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27岁驴友河南登山失足坠亡 无户外常识及装备--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

   [提要]: [abstract]:1月19日下午三点半,一名来自河南巩义的27岁驴友在登封少室山失足滑坠,后经抢救无效身亡。这次登山是由当地一家户外用品店发起召集的,很多驴友是“新驴”,几乎没带什么装备。而此次户外活动的“驴头”(旅游活动的组织者)在救援抢救中始终未曾出现…[我来说两句] On January 19, at PM,A 巩义 from henan dengfeng LvYou 27-year-old in less room mountain slip sliding fall,After the rescue invalid death.The mountain is the local a outdoor shop called launched,A lot of LvYou is"The new ass",Almost didn't bring any equipment.The outdoor activities"horsehead"(The organizers of the tourism activities)In the rescue and salvage never appear…[me 2]

  事发登封少室山三皇寨景区 27岁男子经抢救无效身亡 The little room dengfeng mountain scenic spot the three village 27 years old man after the rescue invalid death

  网友质疑活动组织者是否靠谱 救援人员提醒,野外活动事先要做好充足准备 Net friend questioned whether organizers by spectrum rescuers remind,Outdoor activities to be well prepared in advance


19,A 27-year-old LvYou dengfeng in less room mountain slip sliding fall,After the rescue invalid death.


网帖 Network for

  一驴友在三皇寨景区遇险身亡 A LvYou in the three village scenic spot was in distress


1 month and day morning,Online a"LvYou less room mountain slip sliding fall hospital died"Post cause of hot debate.


Yesterday afternoon at about 6,Henan business newspaper reporter relates to the small Nao post kang."Things happen in 19 at PM,A LvYou from the three village after JiangJunMiao fell down the mountain."

  事情发生后,登封市人民医院急救人员迅速赶到现场,并与消防大队一起对该驴友展开救援。此时,登封驴友 @雨中漫步也闻讯赶来,迅速加入到抢救队伍中。“大概半个小时后,我们把受伤的驴友送到山下,并抬到了急救车上。” @雨中漫步说。

After things happen,Dengfeng city people's hospital emergency personnel rushed to the scene,And fire brigade to LvYou the rescue.At this time,LvYou dengfeng @ I saw you walking in the rain also rushed,Quickly to join the rescue team."After about half an hour,We put the injured LvYou to mountain,And carried to the ambulance." @ I saw you walking in the rain said.


Yesterday afternoon,Dengfeng city people's hospital emergency room a staff is introduced,the"LvYou"Named LiGongCai,Registration age is 27 years old,巩义 people.


"He fell down from the mountain,Unfortunately hurt head."The staff said,Yesterday morning when September 30 points make,In the first aid room LiGongCai out"Treatment was invalid"news.


Last night at about 7,Province outdoor rescue corps a chief introduction,Has not been linked to the organizers of the tourism activities.


网友 Net friend

  户外旅行危险,组织者“驴头”靠谱吗 Outdoor travel risk,organizers"horsehead"By spectrum?


Online this post,Not a few net friend caused concern.Most of the net friend expressed outdoor travel risk and organizers"horsehead"Whether by spectrum concerns.


@ through songshan:Outdoor travel,Safety first.The new ass don't easily to difficult/High strength of outdoor activities,Should follow the,"Slowly growing".


@ rain floor:I am also a"LvYou".Outdoor activities,"horsehead"(The organizers of the tourism activities)Must be designed to route,Both have a good time,Have to pay attention to safety.


@ holy songs:"horsehead"Haven't contact,Estimate early hide it?"horsehead"Escort the injured to the hospital?Help the injured family contact?In the family members to the hospital before,"horsehead"Isn't it supposed to be in the hospital to the injured?


HalfmoonBend @:Now outdoor sports"Blossom everywhere",Out to two trip"Donkey team"As a"horsehead"the,Very irresponsible.More abhorrent is,some"horsehead"The outdoor tourism activities as revenue tool,Regardless of"LvYou"safety.


提醒 remind

  野外活动有危险 充足准备很必要 Outdoor activities are dangerous enough preparation is necessary


Reporters found that online search,"LvYou"In the process of outdoor tourism because of injury or other causes of death cases is often seen in press.


