fly away,Haven't told us to boarding,Let us wait for,Up to now no."Yesterday afternoon,A group of the flights of passengers,Around the counter for airlines for claim.


This phenomenon,Net friend @ left high blindness FaWei bo said:"I have been in attention long water stranded at the airport.I think,At present, the biggest problem is communication of information.Long water airport so much information display device,Do you have any work?Flight information have authority accurately?Resource scheduling information summary?"


In addition,According to the staff of the hainan airlines said,Because of the refund/The seat passengers too much,Belong to the airline website due to the large access hits,To crash the system,Can't access to flight information.To come to consult the passengers were told,Counter not check the latest flight information,Passengers need to check.The more passengers,And ask the staff,"Do not check all your staff,Let's go where passengers check?"


Many passengers to reflect,Airport transfer about the flight information such as news is lagging behind,No radio inform passengers how to set,How to get the latest flight information,And said in the people too much,Allow passengers to run back and forth,Increase the cost a lot of time."Why not offer information for us at the airport,To make our passengers to squeeze will be squeezed?"


Long a XuXing water international airport staff said,In accordance with the requirements of the emergency plan,The airport's job is to in a timely manner to the latest news,So at night it quickly sent nearly 2000 more than person on duty,Evacuation of passengers and maintain the order.


Effect on the fog flights that night at the airport,Did not open central heating in at the airport,No use radio to inform and evacuate the stranded passengers at the airport,The staff said,Because the night of stranded passengers,Then arrange one-to-one staff for flights,To ease the passengers,Special emergency situation,So do not notice arrangement of passenger evacuation by radio,And broadcast refund or endorse the information.


The staff said,At that time the situation,Through the staff directly,The efficiency will be higher,If you want to use broadcast announcement,Also need to make all kinds of programs,And then coordinate each link the last play,Not necessarily can quickly organize flights of passengers timely guidance.


 昆明机场相关负责人接受本报专访时表示: Relevant person in charge of the kunming airport to accept our interview said:

  一直在等大雾散去3日晚才取消所有航班 Have been waiting for the fog dispersed 3 days late cancel all flights


yesterday,Relevant person in charge of the kunming airport an interview with our reporter said,After the airport flight delays caused by weather,Exposed some problems,Mainly is the communication of information and communication have no well,A line of staff lack of ability to deal with the crisis,Too much and the stranded passengers,Personnel cannot meet the needs of passengers in a timely manner.


 记者:昨日有那么多名旅客延误,机场方接到延误信息后,第一时间做了什么? The reporter:There are so many passengers delay yesterday,The airport after receiving delay information,What did the first time?


At the airport:3, airport at 10 a.m. party received atc warning is expected to have flight delays,2 PM has set up a file in the internal start early warning system,Inform the passengers of flight delays and notify each airline.Official start emergency plans at half past three in the afternoon,The airport department also prepare for the related work.We have informed all the media at the first time,Also in the official micro bo update on the latest news and remind.


记者:上午10点航班延误,为何没有及时通知旅客,导致最后滞留旅客那么多? The reporter:At 10 a.m. flight delays,Why didn't inform the passengers,Resulting in the stranded passengers so much?


At the airport:A delay of news,In the first time we had inform airlines,By the airline to notify to each passenger.Passengers didn't hear the lobby of the airport because it is the regional radio broadcast,In the room to hear the news of the flight has been delayed,The hall because too noisy there is no report,But in the lobby of the passengers can through the hall display screen to check the flight information.Starts at ten o 'clock in the morning,The airport has been waiting for the fog weather,Passengers and crew are waiting for.The weather is better but has been close to the fog in the evening,Visibility is too low,Finally, according to the weather reason,Them in more than eight o 'clock when he decided to cancel all flights,Cause there are so many of the stranded passengers.


 记者:旅客滞留机场时场面很混乱,机场之前有应急预案吗?为什么机场的应急能力如此混乱? The reporter:Passengers stranded at the airport when the scene is very confusion,The airport emergency plan before?Why the airport emergency ability so confused?


At the airport:Emergency plan there will be a long time ago,After receiving the news of the flight has been delayed,Airport and combined with the security department coordinate security work.Keep the order,Assist airlines to do ticket to sign/Refund and passengers of the placement.But because of more people,Airport security ability can't control so many exciting passengers,We have to evacuate as far as possible and a place for passengers.This is also the airport also after the first major difficulties,35 all airport bus already out,For the larger events,Airport emergency is can't meet the demand.


 记者:机场没有暖气设备,热水、餐食和毯子供应也不足,很多旅客都受冻,如何看待? The reporter:The airport without central heating,The hot water/Meals and blanket supply is insufficient,A lot of passengers are cold,How to look at?


