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男子被骆驼咬碎颅骨 抢救无效死亡--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


Yesterday when almost 17,A man bitten by because the camel,Was sent to central hospital.The doctor said the man bitten broken skull,After about three hours after the rescue invalid death.

  男子姓孙,今年50岁,是被人雇用养骆驼的,地点在甘井子区牧城驿。“我当时在看病嘛,看到一个人血呼啦的就进来了,然后就打听是怎么回事,送他来的人说是被骆驼咬着了。”当时也在市中心医院就诊的朱先生称。“有人被骆驼咬着了”的消息在医院内很快就传播开来,据当时在急诊室外等待的一名患者家属称,大家都非常好奇,因为大连是不产骆驼的,除了在动物园,平时也很少能见到。此外大家也都对骆驼不太了解,不知道其还会咬人,所以很多人都在打听和猜测,骆驼怎么会咬人。“这个我们也不知道,送他来的都是他的工友朋友啥的,没有家属,当时也挺忙的,就没问这些。 ”医院的一名医护人员称,18时许,送这名男子来医院的人就全部离开了急诊室。一名急诊室值班医生称,男子是昨日近17时送到医院,经检查其被骆驼咬碎了颅骨,经过约3个小时的抢救,可惜抢救无效死亡。

Man named sun,Fifty years old this year,Was hired to raise the camels,The location of the GanJingZiOu animal husbandry city inn."I was a doctor,,See a person's blood shout came in,Then ask what is the row,Send him to people said it was biting the camels."At that time, in the heart of the city hospital Mr Zhu said."Someone was biting the camels"News within hospital spread quickly,According to was in the emergency room waiting for a patient family members,You are very curious,Because of dalian is not production of camels,In addition to the zoo,Usually also rarely see.In addition we also don't know for the camel,Don't know its bite,So a lot of people are about and guess,Camels can bite."This we also don't know,Send him is his workmate friends what of,No family,At that time also pretty busy,Haven't ask these. "Hospital of a medical researchers said,And at about,Send the man to the hospital they all left the emergency room.An emergency room doctor says on duty,Man is nearly 17 yesterday when sent to hospital,Through the check the camel bite the skull,After about three hours of the rescue,But rescue invalid death.


It is understood,SunXing man was hired in after raising three camels,And not a native,So families can't get there in time.Online presentation,After training and appropriate management of camels temper like a lamb,But it is also a very,Especially in March.When anger mouth spray saliva,And will bite/kicking,dangerous.


SunXing man keep camels why angry,And why the bitten,There are no insider detailed description.At present related matters are further treatment of.(Peninsula morning paper reporter yellow-bright infusion)