The November 24,,,10"LvYou"Walking across AoShan,Due to the slippery snow,1 players injured leg,All the players in the mountain for the night.the,AoShan plunged blizzard,three"LvYou"Freeze to death,In addition the seven"LvYou"Meet with local villagers,Finally escape.


Last December 22,,Beijing two LvYou trapped lingshan,That night the mountain air temperature of 25 ℃ below zero,Snow depth about fifty centimeters,Winds of level 7.Until 23 noon,Missing 2 people are found,A people froze to death,Another rescue invalid death.


January 12,,Shenyang a forties LvYou in large ice groove he hurt,Severe fracture and trapped valley.Volunteers after being rescued.


Province outdoor rescue corps a staff said,"LvYou"Mostly taking any chances,Prior to travel to areas terrain/Deep understanding of the landscape."Equipment not neat/Self-help ability is not strong/The lack of field survival skills,Travel is the main cause of distress."


He reminded,Winter adventure need to pay attention to loss of temperature/Slip fall/Problems such as lost,Prepare enough warm supplies and rope/Stick to protect equipment such as necessary.In addition,Trip before to fully understand the local weather conditions,Equipped with a compass and GPRS positioning device,In case in the field went astray.


Rescue site:They almost didn't bring any equipment

  《郑州晚报》讯(记者 袁建龙 张玉东 通讯员 张朝晖 刘会宾)1月19日上午,巩义28岁驴友李某攀登少室山,下山途中不慎滑落坠入20多米深的峡谷。

[Zhengzhou evening news]-(Reporter YuanJianLong ZhangYuDong correspondent ZhangChaoHui LiuHuiBin)January 19 morning,巩义 and years LvYou li mou climb mountain less room,Down the mountain on the way down carelessly fall more than twenty metres deep canyon.


Public security fire officers and soldiers/LvYou police and emergency rescue,Li mou was sent to the people's hospital of dengfeng city,Because of the injury is overweight rescue invalid death.


 救援现场 Rescue site

  他们几乎没带什么装备 They almost didn't bring any equipment


January 19 10 o 'clock in the morning and points,Dengfeng city public security bureau 110 command center received alarm,In the morning,巩义 more than twenty LvYou name,To meet the three village scenic spot play.Step to the three village JiangJunMiao when reckoned,Heavy fog is cloudy,Low visibility,A name is lee's LvYou careless slip,Slipped more than twenty meters deep,The head and leg was hurt,Situation very critical.


12 o 'clock at noon in,Dengfeng city public security bureau fire brigade and the big store police station police speeding to the three village reckoned based,Immediately went to rescue.


"He fell into a about twenty meters canyon,Head hurt,Revealing the bones,Shed a lot of blood.His companions simple bandaged his injured area."Big store police station deputy director WangYaSong said,Li mou is gongyi back to guo town people,This year and years,In the morning,Li mou attended back to guo town called a outdoor club LvYou mountaineering activities.


Rescue workers struggling to rescue,Save the valley area."Down the hill nowadays up snow grains,Very cold,You broke out in a sweat."WangYaSong said.


At half past three in the afternoon,Li mou was sent to hospital.On the afternoon of December and January,Dengfeng city people's hospital ZhangGongJie doctors confirmed,Li mou has died from his injuries rescue invalid death.


Senior LvYou dengfeng"I saw you walking in the rain"Very sorry:"On the day when I went up to the mountain,With a rope and a knife.We climb is less room mountain heaven dressing,They climb mountain far from our steep."


For li mou misfortune,"I saw you walking in the rain"said:"the,Their party is free climbing,In under the condition of unknown line,Rushed along,Is the cause of the accident."


The climbing,Is the back to guo town a outdoor shop called launched,A lot of LvYou is"The new ass",Do not have some common sense and outdoor climbing a mountain climbing.these"The new ass"Almost didn't bring any equipment.


冬季三皇寨积雪难消 The three winter snow village to disappear

  天气变化无常 The weather is changeable


In order to avoid tourists and LvYou in songshan come to a bad end,Songshan scenic area management committee in the weather banned visitors and LvYou mountaineering.


The three village in scenic spot,Winter snow mountain village the three little room to disappear,The weather is changeable,It snows at any time,Hiking trails difficult journey,When the people in danger has potential,"Once the heavy snow,Even the road can not find,Consequence is unimaginable."


