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上万红嘴鸥扬州越冬 8大景区观鸟最佳(图)--亲稳舆论引导监测室


After winter,As the temperature gradually reduced,It has become cold,Many wild animals always want to find a"An ideal place"For the winter,And yangzhou also"Honored to"To become one of their choice of wintering sites.recently,Many careful observation of the citizens to reporters,Said see near yangzhou global group ShaoBoHu appear national wild animal protection - looking.


Looking after all why would choose yangzhou winter?When the peak period of looking for migration?this,Reporter consulted the relevant experts answer one by one.


现场描述 The description

  卲伯湖上 卲 obersee惊现上万只红嘴鸥 Near thousands of only looking


"Day so cold,In the suburb of empty incredibly can see so much looking,What a pleasing!"yesterday,When reporter about migratory birds winter topic,Citizens JiangJianFeng thinks of above all is looking.


Mr Jiang told reporters,The day before yesterday in the morning,He went to the northern suburb of reasonable town.Drive along the highway a broad way north,When car to reasonable bridge east nearby 卲 "edge of the lake very,A warm picture suddenly attracted Mr Jiang's eyes - groups of migratory birds in red white 卲 "surface of the lake,Sometimes dance,From time to time for food/play,The scene is very lively.Mr. Jiang and then go off,Close found after careful observation,It is rare looking.Mr. Jiang roughly calculated,Tens of thousands of only looking.


Experts answer


气候温和、食物丰富,红嘴鸥来越冬 Mild climate/Rich food,Looking for winter


Looking exactly why would choose yangzhou winter?this,Reporter yesterday specially interviewed yangzhou YangFengPing, associate professor at the university college of biological science and technology.According to the YangFeng


Ping is introduced,Looking commonly known as"Water pigeons",As early as August 1, 2000,Looking is included in the list of state-level protection of wildlife.It most of the body of the feathers is white,Tail is black,Because of mouth and foot are red and looking.


Looking in the summer in the north,Due to the northern climate cold in winter,Then cluster fly south for the winter.And compared to low temperature of the northern cities,Yangzhou freezing phenomenon is not much,The climate is mild,Become one of the habitat including looking some of migratory birds.YangFengPing said,"As can be seen from the daily activities,They are more like winter in Yang‘Settle down’,All aspects of the environment are very appropriate!"


YangFengPing told reporters,Looking staple food fish/shrimp/insects/Throw away the food scraps of aquatic plants and humans.Due to the yangzhou river levels low in winter,Coupled with the rich source of food,Convenient they fly on the river in prey.


每年秋末冬初迁徙最频繁 Every year John DongChu migration is the most frequent


YangFengPing said,Yangzhou looking already for several years in a row on a large scale,Choose global group ShaoBoHu such as ecological wetland.Introduce according to her,And other migratory birds time almost,In November/On dec.,Is looking the peak period of migration,Them to fly from the north,To fly to southern cities."Generally speaking,,December a portion of the‘First army’fly,then‘Main force’follow,So late December will be migrating peak!"


In addition,YangFengPing also introduced,After Yang had comfortable in winter,Looking and will"The way back to",Fly back to the north.Generally speaking,,"Travel peak"Focused on the march to April.And at this time,And will be nationally QianHui yangzhou from the south.In addition,For migration routes,YangFengPing according to birds said long-term activity rules,Because the city is located in the east Asian migratory birds fly moved north and south and east-west moved the meeting point of fly line,Some birds only to yangzhou"The transition zone",Take a breather after proceeding to other southern cities.


观鸟提示 Bird tips

  瘦西湖等8大风景区观鸟最佳 Lake and so on eight scenic spot of bird


It is reported,Besides looking choose yangzhou as winter habitat,swan/Red - such as a large number of rare birds,From the past only in the city"As a guest",Development up to now"Settle down".


"What scenic spots have in yangzhou ornamental birds best?"For most of the people question,Reporter yesterday consulting the relevant tourism staff.


According to the tourism researchers are introduced,According to the ecological environment quality and other factors,Migratory birds more choice of yangzhou/The ancient canal/Runyang forest park/Lotus pond park/Cornel bay scenic spot/The phoenix island ecological tourist area/Bamboo west park and global group ShaoBoHu ecological wetland habitat,In these places close to watch birds,People can choose according to oneself circumstance.


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红嘴鸥分布范围 Looking distribution range


1. In North America,Including the United States/Canada/Greenland/Bermuda/Saint Pierre and dense cloning islands and Mexico near the transition zone of Central America.


2. Eurasia and north Africa,Including all of Europe/North of the tropic Africa/The Arabian peninsula and the Himalayan mountain range - minshan - north of the qinling mountains, huai river in Asia.


3. In South Africa,Including the south of the Arabian peninsula/The Sahara desert(The tropic)South of the African continent.


4. The Indian subcontinent and the southwest of China,Including India/Bangladesh/Bhutan/Sikkim/Nepal/And Keith bear/Sri Lanka/The maldives and the southeast of Tibet region of China.


5. Indochina peninsula and the southeast coastal area of China,Including Burma/Vietnam/Laos/Cambodia/Thailand and the southeast coastal area of China/Hong Kong/Hainan island.


6. The Pacific islands(Including the Taiwan province of China/The islands/The xisha islands/In the islands/Nansha islands and the Philippines/brunei/Malaysia/Singapore/Indonesia's Sumatra/Java and Papua New Guinea).


7. In the western China in northwest tianshan region and the northeast of China's wetlands.In east China and south of 32 degrees north latitude all lakes/Rivers and coastal areas.