At the airport:Long water airport to also half a year,There are a lot of shortage in heating equipment,This will improve later.Hot water supply is there in the airport,But because there are so many stranded passengers,Hot water also need some time to bring to a boil.Meals and blanket mainly is in the charge of airlines,The airport will also provide a lot of help.


记者:这次大面积的航班延误对长水是一个很大的考验,机场觉得对这次应急处理得怎样? The reporter:The large area of the flight has been delayed to long water is a big test,Airport think about this how emergency treatment?


At the airport:Because of the weather causes delays and cancel this is a very normal phenomenon,But this situation is more serious.Airports and airlines have done a lot of work,The government related departments coordination and effort,In emergency ability is fast.But as the communication of information and communication have no well,There is a line of the staff's ability to deal with the crisis,Stranded passengers too much work personnel cannot meet the needs of passengers in a timely manner.There are a lot of shortage and improvement of place,In the case of the event,Airport side has been to try to do well.

  (肖辉龙 黄世杨 李美娇 钟迎 陈懿然)

(XiaoHuiLong HuangShiYang li mei jiao clock meet ChenYiRan)


reading:Kunming long water had happened at the airport flight delays in passenger radical reaction


昆明机场航班延误乘客抢飞机 30余人静坐堵跑道 Kunming airport flight delays passengers took the plane more than 30 people sit blocking the runway


On August 6, 2012 in the morning,Kunming airport after the flight has been delayed on passengers for the scene of the plane,For both sides were to fly to chongqing and xishuangbanna of passengers."Since we can't walk,Don't let the other plane."then,Stuck at gate 1,4 the boarding gate…There are more than 30 people and even on the apron!

  记者致电西部航空客服电话,工作人员解释,8月5日晚上的航班安排是先由昆明飞西双版纳,随后飞机返回昆明再飞往重庆。但昆明的一场雷雨导致飞往西双版纳的飞机延误,重庆的乘客自然也无法准时登机了。  对于有没有及时为旅客派发食物的问题,工作人员表示:"肯定派发了,飞机延误是突发的天气原因,航空公司不可能丢下旅客不管,单是方便面就发了两次,而且后来也为旅客找到了宾馆,但是他们不愿意去。"

Reporters call the airlines customer service telephone,Staff explains,On August 5, in the evening flight arrangement is first YouKunMing fly in xishuangbanna,Then the plane to return to kunming will fly to chongqing.But kunming plane for xishuangbanna delay caused a thunderstorm,Chongqing passengers nature also can't boarding on time.To have the problem of distributed food for the traveller in time,The staff said:"Sure to distribute,The delay is sudden bad weather,Airlines can't leave without passengers,Sheet is instant noodles can send twice,And then also for passenger found a hotel,But they don't want to go."


To contain the runway,The staff said,After more than two hours of the airport staff to persuade,Surrounded the runway of the passengers to return to the lounge,But in between the two hours,Long water international airport flight canceled class 4,Delay 6 class,And cause a series of chain reaction.[detailed]


航班延误为何总能引发乘客愤怒? Flight delays why can always cause passenger anger?


1/At the airport/The airline can't inform the delay reason and the departure time again.Asymmetry of information to make the passengers feel very anxious.


2/After the delay cannot be properly placed in a timely manner,Only tired to stranded at the airport.


3/Staff do not as,Bad manners.[Click to view project]

  因天气等不可抗力因素造成的航班延误该怎么办? Flight delays due to force majeure factors, such as the weather what should I do?


1/Pay attention to the weather information in a timely manner.Both due to the weather information,Also arrived in the land of the weather information.According to the weather condition in your travel arrangements,To save for a rainy day.In addition,Also should pay attention to the point is,May point and arrival to the weather conditions are good,But flight through the route of the weather is bad,This also possible delay.


2/In a few hours before departure,Contact your airline ticket in advance,Consulting flight situation.If you can make sure meet the flight has been delayed for a long time,Can be delayed based on.If the flights are cancelled,May be endorsed or refund.


3/If you have reached the airport,Can timely know flight information through the airport air show,Also can go to the airline counter in flight.According to the flight case again for waiting/The arrangement of the seat or refund.


4/Decisive book the flight as early as possible.If you want to early to its destination,And run into bad weather that may occur,Should be decisive reserve flight as early as possible.Such as,If there is a flight in the morning and two in the morning,As far as possible choose in the morning.This is because,Once appear, flight delays,According to the flow control will be in accordance with the delay time has the plane take off,Early flight will take off.


Before booking,Information about the airport first,What flights on May be affected by the weather,And then book a ticket,It can avoid some unnecessary trouble.In addition,Passengers can also call the airlines customer service hotline or airport customer service hotline advisory flight information.


5/Buy flight delay risks.