Dengfeng of heaven and earth""The"After the success,Traveled to sightseeing tourists grows day by day,Mountaineering adventure of LvYou is in an endless stream.In recent years,Songshan recurrent visitors climbing distress/Labyrinth event,Investigate its reason,Is far from hiking trails and choose remote/narrow"Donkey way",Even to develop a new style.


Dengfeng city public security fire brigade ChenYaHui remind,Songshan recurrent distress events,Investigate its reason,Human factors of main ingredients,The neglect of all safety is to ignore the life.


Not wear a charge clothes can call"LvYou"

  半岛都市报讯 1月19日6时,经过怀柔警方、民间救援组织9个小时搜救,在青龙峡附近野山中迷路的5名驴友获救脱险。(1月20日《新京报》)

Peninsula metropolis daily - on January 19, 6,After huairou police/Folk rescue organization 9 hours of search and rescue,The black dragon canyon in near got lost in the wild five LvYou rescued escape.(1 month and day[The Beijing news])


In Beijing the five LvYou saved when the,Henan 巩义 a and old men LvYou climb songshan slide drop cliff,After the hospital bled to death.Such tragedy and many.Chinese mountaineering association mountaineering outdoor sports accident investigation team designed[Mainland China mountaineering outdoor sports accident report]display,In 2007, mountaineering and outdoor sports killed 29 people;2008 victims for twenty people;In 2009,,The victims increased to 44 people.According to Chinese mountaineering association incomplete statistics,Between 2001 and 2011,China's outdoor sports a total of 220 people died.

  屡屡发生的"驴友"意外事故都有共同肇因:一是驴友对"驴行"中的突发风险估计不足 、疏于防范。做"驴友"是件很专业的事情,需要专业仪器,需要野外求生技能,需要详细的地图……但不少"驴友"以为"驴友=旅游",参加户外运动仅仅是为了"好玩"和"刺激","除了勇气什么都没有"。二是相当一部分俱乐部的运作并不规范,有的甚至就是在家里摆上一张办公桌,既没有专业的户外运动指导人员,也缺乏专业运动器材,无力为团队提供专业安全保障。

Repeatedly happened"LvYou"Accidents are a common cause:One is to LvYou"Donkey line"The sudden lack of risk assessment /Slackened prevention.do"LvYou"Is a very professional things,Need professional instrument,Need field survival skill,Need detailed map……But many"LvYou"thought"LvYou = tourism",In taking part in out-door sports only to"fun"and"stimulus","In addition to the courage to nothing".The second is quite part of the club's operation is not standard,Some even at home on a desk,Neither professional outdoor sports instructors,Also the lack of professional sports equipment,For the team to provide professional security.

  大自然的魅力总在奇绝处,户外运动有很大的挑战性和刺激性,属于极限和亚极限运动。所以,国外许多景区都会设置一些登山小屋,屋内物资设施齐备,可用做登山者避险之用,有些景区还设置有专职的攀登巡守,为登山者提供及时的帮助。同时 ,许多国家对自助探险旅游活动的参与者进行进入许可 ,并按照旅游地的风险等级来要求参与者的资质条件、设备配备条件等,从而约束旅游者的个人英雄主义行为。

The charm of nature are always determined place,Outdoor sports have a lot of challenging and irritation,Belong to the limit and the extreme sports.so,Many foreign scenic spot will be set some mountain hut,The house supplies equipment is complete,Can be used as a hedge of climbers,Some scenic spot also set a full-time XunShou climb,For the climbers to provide timely help.At the same time ,Many countries the self-service adventure tourism activities of participants admission ,According to the tourism risk level to ask the participant's qualifications/Configuration conditions, etc,Thus bound tourists personal heroism behavior.


The real meaning of outdoor sports,The challenge is not in nature,Beyond the physical limit,But in the win over an excessive expansion.Can pass the movement to realize natural powerful,And then to the power of human beings to have an accurate positioning,Produce a fear of natural heart,This is the most important."This year"Pseudo donkey"Too much."A senior LvYou said,"Who can organize activities?Qualification how to judge?Tens of thousands of yuan to buy equipment or paid, the so-called appraisal cost is called have aptitude?In this anyone can claim to LvYou age,Most people in fact and all still the ignorant."

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